Manuel Fernandes Ferreira PhD Collaborator


Name: Manuel Fernandes Ferreira

Aggregation: PhD Collaborator

Orcid ID: 0000-0003-3703-0564



Satureja montana L. essential oil, montmorillonite and nanoformulation reduce Xanthomonas euvesicatoria infection, modulating redox and hormonal pathways of tomato plants
Oliveira-Pinto P.R., Mariz-Ponte N., Torres A., Tavares F., Fernandes-Ferreira M., Sousa R.M., Santos C., (2022) Satureja montana L. essential oil, montmorillonite and nanoformulation reduce Xanthomonas euvesicatoria infection, modulating redox and hormonal pathways of tomato plants Scientia Horticulturae 295 (110861). doi: 10.1016/j.scienta.2021.110861.

Bioactivity of some Apiaceae essential oils and their constituents against Sitophilus zeamais (Coleoptera: Curculionidae)
Rosa J.S., Oliveira L., Sousa R.M.O.F., Escobar C.B., Fernandes-Ferreira M., (2020) Bioactivity of some Apiaceae essential oils and their constituents against Sitophilus zeamais (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) Bulletin of Entomological Research 110 :406-416. ISSN: 14752670. doi: 10.1017/S0007485319000774.

Molluscicidal activity of four Apiaceae essential oils against the freshwater snail Radix peregra.
Sousa, RMOF, Rosa, JS, Cunha, AC, Fernandes-Ferreira, M (2017) Molluscicidal activity of four Apiaceae essential oils against the freshwater snail Radix peregra. Journal Of Pest Science 90 :971-984. ISSN: 1612-4758. doi: 10.1007/s10340-017-0842-3. (Impact factor, Quartile: 3.728, Q1).


EOIS-CropProt - Essential oils, infusions, and silicon in crop protection. A study using tomato plants, as a model, to disclose the biopesticides induced defense mechanisms of plants, through an omics approach

Coordinator  /  Manuel Ferreira
Start date  /  2018/08 Funding  /  FCT - FEDER Reference  /  POCI-01-0145-FEDER-031131

Creation of Research Capacities to Increase the Competitiveness of Northern Portugal Agro-Food Companies: Added-Value Co-Products

Coordinator  /  Eduardo Rosa UTAD/CITAB Coordinator  /  Eduardo Rosa
Start date  /  2013/01 Funding  /  European Commission Reference  /  AgriCoProd FP7-REGPOT-2012-2013-1

Valorização do Arboreto da Escola Secundária de Barcelos (Acrónimo: VA-ESB)

Coordinator  /  Manuel Ferreira
Start date  /  2009/09 Reference  /  VA-ESB - Microprojecto Ciência Viva

New bio-products and technologies for valorization of Hypericum species (HypericumBiotech)

Coordinator  /  Manuel Fernandes Ferreira UTAD/CITAB Coordinator  /  Manuel Ferreira
Start date  /  2008/01 Funding  /  FCT Reference  /  PTDC/AGR-AAM/70418/2006