SCOPUS - Indexed publications
Book / Book Chapters
Other Publications
Curcumin and Rutin Down-regulate Cyclooxygenase-2 and Reduce Tumor-associated Inflammation in HPV16-Transgenic Mice.
(2018)Curcumin and Rutin Down-regulate Cyclooxygenase-2 and Reduce Tumor-associated Inflammation in HPV16-Transgenic Mice.Anticancer Research38:1461-1466.doi: 10.21873/anticanres.12371.(Impact factor, Quartile: 1.865, Q4).
Damaging flood severity assessment in Northern Portugal over more than 150 years (1865-2016).
(2018)Damaging flood severity assessment in Northern Portugal over more than 150 years (1865-2016).Natural Hazards91(3):983-1002.doi: 10.1007/s11069-017-3166-y.(Impact factor, Quartile: 1.901, Q3).
Detecting the presence-absence of bluefin tuna by automated analysis of medium-range sonars on fishing vessels.
(2018)Detecting the presence-absence of bluefin tuna by automated analysis of medium-range sonars on fishing vessels.PLOS ONE12(2):e0171382.doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0171382.(Impact factor, Quartile: 2.766, Q1).
Determination of mode II cohesive law of bovine cortical bone using direct and inverse methods.
(2018)Determination of mode II cohesive law of bovine cortical bone using direct and inverse methods.International Journal Of Mechanical Sciences138:448-456.doi: 10.1016/j.ijmecsci.2018.02.009.(Impact factor, Quartile: 3.57, Q1).
Determination of the crack resistance curve for intralaminar fiber tensile failure mode in polymer composites under high rate loading.
(2018)Determination of the crack resistance curve for intralaminar fiber tensile failure mode in polymer composites under high rate loading.Composite Structures204:276-287.doi: 10.1016/j.compstruct.2018.07.039.(Impact factor, Quartile: 4.101, Q1).
Determination of the resistance-curve in Eucalyptus globulus through double cantilever beam tests.
(2018)Determination of the resistance-curve in Eucalyptus globulus through double cantilever beam tests.Materials And Structures51(3).doi: 10.1617/s11527-018-1209-9.(Impact factor, Quartile: 2.271, Q2).
Development of a flow injection analytical system for short chain amide determination based on a tubular bioreactor and an ammonium sensor.
(2018)Development of a flow injection analytical system for short chain amide determination based on a tubular bioreactor and an ammonium sensor.Analyst143(16):3859-3866.doi: 10.1039/c8an00699g.(Impact factor, Quartile: 3.864, Q1).
Development, characterization, antioxidant and hepatoprotective properties of poly(epsilon-caprolactone) nanoparticles loaded with a neuroprotective fraction of Hypericum perforatum.
(2018)Development, characterization, antioxidant and hepatoprotective properties of poly(epsilon-caprolactone) nanoparticles loaded with a neuroprotective fraction of Hypericum perforatum.International Journal Of Biological Macromolecules110:185-196.doi: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2017.10.103.(Impact factor, Quartile: 3.909, Q1).
Diagnosis on Transport Risk Based on a Combined Assessment of Road Accidents and Watershed Vulnerability to Spills of Hazardous Substances.
(2018)Diagnosis on Transport Risk Based on a Combined Assessment of Road Accidents and Watershed Vulnerability to Spills of Hazardous Substances.International Journal Of Environmental Research And Public Health15(9):41640.doi: 10.3390/ijerph15092011.(Impact factor, Quartile: 2.145, Q2).
Die‐offs of the endangered pearl mussel Margaritifera margaritifera during na extreme drought.
(2018)Die‐offs of the endangered pearl mussel Margaritifera margaritifera during na extreme drought.AQUATIC CONSERVATION-MARINE AND FRESHWATER ECOSYSTEMS28:00:00:1244-1248.doi: 10.1002/aqc.2945.(Impact factor, Quartile: 2.988, Q2).
