
SCOPUS - Indexed publications



Evaluation of historical and future thermal conditions for almond trees in north-eastern Portugal
Freitas T.R., Santos J.A., Silva A.P., Fonseca A., Fraga H., (2023)Evaluation of historical and future thermal conditions for almond trees in north-eastern PortugalClimatic Change176(89).ISSN: 15731480.doi: 10.1007/s10584-023-03569-2.

Incorporating fire-smartness into agricultural policies reduces suppression costs and ecosystem services damages from wildfires
Lecina-Diaz J., Chas-Amil M.L., Aquilué N., Sil Â., Brotons L., Regos A., Touza J., (2023)Incorporating fire-smartness into agricultural policies reduces suppression costs and ecosystem services damages from wildfiresJournal of Environmental Management337(117707).ISSN: 10958630.doi: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2023.117707.

Longitudinal effects of ketamine on cell proliferation and death in the CNS of zebrafish
Santos C., Valentim A.M., Félix L., Balça-Silva J., Pinto M.L., (2023)Longitudinal effects of ketamine on cell proliferation and death in the CNS of zebrafishNeuroToxicology97:78-88.ISSN: 18729711.doi: 10.1016/j.neuro.2023.05.008.

Mapping the Most Susceptible Regions to Fire in Portugal
Ermitão T., Páscoa P., Trigo I., Alonso C., Gouveia C., (2023)Mapping the Most Susceptible Regions to Fire in PortugalFire6(254).ISSN: 25716255.doi: 10.3390/fire6070254.

Non-Invasive Biomarkers in Saliva and Eye Infrared Thermography to Assess the Stress Response of Calves during Transport
Lei M.C., Félix L., Cardoso R., Monteiro S.M., Silva S., Venâncio C., (2023)Non-Invasive Biomarkers in Saliva and Eye Infrared Thermography to Assess the Stress Response of Calves during TransportAnimals13(2311).ISSN: 20762615.doi: 10.3390/ani13142311.

Protective effects of 24-epibrassinolide against the 6-OHDA zebrafish model of Parkinson's disease
Gomes A., Monteiro S.M., Venâncio C., Félix L., (2023)Protective effects of 24-epibrassinolide against the 6-OHDA zebrafish model of Parkinson's diseaseComparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part - C: Toxicology and Pharmacology269(109630).ISSN: 18781659.doi: 10.1016/j.cbpc.2023.109630.

Revealing the Beauty Potential of Grape Stems: Harnessing Phenolic Compounds for Cosmetics
Serra M., Casas A., Teixeira J.A., Barros A.N., (2023)Revealing the Beauty Potential of Grape Stems: Harnessing Phenolic Compounds for CosmeticsInternational Journal of Molecular Sciences24(11751).ISSN: 14220067.doi: 10.3390/ijms241411751.

Reviewing the Adverse Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Measures on Almond Trees (Prunus dulcis)
Freitas T.R., Santos J.A., Silva A.P., Fraga H., (2023)Reviewing the Adverse Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Measures on Almond Trees (Prunus dulcis)Agriculture (Switzerland)13(1423).ISSN: 20770472.doi: 10.3390/agriculture13071423.

Screening of Chemical Composition, Antimicrobial and Antioxidant Activities in Pomegranate, Quince, and Persimmon Leaf, Peel, and Seed: Valorization of Autumn Fruits By-Products for a One Health Perspective
Silva V., Silva A., Ribeiro J., Aires A., Carvalho R., Amaral J.S., Barros L., Igrejas G., Poeta P., (2023)Screening of Chemical Composition, Antimicrobial and Antioxidant Activities in Pomegranate, Quince, and Persimmon Leaf, Peel, and Seed: Valorization of Autumn Fruits By-Products for a One Health PerspectiveAntibiotics12(1086).ISSN: 20796382.doi: 10.3390/antibiotics12071086.

Strategies for the Management of Aggressive Invasive Plant Species
Lorenzo P., Morais M.C., (2023)Strategies for the Management of Aggressive Invasive Plant SpeciesPlants12(2482).ISSN: 22237747.doi: 10.3390/plants12132482.

Streams in the Mediterranean Region are not for mussels: Predicting extinctions and range contractions under future climate change
da Silva J.P., Sousa R., Gonçalves D.V., Miranda R., Reis J., Teixeira A., Varandas S., Lopes-Lima M., Filipe A.F., (2023)Streams in the Mediterranean Region are not for mussels: Predicting extinctions and range contractions under future climate changeScience of the Total Environment883(163689).ISSN: 18791026.doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.163689.

The Drought Regime in Southern Africa: A Systematic Review
Chivangulula F.M., Amraoui M., Pereira M.G., (2023)The Drought Regime in Southern Africa: A Systematic ReviewClimate11(147).ISSN: 22251154.doi: 10.3390/cli11070147.

