WASTELESS - Waste Quantification Solutions to Limit Environmental Stress
The WASTELESS project will develop and test a mix of innovative tools and methodologies for Food Loss and Waste (FLW) measurement and monitoring. A bottom-up approach will be followed: starting from defining an harmonised methodological framework and set of standards for the testing activities, the evaluation of the tools implementation and the quality and integrability of the data produced in other frameworks and finally recommend sustainable policies and business strategies to set the ground for a harmonised Framework at EU level. Additionally to the measurement and monitoring tools, WASTELESS will carry research activities on innovative processes and streams to valorise unavoidable FLW. With the ambition to make existing FLW quantification solutions and WASTELESS ones usable by all food actors, it will be developed a Decision Support Toolbox for any stakeholders to access to the most appropriate methodology, digital tools and solutions for FLW valorisation all that aggregated with the Environmental and Socio-Economic impact associated to the implementation of the solutions. This will enable the replication of data collection hubs accross Europe feeding the model developed by JRC with robust, reliable and comparable FLW data.
Project Details
Grant Agreement n.º 101084222
Start date
January 2023
36 months
Funding Entity
European Commission
Total Financing
CITAB/UTAD Financing
Responsible institution
Associação Colab4food - Laboratório Colaborativo Para Inovação Da Indústria Agroalimentar (COLAB4FOOD)
Asociacion Para La Investigacion Desarrollo e Innovacion Del Sector Agroalimentario - Aidisa (CTIC CITA)
Conservas Hijos De Manuel Sanchez Basarte Sa, (GVTARRA)
Uve, S.A (UVESA)
Hacettepe Universitesi (HACETTEPE)
Union Europeenne Du Commerce De La Pomme De Terre (EUROPATAT)
Iseki-Food (IFA)
Syddansk Universitet (SDU)
Spread European Safety and Sustainability Geie (Spes Geie)
Federazione Italiana Dell Industriaalimentare Associazione (FEDERALIMENTARE)
Association Nationale Des Industries Alimentaires (ANIA)
Federação Das Indústrias Portuguesas Agro-Alimentares (FIPA)
Federacion Espanola de Industrias de la Alimentacion Y Bebidas (FIAB)
Syndesmos Ellinikon Viomichanion Trofimon Somateio (SEVT)
Tuerkiye Suet Et Gida Sanayicileri Ve Uereticileri Birligi Dernegi (SETBIR)
Gospodarska Zbornica Slovenije (GZS)
Lebensmittelversuchsanstalt (LVA)
Potravinarska Komora Ceske Republiky (PKCR - FFDI)
European Food Information Ressource Aisbl (EUROFIR)
Turisztikai Es Vendeglato Munkaadok Orszagos Szovetsege (VIMOSZ)
Wiise Srl (WIISE)
Institut Jozef Stefan (JSI)
Fazla Gida Anonim Sirketi (Fazla Gida)
Tartu Bt Park Ou (TARTU Bt PARK)
Aitown S.R.L. (AITOWN)
Allatorvostudomanyi Egyetem (UVMB)
Instituto Superior de Agronomia (ISA)