
SCOPUS - Indexed publications

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Other Publications


Effectiveness of ant communities to detect anthropogenic disturbance in Neotropical forest landscapes: a case study in the Brazilian Amazon
da Silva W.B., Cajaiba R.L., Santos M., Périco E., (2022)Effectiveness of ant communities to detect anthropogenic disturbance in Neotropical forest landscapes: a case study in the Brazilian AmazonBiodiversity and Conservation31:211-226.ISSN: 15729710.doi: 10.1007/s10531-021-02329-x.

Effects of Dietary Incorporation of Grape Stalks Untreated and Fungi-Treated in Growing Rabbits: A Preliminary Study
Costa-Silva V., Pinheiro V., Alves A., Silva J.A., Marques G., Lorenzo J., Rodrigues M., Ferreira L., (2022)Effects of Dietary Incorporation of Grape Stalks Untreated and Fungi-Treated in Growing Rabbits: A Preliminary StudyAnimals12(112).ISSN: 20762615.doi: 10.3390/ani12010112.

Energy loss optimisation of a robotic arm
Salgado P.A., Perdicoulis T.P.A., Santos P.L.D., (2022)Energy loss optimisation of a robotic armIEEE Joint 22nd International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Informatics and 8th International Conference on Recent Achievements in Mechatronics, Automation, Computer Science and:101-106.doi: 10.1109/CINTI-MACRo57952.2022.10029656.

European Grapevine Moth and Vitis vinifera L. Phenology in the Douro Region: (A)synchrony and Climate Scenarios
Reis S., Martins J., Gonçalves F., Carlos C., Santos J.A., (2022)European Grapevine Moth and Vitis vinifera L. Phenology in the Douro Region: (A)synchrony and Climate ScenariosAgronomy12(98).ISSN: 20734395.doi: 10.3390/agronomy12010098.

Evaluation of N-alkanes as Faecal Markers to Estimate Diet Composition, Feed Intake, and Digestibility in European Bison (Bison bonasus)
Mendes Ferreira L.M., Pereira D., Lourenço A., Rodrigues M., (2022)Evaluation of N-alkanes as Faecal Markers to Estimate Diet Composition, Feed Intake, and Digestibility in European Bison (Bison bonasus)International Journal of Zoology2022(9800265).ISSN: 16878485.doi: 10.1155/2022/9800265.

Fine-tuning of grapevine xanthophyll-cycle and energy dissipation under Mediterranean conditions by kaolin particle-film
Bernardo S., Rodrigo M.J., Vives-Peris V., Gómez-Cadenas A., Zacarías L., Machado N., Moutinho-Pereira J., Dinis L.T., (2022)Fine-tuning of grapevine xanthophyll-cycle and energy dissipation under Mediterranean conditions by kaolin particle-filmScientia Horticulturae291(110584).doi: 10.1016/j.scienta.2021.110584.(Impact factor: 3.463).

GIS Application to Detect Invasive Species in Aquatic Ecosystems
Duarte L., Castro J.P., Sousa J.J., Padua L., (2022)GIS Application to Detect Invasive Species in Aquatic EcosystemsInternational Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS)2022-July:6013-6016.doi: 10.1109/IGARSS46834.2022.9884895.

Grapevine Varieties Identification Using Vision Transformers
Carneiro G.A., Padua L., Peres E., Morais R., Sousa J.J., Cunha A., (2022)Grapevine Varieties Identification Using Vision TransformersInternational Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS)2022-July:5866-5869.doi: 10.1109/IGARSS46834.2022.9883286.

Has taxonomic vandalism gone too far? A case study, the rise of the pay-to-publish model and the pitfalls of Morchella systematics
Loizides M., Alvarado P., Moreau P.A., Assyov B., Halasů V., Stadler M., Rinaldi A., Marques G., Zervakis G.I., Borovička J., Van Vooren N., Grebenc T., Richard F., Taşkin H., Gube M., Sammut C., Agnello C., Baroni T.J., Crous P., Fryssouli V., Gonou Z., Guidori U., Gulden G., Hansen K., Kristiansen R., Læssøe T., Mateos J., Miller A., Moreno G., Perić B., Polemis E., Salom J.C., Siquier J.L., Snabl M., Weholt Ø., Bellanger J.M., (2022)Has taxonomic vandalism gone too far? A case study, the rise of the pay-to-publish model and the pitfalls of Morchella systematicsMycological Progress21:7-38.ISSN: 18618952.doi: 10.1007/s11557-021-01755-z.

