SCOPUS - Indexed publications
(2008)Endocrine J.55(4):639-650.
(2008)Environmental Monitoring and Assessment145:315-322.
(2008)J of Adhesion Sci. and Techn.,22(13):1565-1591.
(2008)J of Neuroscience Methods173:193-200.
(2008)Composites Part A: Applied Sci. and Manufact.39(2):415 - 427.
(2008)Physical Therapy in Sport9(1):16-24.
(2008)Annals of Forest Sci.:65-703.
(2008)Canadian J Forest Research38:1470-1477.
(2008)J of Neurosurgery 109:360-362.
(2008)J of Small Animal Practice49:641-646.
(2008)Acta Vet. Hung.56:303-312.
(2008)Tissue Eng. Part A14:979-993.
(2008)J of Sports Sciences26(1):3-21.
(2008)Applied Energy86(3):290-298.
(2008)J of Fish Biology73:1376-1392.
(2008)Computers and Electronics in Agric.62(2):94-106.
(2008)Computers and Electronics in Agric.64:120-132.
(2008)Eng. Fracture Mechanics75(13):3852 - 3865.
(2008)Int. J. of Production Research46(4):1163-1185.
(2008)Aslib Proceedings60(2):111-129.
(2008)J of Materials Processing Technology 204204:451-458.
(2008)Applied Math. Modelling32(7):1159-1178.
(2008)J OF SPORTS SCI. AND MEDICINE Vol 71:60-66.
(2008)J of Small Animal Practice49:371.
Development of a model system to predict wildfire behaviour in pine plantations.
(2008)Development of a model system to predict wildfire behaviour in pine plantations.Australian Forestry71:113-121.
Development of fuel models for fire behavior prediction in maritime pine (Pinus pinaster Ait.) stands.
(2008)Development of fuel models for fire behavior prediction in maritime pine (Pinus pinaster Ait.) stands.International Journal of Wildland Fire17:194-204.