Research challenges for CITAB in 2025-2029
An open event for discussing CITAB's future research strategies

Several CITAB researchers will be speakers

Econutri workshop on Innovative Solutions for Sustainable...
Event takes place in online format

Encontro Ibérico da Água - Criar Pontes nos Serviços d...
Evento decorre em Lisboa

Co-compostagem de Lamas de ETAR com Biorresíduos do Trat...
Apresentação do livro acontece em Carrazeda de Ansiães

International Conference on Graphics and Interaction (ICGI)
CITAB is one of the event's partners

Researcher Paula Oliveira is one of the speakers
Event on “Scientific research and advances in the fight against cancer”

Advanced Wine Analysis Technique - International Seminar
Margherita Modesti is the Invited Speaker

CITAB International Seminar on Innovation for Resilient E...
Researchers from China and Morocco will take part in the event