Name: Ana Isabel Marques Monteiro
Aggregation: PhD Collaborator
Scopus author ID: 57222048002
Orcid ID:
Ciência Vitae: 7615-606F-C58A
Research Groups
Biochemical analysis of three red grapevine varieties during three phenological periods grown under Mediterranean climate conditions
Silicon, An Emergent Strategy to Lighten the Effects of (A)Biotic Stresses on Crops: A Review
Strategies for achieving the sustainable development goals across the wine chain: a review
Assessment of bud fruitfulness of three grapevine varieties grown in northwest Portugal
Biochemical Changes in Vitis vinifera Buds between Dormancy and Forced Bursting: A Case Study of Three Portuguese White Varieties
Morphology, physiology and analysis techniques of grapevine bud fruitfulness: A review
INTERACT - Integrative Research in Environment, Agro-Chains and Technology
Coordinator / Rui Cortes
Start date / 2016/05
Funding / NORTE2020
Reference / NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000017