
ReUseWaste - Recovery and Use of Nutrients, Energy and Organic Matter from Animal Waste [GA 289887]

Coordinator: Lars Stoumann Jensen
UTAD/CITAB Coordinator: Henrique Manuel da Fonseca Trindade

The ReUseWaste network will i) provide new ideas and systems that lead to a major rethink in the current, established animal waste management systems, ii) train a group of 13 young researchers in developing new technologies for socially and environmentally sustainable utilisation of the valuable organic matter and nutrient ressources in animal waste and iii) provide companies with both improved and new technologies to produce bioenergy, ”green” bio-fertilisers and improved soil, water and air quality.

Global livestock production is increasing rapidly, because of the increasing quest for animal protein by the increasing human population. Apart from the increases in livestock number, there are also major changes in the systems of livestock production. The increases in number and changes in systems have led to major concerns about the sustainability of these developments, especially from the points of view of animal and human health, animal welfare and environmental soundness.

Evidently it is necessary for the agricultural livestock industry to develop new environmental technologies to meet global challenges related to environmental impact and sustainability. The industry needs to improve management and utilization of organic matter and nutrient resources in animal wastes, in order to reduce gaseous emissions of greenhouse gases, ammonia and odor, and to improve energy output and limit the impact on soil and water quality.

This multi-site and multidisciplinary ITN provides a unique opportunity for young researchers to obtain the knowledge and skills needed to develop and utilise new technologies for a socially and environmentally responsible management of animal wastes. The ReUseWaste network brings together major EU research groups from leading universities and research institutes, key agri-environmental technology companies and public authorities, from the countries and regions of most intensive livestock production in Europe.

Project Details


FP7-PEOPLE-2011-ITN - Project no. 289887



Start date

January 2012


48 months

Funding Entity

European Commission - FP7

Total Financing


CITAB/UTAD Financing



Responsible institution

University of Copenhagen

Research Team