Board of Directors
Scientific Council
The Scientific Council (SC) is composed by all integrated members.
Executive Committee
External Advisory Committee
An External Advising Committee with 4 international members of highly recognised status in our scientific fields that meet every other year to assess the progress of the work and give suggestions for improving the quality of our science.
David Lindsay
Formerly Head of Food Research in the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries & Food, Chief Scientist’s Group. London UK. Independent Consultant
United Kingdom
Isabel Pardo Gamundi
University of Vigo
Department of Ecology and Animal Biology
Marco Bindi
University of Florence
Department of Agriculture, Food, Environment and Forestry (DAGRI)
Uta Berger
Technische Universität Dresden
Faculty of Environmental Sciences
Stakeholders Committee
CITAB relies on the advice of a Stakeholders Committee comprising key stakeholders from the private and public sector and meets with the Directorate and ExCo periodically, to assess overall results and activities and lay down guidelines for the future.
António Graça
Member of ADVID - Vine and Wine Cluster
Luís Rochartre Álvares
Partner & Head of Sustainability at Unobvious Solutions
Tiago Silva Pinto
Centro Nacional de Competências para as Alterações Climáticas do Setor Agroflorestal, CNCACSA
e Associação Nacional de Produtores de Milho e Sorgo, ANPROMIS
Carlos Ribeiro
Laboratório da Paisagem
Braz Costa
Centro Tecnológico das Indústrias Têxtil e do Vestuário de Portugal CITEVE and Centro de Nanotecnologia e Materiais Técnicos Funcionais e Inteligentes CENTI
Gonçalo Andrade
Portugal Fresh
Francisco Pavão
Associação de Proteção Integrada de Trás os Montes e Alto Douro (APPITAD)