The effect of broadleaf forests in wildfire mitigation in the WUI – A simulation study
Oliveira A.S., Silva J.S., Guiomar N., Fernandes P., Nereu M., Gaspar J., Lopes R.F.R., Rodrigues J.P.C., (2023)The effect of broadleaf forests in wildfire mitigation in the WUI – A simulation studyInternational Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction93(103788).doi: 10.1016/j.ijdrr.2023.103788.

Unraveling the Effect of Fire Seasonality on Fire-Preferred Fuel Types and Dynamics in Alto Minho, Portugal (2000–2018)
Oliveira E., Fernandes P.M., Barros D., Guiomar N., (2023)Unraveling the Effect of Fire Seasonality on Fire-Preferred Fuel Types and Dynamics in Alto Minho, Portugal (2000–2018)Fire6(267).ISSN: 25716255.doi: 10.3390/fire6070267.

Vegetation recovery drivers at short-term after fire are plant community-dependent in mediterranean burned landscapes
Fernández-Guisuraga J.M., Fernandes P.M., Tárrega R., Beltrán-Marcos D., Calvo L., (2023)Vegetation recovery drivers at short-term after fire are plant community-dependent in mediterranean burned landscapesForest Ecology and Management539(121034).doi: 10.1016/j.foreco.2023.121034.

Anti-Inflammatory, Anti-Oxidative and Anti-Apoptotic Effects of Thymol and 24-Epibrassinolide in Zebrafish Larvae
Lanzarin G.A.B., Félix L.M., Monteiro S.M., Ferreira J.M., Oliveira P.A., Venâncio C., (2023)Anti-Inflammatory, Anti-Oxidative and Anti-Apoptotic Effects of Thymol and 24-Epibrassinolide in Zebrafish LarvaeAntioxidants12(1297).ISSN: 20763921.doi: 10.3390/antiox12061297.

Characterization of biophysical contexts leading to severe wildfires in Portugal and their environmental controls
Fernández-Guisuraga J.M., Martins S., Fernandes P.M., (2023)Characterization of biophysical contexts leading to severe wildfires in Portugal and their environmental controlsScience of the Total Environment875(162575).ISSN: 18791026.doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.162575.

Colonization in Artificial Seaweed Substrates: Two Locations, One Year
Carreira-Flores D., Neto R., Ferreira H.R.S., Cabecinha E., Díaz-Agras G., Rubal M., Gomes P.T., (2023)Colonization in Artificial Seaweed Substrates: Two Locations, One YearDiversity15(733).ISSN: 14242818.doi: 10.3390/d15060733.

Drinking-water isolated Delftia acidovorans selectively coaggregates with partner bacteria and facilitates multispecies biofilm development
Afonso A.C., Gomes I.B., Saavedra M.J., C. Simões L., Simões M., (2023)Drinking-water isolated Delftia acidovorans selectively coaggregates with partner bacteria and facilitates multispecies biofilm developmentScience of the Total Environment875(162646).ISSN: 18791026.doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.162646.

Effects of Glyphosate or Glyphosate-Based Herbicide during the Zebrafish Life Cycle: A Review Addressing the Mechanisms of Toxicity
Lanzarin G.A.B., Félix L.M., Fontaínhas-Fernandes A., Monteiro S.M., Venâncio C., (2023)Effects of Glyphosate or Glyphosate-Based Herbicide during the Zebrafish Life Cycle: A Review Addressing the Mechanisms of ToxicityWater (Switzerland)15(2276).ISSN: 20734441.doi: 10.3390/w15122276.

Estimation of Productivity and Above-Ground Biomass for Corn (Zea mays) via Vegetation Indices in Madeira Island
Macedo F.L., Nóbrega H., de Freitas J.G.R., Ragonezi C., Pinto L., Rosa J., Pinheiro de Carvalho M.A.A., (2023)Estimation of Productivity and Above-Ground Biomass for Corn (Zea mays) via Vegetation Indices in Madeira IslandAgriculture (Switzerland)13(1115).ISSN: 20770472.doi: 10.3390/agriculture13061115.

