Conceded patents since 2018

Nano-hybrid technology: Efficient pesticide formulations based on hybrid nanocarriers (116935)

Patent nº /  116935

Concession date / 2023-02-20

Researchers / Amélia Silva

Functionalized aqueous product with an extract of male flowers of castanea sativa mill. with hypocholesterolemic properties (115638)

Patent nº /  115638

Concession date / 2021-10-06

Researchers / Paula Oliveira

Lipocerous medium for in vitro plant growth (110690)

Patent nº /  110690

Concession date / 2021-04-19

Researchers / Fernanda Santos

Femoral pronator in dogs (110720)

Patent nº /  110720

Concession date / 2021-08-10

Researchers / Bruno Colaço

Device to determine the risk of occurrence of mildew in productive rows (116205)

Patent nº /  116205

Concession date / 2023-01-13

Biodegradable Container for Horticulture and Process for Manufacture Thereof (European Patent EP 3 888 448 A1)

Patent nº /  European Patent EP 3 888 448 A1

Concession date / 2022-08-24

Researchers / Margarida Marques

Process to increase the content of anthocyanins and total polyphenols in red wine (116211)

Patent nº /  116211

Concession date / 2022-08-31

Researchers / , Virgílio Costa , Rupesh Singh

Microbial biofertilizer formulation (116424)

Patent nº /  116424

Concession date / 2022-11-30

Researchers / Guilhermina Marques

Portable device and method of operation there of for analyzing salt content in food (EP3986220)

Patent nº /  3986220

Concession date / 2022-01-13

Researchers / Carla Gonçalves

Dosing Device and Method of Operating the Dosing Device (WO 2020/255070 A1)

Patent nº /  255070

Concession date / 2022-01-11

Researchers / Carla Gonçalves

Control and operating system for the aging of fortified, still and late harvest wines, spirits and vinegars (WO 2021/229277 A1)

Patent nº /  229277

Concession date / 2021-01-18

Researchers / Emanuel Correia

Device and method for dispersing food additives in powder or grain form (PPP0198 – INPI 20211000015906)

Patent nº /  2147483647

Concession date / 2021-04-23

Researchers / Carla Gonçalves

Methodology to determine locations of systems for rainwater harvesting in hydrographic basins (INPI 19398016.6 – 1222)

Patent nº /  19398016

Concession date / 2020-03-13

Protective Medium for Gelling-Based Culture Media (109038)

Patent nº /  109038

Concession date / 2019-09-09

Researchers / Fernanda Santos

Recipiente Biodegradável para horticultura e seu processo de produção

Patent nº /  PT 116198 B

Concession date / 2022-04-28

Researchers / Margarida Marques

Process for wine aging using grape stems as an ecological alternative

Patent nº /  EP3835401A1

Concession date /

Researchers / Ana Barros , Irene Gouvinhas