Inov4Agro Open Day

Results obtained by the different working groups (7 value chains) will be presented

The Inov4Agro Associate Laboratory (, which brings together the Research & Development units CITAB and GreenUPorto, has promoted a close dialogue with stakeholders from the leading agricultural value chains in the North region.

The goal has been to identify main challenges & opportunities for research and collaboration to strengthen knowledge transfer and training of socioeconomic agents. As a result of this interaction, 7 value chains were identified, for which there is recognized scientific and technical competence within the scope of the Associated Laboratory. At Inov4Agro Open Day, results obtained by the different working groups will be presented and complemented by a discussion extended to all interested researchers, stakeholders & decision-makers.

This is also an opportunity to identify synergies between Inov4Agro and stakeholders, enhancing the medium and long-term sustainability of the Associated Laboratory's research activities in the service of the valorization and sustainability of agricultural value chains & the national economy.