PhD thesis co-supervided by CITAB distinguished in Brazil with Honorable Mention
Reinaldo Cajaiba developed part oh his PhD work in CITAB, which has been recently recognized by CAPES (from Brazi) as one of the best PhD thesis in 2019, among 1140 candidates.

Reinaldo Cajaiba's PhD thesis, entitled "Soil beetles assemblages as ecological indicators in the neotropics: Implications for ecosystem conservation and restoration" (2018) was awarded with the Honorable Mention by CAPES Annual Awards Edition (Brazilian Coordination of Superior Level Staff Improvement), among 1140 candidates. Reinaldo was supervised by Professor Eduardo Périco, from the University of Univates (Brazil) and Professor Mário Gabriel Santos, from CITAB/UTAD.
Each year, CAPES selects the best doctoral thesis in 49 scientific areas of research, In the 2019's edition, 93 works received the Honorable Mention and the final three finalists/winners will be annouced in November 2019.