Different mechanisms of the metalliferous Zygophyllum fabago shoots and roots to cope with Pb toxicity.
(2018)Different mechanisms of the metalliferous Zygophyllum fabago shoots and roots to cope with Pb toxicity.Environmental Science And Pollution Research25:1319-1330.doi: 10.1007/s11356-017-0505-1.(Impact factor, Quartile: 2.8, Q2).
Discrimination between rival laccase inhibition models from data sets with one inhibitor concentration using a penalized likelihood analysis and Akaike weights.
(2018)Discrimination between rival laccase inhibition models from data sets with one inhibitor concentration using a penalized likelihood analysis and Akaike weights.Biocatalysis And Biotransformation36(5):401-407.doi: 10.1080/10242422.2018.1425401.(Impact factor, Quartile: 1.06, Q4).
Does habitat heterogeneity affect the diversity of epigaeic arthropods in vineyards?
(2018)Does habitat heterogeneity affect the diversity of epigaeic arthropods in vineyards?Agricultural And Forest Entomology20(3):366-379.doi: 10.1111/afe.12270.(Impact factor, Quartile: 1.49, Q2).
Durability of bond in NSM CFRP-concrete systems under different environmental conditions.
(2018)Durability of bond in NSM CFRP-concrete systems under different environmental conditions.Composites Part B-Engineering138:19-34.doi: 10.1016/j.compositesb.2017.11.022.(Impact factor, Quartile: 4.92, Q1).
Dynamic joint stiffness of the ankle in healthy and rheumatoid arthritis post-menopausal women.
(2018)Dynamic joint stiffness of the ankle in healthy and rheumatoid arthritis post-menopausal women.Gait & Posture60:225-234.doi: 10.1016/j.gaitpost.2017.12.008.(Impact factor, Quartile: 2.273, Q2).
Dysregulation of cellular microRNAs by human oncogenic viruses - Implications for tumorigenesis.
(2018)Dysregulation of cellular microRNAs by human oncogenic viruses - Implications for tumorigenesis.Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta-Gene Regulatory Mechanisms1861(2):95-105.doi: 10.1016/j.bbagrm.2018.01.017.(Impact factor, Quartile: 5.179, Q1).
Early-warning biomarkers to assess the exposure to atrazine in sea lamprey downstream migrants.
(2018)Early-warning biomarkers to assess the exposure to atrazine in sea lamprey downstream migrants.ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS95:1108-1117.doi: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2017.08.063.(Impact factor, Quartile: 3.983, Q1).
Ecomorphology of stomata in temperate ferns under contrasting environments
(2018)Ecomorphology of stomata in temperate ferns under contrasting environmentsIn: Fernández, H. (eds) Current Advances in Fern Research. Springer, Switzerland22:467-480.ISBN: 978-3-319-75102-3.
Effect of lignocellulosic and phenolic compounds on ammonia, nitric oxide and greenhouse gas emissions during composting.
(2018)Effect of lignocellulosic and phenolic compounds on ammonia, nitric oxide and greenhouse gas emissions during composting.Journal Of Cleaner Production17:548-55.doi: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2017.10.050.(Impact factor, Quartile: 5.651, Q1).
Effects of Agronomic Management and Climate on Leaf Phenolic Profiles, Disease Severity, and Grain Yield in Organic and Conventional Wheat Production Systems.
(2018)Effects of Agronomic Management and Climate on Leaf Phenolic Profiles, Disease Severity, and Grain Yield in Organic and Conventional Wheat Production Systems.JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURE AND FOOD CHEMISTRY66(40):10369–10379.doi: 10.1021/acs.jafc.8b02626.(Impact factor, Quartile: 3.412, Q1).
Effects of animal species and diet composition on long-chain alcohol faecal recoveries and accuracy of subsequent diet composition estimates.
(2018)Effects of animal species and diet composition on long-chain alcohol faecal recoveries and accuracy of subsequent diet composition estimates.Grass And Forage Science73(2):355-367.doi: 10.1111/gfs.12317.(Impact factor, Quartile: 1.574, Q2).