Impact of an innovative equipment to monitor and control salt usage during cooking at home on salt intake and blood pressure—Randomized controlled trial iMC SALT
Silva-Santos T., Moreira P., Pinho O., Padrão P., Abreu S., Esteves S., Oliveira L., Norton P., Rodrigues M., Ndrio A., Gonçalves C., (2022)Impact of an innovative equipment to monitor and control salt usage during cooking at home on salt intake and blood pressure—Randomized controlled trial iMC SALTNutrients14(8).ISSN: 20726643.doi: 10.3390/nu14010008.

Interventions that successfully reduced adults salt intake—a systematic review
Silva-Santos T., Moreira P., Rodrigues M., Padrão P., Pinho O., Norton P., Ndrio A., Gonçalves C., (2022)Interventions that successfully reduced adults salt intake—a systematic reviewNutrients14(6).ISSN: 20726643.doi: 10.3390/nu14010006.

Kinetic analysis misinterpretations due to the occurrence of enzyme inhibition by reaction product: Comparison between initial velocities and reaction time course methodologies
Fernandes J.M.C., Dias A.A., Bezerra R.M.F., (2022)Kinetic analysis misinterpretations due to the occurrence of enzyme inhibition by reaction product: Comparison between initial velocities and reaction time course methodologiesApplied Sciences (Switzerland)12(102).ISSN: 20763417.doi: 10.3390/app12010102.

Lipid nanoparticles-based semisolid formulations for cosmetic applications: focus on cellulite
Silva A.M., Cruz A.T., Nobre J., Coutinho T.E., Cano A., Zielinska A., Kovačević A., Severino P., Souto E.B.,(2022)Lipid nanoparticles-based semisolid formulations for cosmetic applications: focus on celluliteNanotechnology and Regenerative Medicine: History, Techniques, Frontiers, and Applications:179-193.doi: 10.1016/B978-0-323-90471-1.00014-1.

Machine Learning Techniques Disclose the Combined Effect of Fermentation Conditions on Yeast Mixed-Culture Dynamics and Wine Quality
Barbosa C., Ramalhosa E., Vasconcelos I., Reis M., Mendes-Ferreira A., (2022)Machine Learning Techniques Disclose the Combined Effect of Fermentation Conditions on Yeast Mixed-Culture Dynamics and Wine QualityMicroorganisms10(107).ISSN: 20762607.doi: 10.3390/microorganisms10010107.

Mast Cells and their Role in Health and Disease
Faustino A.I., Oliveira P.A., (2022)Mast Cells and their Role in Health and DiseaseMast Cells and their Role in Health and Disease:1-129.doi: 10.52305/GPJW5150.

Seixas M., Carlos C., Gonçalves F., Ferreira A., Salvação J., Oliveira J.C., Torres L., Oliveira P.S., (2022)MATING DISRUPTION AGAINST THE GRAPEVINE MOTH, LOBESIA BOTRANA, IN THE DOURO DEMARCATED REGION USING TWO TYPE OF PHEROMONE DISPENSERS: ISONET-LTT BIO® AND ISONET-LTT®Ciencia e Tecnica Vitivinicola37:100-115.ISSN: 24163953.doi: 10.1051/ctv/ctv20223701100.

Dinis L.T., Bernardo S., Yang C., Fraga H., Malheiro A.C., Moutinho-Pereira J., Santos J.A., (2022)MEDITERRANEAN VITICULTURE IN THE CONTEXT OF CLIMATE CHANGECiencia e Tecnica Vitivinicola37:139-158.ISSN: 24163953.doi: 10.1051/ctv/ctv20223702139.

Microcondylaea bonellii, a Testimonial for Neglected Endangered Species
Riccardi N., Bo T., Bogan A.E., Douda K., Froufe E., Gonçalves D.V., Lajtner J., Modesto V., Moro G.A., Prié V., Sousa R., Shumka S., Teixeira A., Urbańska M., Varandas S., Lopes-Lima M., (2022)Microcondylaea bonellii, a Testimonial for Neglected Endangered SpeciesImperiled: The Encyclopedia of Conservation: Volume 1-31-3:436-446.doi: 10.1016/B978-0-12-821139-7.00180-X.

