Workshop “Innovation towards a more sustainable agri-food production”

Inov4Agro - First face-to-face event between CITAB and GreenUPorto

CITAB and GreenUPorto have come together, for the first time, in a face-to-face event under the banner Inov4Agro.

The event took place today (16th February), at UTAD, and the meeting was the first opportunity for the researchers to gain a deeper understanding of each other's work. The event was marked by a sense of curiosity and excitement, as both teams were eager to learn more about the investigations being conducted by their colleagues.

During the meeting, the researchers from each center gave presentations on their most recent works and research projects. The researchers also had the opportunity to ask each other questions and discuss potential avenues for collaboration in the future. Overall, the event was a reminder of the power of collaboration and the importance of working together to advance scientific knowledge. 

Start date: Monday, 30th November -0001

End date: Monday, 30th November -0001