Evenness mediates the global relationship between forest productivity and richness
Hordijk I., Maynard D.S., Hart S.P., Lidong M., ter Steege H., Liang J., de-Miguel S., Nabuurs G.J., Reich P.B., Abegg M., Adou Yao C.Y., Alberti G., Almeyda Zambrano A.M., Alvarado B.V., Esteban A.D., Alvarez-Loayza P., Alves L.F., Ammer C., Antón-Fernández C., Araujo-Murakami A., Arroyo L., Avitabile V., Aymard C G.A., Baker T., Bałazy R., Banki O., Barroso J., Bastian M.L., Bastin J.F., Birigazzi L., Birnbaum P., Bitariho R., Boeckx P., Bongers F., Bouriaud O., Brancalion P.H.S., Brandl S., Brienen R., Broadbent E.N., Bruelheide H., Bussotti F., Cazzolla Gatti R., César R.G., Cesljar G., Chazdon R., Chen H.Y.H., Chisholm C., Cienciala E., Clark C.J., Clark D.B., Colletta G., Coomes D., Cornejo Valverde F., Corral-Rivas J.J., Crim P., Cumming J., Dayanandan S., de Gasper A.L., Decuyper M., Derroire G., DeVries B., Djordjevic I., Iêda A., Dourdain A., Nestor Laurier E.O., Enquist B., Eyre T., Fandohan A.B., Fayle T.M., Ferreira L.V., Feldpausch T.R., Finér L., Fischer M., Fletcher C., Frizzera L., Gamarra J.G.P., Gianelle D., Glick H.B., Harris D., Hector A., Hemp A., Hengeveld G., Hérault B., Herbohn J., Hillers A., Honorio Coronado E.N., Hui C., Cho H., Ibanez T., Bin Jung I., Imai N., Jagodzinski A.M., Jaroszewicz B., Johanssen V., Joly C.A., Jucker T., Karminov V., Kartawinata K., Kearsley E., Kenfack D., (2023)Evenness mediates the global relationship between forest productivity and richnessJournal of Ecology111:1308-1326.ISSN: 13652745.doi: 10.1111/1365-2745.14098.

Is the Environmental Risk of Metformin Underestimated?
Lertxundi U., Domingo-Echaburu S., Barros S., Santos M.M., Neuparth T., Quintana J.B., Rodil R., Montes R., Orive G., (2023)Is the Environmental Risk of Metformin Underestimated?Environmental Science and Technology57:8463-8466.ISSN: 15205851.doi: 10.1021/acs.est.3c02468.

Life Cycle Assessment for Soybean Supply Chain: A Case Study of State of Pará, Brazil
Brito T., Fragoso R., Santos L., Martins J.A., Fernandes Silva A.A., Aranha J., (2023)Life Cycle Assessment for Soybean Supply Chain: A Case Study of State of Pará, BrazilAgronomy13(1648).ISSN: 20734395.doi: 10.3390/agronomy13061648.

Mammary Glands of Women, Female Dogs and Female Rats: Similarities and Differences to Be Considered in Breast Cancer Research
Ferreira T., Gama A., Seixas F., Faustino-Rocha A.I., Lopes C., Gaspar V.M., Mano J.F., Medeiros R., Oliveira P.A., (2023)Mammary Glands of Women, Female Dogs and Female Rats: Similarities and Differences to Be Considered in Breast Cancer ResearchVeterinary Sciences10(379).ISSN: 23067381.doi: 10.3390/vetsci10060379.

Mycotoxins and Other Secondary Metabolites Are Produced by Gnomoniopsis smithogilvyi When Confronted with Biological and Chemical Control Agents
Álvarez M., Agostini I., Silva S., Dallemole-Giaretta R., Sulyok M., Sampaio A., Rodrigues P., (2023)Mycotoxins and Other Secondary Metabolites Are Produced by Gnomoniopsis smithogilvyi When Confronted with Biological and Chemical Control AgentsAgriculture (Switzerland)13(1166).ISSN: 20770472.doi: 10.3390/agriculture13061166.

Natural Products as a Tool to Modulate the Activity and Expression of Multidrug Resistance Proteins of Intestinal Barrier
Martins-Gomes C., Silva A.M., (2023)Natural Products as a Tool to Modulate the Activity and Expression of Multidrug Resistance Proteins of Intestinal BarrierJournal of Xenobiotics13:172-192.ISSN: 20394713.doi: 10.3390/jox13020014.

On the Evidence of the European Bee-Eater (Merops apiaster) as a Predator of the Yellow-Legged Hornet (Vespa velutina) and Its Possible Contribution as a Biocontrol Agent
Onofre N., Portugal e Castro M.I., Nave A., Cadima I.S.P., Ferreira M., Godinho J., (2023)On the Evidence of the European Bee-Eater (Merops apiaster) as a Predator of the Yellow-Legged Hornet (Vespa velutina) and Its Possible Contribution as a Biocontrol AgentAnimals13(1906).ISSN: 20762615.doi: 10.3390/ani13121906.

Realistic aspects behind the application of the rat model of chemically-induced mammary cancer: Practical guidelines to obtain the best results
Silva J., Faustino-Rocha A.I., Duarte J.A., Oliveira P.A., (2023)Realistic aspects behind the application of the rat model of chemically-induced mammary cancer: Practical guidelines to obtain the best resultsVeterinary World16:1222-1230.ISSN: 22310916.doi: 10.14202/vetworld.2023.1222-1230.

A meta-analytic review of monoterpene for fish anaesthesia
Félix L., Vieira R., Monteiro S.M., Venâncio C., (2023)A meta-analytic review of monoterpene for fish anaesthesiaFish and Fisheries24:367-380.ISSN: 14672979.doi: 10.1111/faf.12731.