Inov4Agro Scholarship Researchers’ Day

Second edition to be held in Vairão, Vila do Conde

Deadline for registration and abstract submission is July 31st, 2024.

This event is intended for all scholarship holders from GreenUPorto and CITAB - Centro de Investigação e Tecnologias Agroambientais e Biológicas.

The participation is free of charge and includes coffee-break, lunch, and a shuttle service to Mindelo Metro station at the end of the day.  A book of abstracts will be prepared and published after the event. You can communicate your work as an oral presentation, pitch, or poster.

Please download the abstract template and submit your abstract by e-mail to:

Location: CIBIO - Vairão, Vila do Conde

Start date: Monday, 07th October 2024

End date: Monday, 30th November -0001