
SCOPUS - Indexed publications



Amado S. Et Al(2008)Biomaterials29:4409-4419.

Campilho R. D. S. G. Et Al(2008)J of Adhesion Sci. and Techn.,22(13):1565-1591.

Couto P. A. Et Al(2008)J of Neuroscience Methods173:193-200.

Dourado N. Et Al(2008)Composites Part A: Applied Sci. and Manufact.39(2):415 - 427.

Gabrie R. Et Al(2008)Physical Therapy in Sport9(1):16-24.

Gaspar M. Et Al (2008)Annals of Forest Sci.:65-703.

Gaspar M. Et Al(2008)Canadian J Forest Research38:1470-1477.

Geuna S.; Varejão A. S. P.(2008)J of Neurosurgery 109:360-362.

Ginja M. M. D. Et Al(2008)J of Small Animal Practice49:641-646.

Ginja M. M. D. Et Al(2008)Acta Vet. Hung.56:303-312.

Knapic S Et Al(2008)Forestry81(4):465-473.

Luís A. L. Et Al(2008)Microsurgery28:458-470.

Luís A.L. Et Al(2008)Tissue Eng. Part A14:979-993.

Marinho Da Et Al(2008)J of Sports Sciences26(1):3-21.

Monteiro E., Moreira N. A., Ferreira S.(2008)Applied Energy86(3):290-298.

Monteiro M. Et Al(2008)J of Fish Biology73:1376-1392.

Morais R. Et Al(2008)Computers and Electronics in Agric.62(2):94-106.

Morais R. Et Al(2008)Computers and Electronics in Agric.64:120-132.

Moura M. F. S. F.; Morais J. J. L. & Dourado N. M. M.(2008)Eng. Fracture Mechanics75(13):3852 - 3865.

Pires L. C. M., Carvalho J., Moreira N. A.(2008)Int. J. of Production Research46(4):1163-1185.

Reis M. J. C. S.; Santos G. M. M. C.; Ferreira P. J. S. G.(2008)Aslib Proceedings60(2):111-129.

Rouboa A., Monteiro E.(2008)J of Materials Processing Technology 204204:451-458.

Salgado P.(2008)Applied Math. Modelling32(7):1159-1178.

Silva A. Et Al(2008)J OF SPORTS SCI. AND MEDICINE Vol 71:60-66.

Varejão A. S. P., Prada J, Rodrigues P. A.(2008)J of Small Animal Practice49:371.

Development of a model system to predict wildfire behaviour in pine plantations.
Cruz, M.G.; Alexander, M.E.; & Fernandes, P.M.(2008)Development of a model system to predict wildfire behaviour in pine plantations.Australian Forestry71:113-121.

Development of fuel models for fire behavior prediction in maritime pine (Pinus pinaster Ait.) stands.
Cruz, M.G.; Fernandes, P.M.(2008)Development of fuel models for fire behavior prediction in maritime pine (Pinus pinaster Ait.) stands.International Journal of Wildland Fire17:194-204.

Effect of enzyme extracts isolated from white-rot fungi on chemical composition and in vitro digestibility of wheat straw
Rodrigues, M.A.M., Pinto, P., Bezerra, R.M.F., Dias, A.A., Guedes, C.V.M., Cardoso, V.M.G., Cone, J.W., Ferreira, L.M.M., Colaço, J. & Sequeira C.A.(2008)Effect of enzyme extracts isolated from white-rot fungi on chemical composition and in vitro digestibility of wheat strawAnimal Feed Science and Technology141:326-338.

Evaluation of olive oil mill wastewater toxicity on the mitochondrial bioenergetics after treatment with Candida oleophila.
Peixoto, F., Martins, F., Amaral, C., Gomes-Laranjo, J., Almeida, J., & Palmeira, C.A.(2008)Evaluation of olive oil mill wastewater toxicity on the mitochondrial bioenergetics after treatment with Candida oleophila.Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety70:266-275.

Evaluation of olive oil mill wastewaters acute toxicity: a study on the mitochondrial bioenergetics.
Martins, F., Gomes-Laranjo, J., Amaral, C., Almeida, J., & Peixoto, F.(2008)Evaluation of olive oil mill wastewaters acute toxicity: a study on the mitochondrial bioenergetics.Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety69:480-487.