MULTI-CRASH - Multidimensional ecological cascades triggered by an invasive species in pristine habitats
Biological invasions are responsible for multiple effects on ecosystems, affecting species interactions and various ecological processes. Predicting and managing the impacts of biological invasions on communities and ecosystems depends on the ability to empirically characterize complex biological interactions at appropriate spatial and temporal scales. However, successful predictions of the effects of invasive non-native species depend on our ability to quantify these impacts in terms of biodiversity dynamics and ecosystem functioning, which makes overall assessment very complicated, as data acquisition can be methodologically demanding. In addition, it is rarely known whether non-native species are "drivers" of observed ecological changes over time or only "transient" in response to other global factors (e.g. climate change, pollution) . Finally, increasing evidence suggests that the effects of non-native species may affect other ecosystems not directly invaded (e.g., impacts of aquatic non-native species may spread to adjacent terrestrial ecosystems. This project will assess the multi-trophic, multi-dimensional ecological impacts mediated by a non-native species in pristine areas.
Project Details
Start date
January 2022
36 months
Funding Entity
Total Financing
CITAB/UTAD Financing
Responsible institution
Universidade do Minho
Associação BIOPOLIS
CIIMAR - Centro Interdisciplinar de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental
Instituto Politécnico de Bragança