CITAB's research awarded by Crédito Agrícola Entrepreneurship and Innovation prize
Project "GO Efluents" won the 1st prize on the 7th ed. of the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Award by Crédito Agrícola

Henrique Trindade is the coordinator at CITAB/UTAD of the "GO Efluentes" project - Livestock effluents: strategic approach towards agronomic and energetic valorization of flows in the farming activity, which won the 1st prize on the category "Partnership Innovation: Operational Groups" on the 7th edition of the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Award by Crédito Agrícola, with a monetary prize of 5.000€. This project, in partnership with INIAV, aims at a "strategic approach to the energetic valorisation of the flows generated in the livestock activity, ensuring sustainable development at regional/national level and reducing the exploitation of natural resources through recycling".
There were 12 finalist projects out of a total of 238 applications at national level, and CITAB was also present with the EcoBeewax project, which aims to "use beeswax, a by-product of the hive, for the production of a preservative film. to wrap and preserve food, with the aim of being an ecological and sustainable alternative to cling film, plastic bags with zips and aluminum foils ". Watch the video at