Students and researchers from the Royal College of Art in London visited CITAB

A short documentary on the problems of pollution and anthropogenic impacts in the Douro River Basin will be prepared for exhibition during the 25th Bienal Fotografia do Porto in May 2025, and the Royal College of Art exhibition will take place at Fundação Marques da Silvia and will allow us to approach some emerging environmental problems in an artistic way (photo and video).
Some students and professors from the Royal College of Art in London visited some CITAB/UTAD facilities and laboratories on February 27th, namely the ecotoxicology laboratory, vivarium and LEFT, to prepare a short documentary on the problems of pollution and anthropogenic impacts in the Douro River Basin, highlighting the issue of toxics on the health of soil, water and fish with consequences for human health. The impact of toxics on aquatic ecosystems and some ecotoxicological tests carried out at UTAD were explained, namely in soil ecotoxicology using earthworms and in aquatic ecotoxicology using zebrafish as an emerging model, the problem of the impact of dams and intensive agriculture, pesticides and fertilizers on aquatic ecology and migratory fish in particular, highlighting the issue of invasive exotic fish species. 

This documentary will be shown during the 25th Bienal Fotografia do Porto in May 2025, and the Royal College of Art exhibition will take place at Fundação Marques da Silvia and will allow us to approach some emerging environmental problems in an artistic way (photo and video). This collaboration is part of CITAB's internationalization strategy and will make it possible to publicize some research activities that are carried out at CITAB, with the collaboration of a university that is a world reference. CITAB aims to keep this interaction between two seemingly distinct areas that can complement each other!

Start date: Monday, 30th November -0001

End date: Thursday, 27th February 2025