Effects of crown architecture and stand structure on light absorption in mixed and monospecific Fagus sylvatica and Pinus sylvestris forests along a productivity and climate gradient through Europe.
(2018)Effects of crown architecture and stand structure on light absorption in mixed and monospecific Fagus sylvatica and Pinus sylvestris forests along a productivity and climate gradient through Europe.Journal Of Ecology106(2):746-760.doi: 10.1111/1365-2745.12803.(Impact factor, Quartile: 5.172, Q1).
Effects of heat stress in the leaf mitotic cell cycle and chromosomes of four wine-producing grapevine varieties.
(2018)Effects of heat stress in the leaf mitotic cell cycle and chromosomes of four wine-producing grapevine varieties.Protoplasma:16-Jan.doi: 10.1007/s00709-018-1267-4.(Impact factor, Quartile: 2.457, Q2).
Effects of Pre- and Post-Harvest, Technological and Cooking Treatments on Phenolic Compounds of the Most Important Cultivated Vegetables of the Genus Allium.
(2018)Effects of Pre- and Post-Harvest, Technological and Cooking Treatments on Phenolic Compounds of the Most Important Cultivated Vegetables of the Genus Allium.IN: Petropoulos, S.A., Ferreira, I.C.F.R., Barros, L. (eds) PHYTOCHEMICALS IN VEGETABLES: A VALUABLE SOURCE OF BIOACTIVE COMPOUNDS:40-73.ISBN: 978-1-68108-740-5.doi: 10.2174/9781681087399118010002.
Effects of seasonal variation, group size and sex on the activity budget and diet composition of the addax antelope.
(2018)Effects of seasonal variation, group size and sex on the activity budget and diet composition of the addax antelope.AFRICAN JOURNAL OF RANGE & FORAGE SCIENCE35(2):89-100.doi: 10.2989/10220119.2018.1477831.(Impact factor, Quartile: 0.879, Q4).
Elucidating potential utilization of Portuguese common bean varieties in rice based processed foods.
(2018)Elucidating potential utilization of Portuguese common bean varieties in rice based processed foods.Journal Of Food Science And Technology-Mysore55(3):1056-1064.doi: 10.1007/s13197-017-3019-4.(Impact factor, Quartile: 1.797, Q2).
Empirical Modeling of Fire Spread Rate in No-Wind and No-Slope Conditions.
(2018)Empirical Modeling of Fire Spread Rate in No-Wind and No-Slope Conditions.Forest Science64(4):358-370.doi: 10.1093/forsci/fxy002.(Impact factor, Quartile: 1.364, Q3).
Entomopathogenic fungi in Portuguese vineyards soils: suggesting a 'Galleria-Tenebrio-bait method' as bait-insects Galleria and Tenebrio significantly underestimate the respective recoveries of Metarhizium (robertsii) and Beauveria (bassiana).
(2018)Entomopathogenic fungi in Portuguese vineyards soils: suggesting a 'Galleria-Tenebrio-bait method' as bait-insects Galleria and Tenebrio significantly underestimate the respective recoveries of Metarhizium (robertsii) and Beauveria (bassiana).Mycokeys38:23-Jan.doi: 10.3897/mycokeys.38.26970.(Impact factor, Quartile: 3.269, Q2).
Environmental Analysis of Waste-to-Energy-A Portuguese Case Study.
(2018)Environmental Analysis of Waste-to-Energy-A Portuguese Case Study.Energies11(3).doi: 10.3390/en11030548.(Impact factor, Quartile: 2.676, Q2).
Equipamentos para a educação ambiental: um caminho de sustentabilidade no interior Norte e Centro de Portugal Continental.
(2018)Equipamentos para a educação ambiental: um caminho de sustentabilidade no interior Norte e Centro de Portugal Continental.In: Marques, Margarida C. (Coord.). UTAD, Vila Real, Portugal:pp. 225.ISBN: 978-989-704-358-1.