Vera Castro Scholarship Researcher


Name: Vera Castro

Aggregation: Scholarship Researcher

Orcid ID:

Ciência Vitae: AF14-0722-1C8C


Phone: 913555071


Chemical characterization and antioxidant potential of Arthrospira sp., Thalassiosira sp., and Raphidonema sp.
Castro V., Teixeira A., Simões L., Chamorro F., Lourenço-Lopes C., Parreira C., Badenes S.M., Costa L., Prieto M.A., Oliveira R., Dias A.C.P., (2025) Chemical characterization and antioxidant potential of Arthrospira sp., Thalassiosira sp., and Raphidonema sp. Food Chemistry 469 (142554). ISSN: 18737072. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2024.142554.

Microalgae and cyanobacteria as sources of bioactive compounds for cosmetic applications: A systematic review
Castro V., Oliveira R., Dias A.C.P., (2023) Microalgae and cyanobacteria as sources of bioactive compounds for cosmetic applications: A systematic review Algal Research 76 (103287). doi: 10.1016/j.algal.2023.103287.

Sulfur-containing compounds from plants
Castro V., Carpena M., Fraga-Corral M., Lopez-Soria A., Garcia-Perez P., Barral-Martinez M., Perez-Gregorio R., Cao H., Simal-Gandara J., Prieto M.A., (2023) Sulfur-containing compounds from plants Natural Secondary Metabolites: From Nature, Through Science, to Industry :363-402. doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-18587-8_11.