Mutant p53 reactivator SLMP53-2 hinders ultraviolet B radiation-induced skin carcinogenesis
Loureiro J.B., Ribeiro R., Nazareth N., Ferreira T., Lopes E.A., Gama A., Machuqueiro M., Alves M.G., Marabini L., Oliveira P.A., Santos M.M.M., Saraiva L., (2022)Mutant p53 reactivator SLMP53-2 hinders ultraviolet B radiation-induced skin carcinogenesisPharmacological Research175(106026).ISSN: 10961186.doi: 10.1016/j.phrs.2021.106026.

Nanophytosomes: a novel approach for the delivery of herbal drugs
Martins-Gomes C., Souto E.B., Silva A.M., (2022)Nanophytosomes: a novel approach for the delivery of herbal drugsSystems of Nanovesicular Drug Delivery:239-257.doi: 10.1016/B978-0-323-91864-0.00015-2.

Nanotechnologies to deliver drugs through the blood–brain and blood–retinal barriers
Costa M.C., Shegokar R., Silva A.M., Souto E.B.,(2022)Nanotechnologies to deliver drugs through the blood–brain and blood–retinal barriersNanotechnology and Regenerative Medicine: History, Techniques, Frontiers, and Applications:45-64.doi: 10.1016/B978-0-323-90471-1.00010-4.

Novel technologies and Decision Support Systems to optimize pesticide use in vineyards
Carlos C.C.R., Val M.d.C.M., (2022)Novel technologies and Decision Support Systems to optimize pesticide use in vineyardsImproving Sustainable Viticulture and Winemaking Practices:147-164.doi: 10.1016/B978-0-323-85150-3.00007-4.

On the development of a regional climate change adaptation plan: Integrating model-assisted projections and stakeholders' perceptions
Gonçalves C., Honrado J.P., Cerejeira J., Sousa R., Fernandes P.M., Vaz A.S., Alves M., Araújo M., Carvalho-Santos C., Fonseca A., Fraga H., Gonçalves J.F., Lomba A., Pinto E., Vicente J.R., Santos J.A., (2022)On the development of a regional climate change adaptation plan: Integrating model-assisted projections and stakeholders' perceptionsScience of the Total Environment805(150320).ISSN: 18791026.doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.150320.

On the development of a regional climate change adaptation plan: Integrating model-assisted projections and stakeholders' perceptions
Gonçalves C., Honrado J.P., Cerejeira J., Sousa R., Fernandes P.M., Vaz A.S., Alves M., Araújo M., Carvalho-Santos C., Fonseca A., Fraga H., Gonçalves J.F., Lomba A., Pinto E., Vicente J.R., Santos J.A., (2022)On the development of a regional climate change adaptation plan: Integrating model-assisted projections and stakeholders' perceptionsScience of the Total Environment805(150320).ISSN: 18791026.doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.150320.(Impact factor: 7.963).

Phenotypic strategies for Jasione L. or the challenge that taxonomy face to recent floristiresponses along western Eurasia
Rocha J., Almeida P., Ramírez-Rodríguez R., Sales F., Amich F., Crespí A.L., (2022)Phenotypic strategies for Jasione L. or the challenge that taxonomy face to recent floristiresponses along western EurasiaTurkish Journal of Botany46:62-79.ISSN: 13036106.doi: 10.3906/bot-2104-15.

Pilot Study to Reduce Added Salt on a University Canteen through the Use of an Innovative Dosage Equipment
Faria A.P., Padrão P., Pinho O., Silva-Santos T., Oliveira L., Esteves S., Pereira J.P., Graça P., Moreira P., Gonçalves C., (2022)Pilot Study to Reduce Added Salt on a University Canteen through the Use of an Innovative Dosage EquipmentFoods11(149).ISSN: 23048158.doi: 10.3390/foods11020149.

Polyphenols applications in pharmaceutic and cosmetic industries
Aires A., (2022)Polyphenols applications in pharmaceutic and cosmetic industriesTechnologies to Recover Polyphenols from AgroFood By-products and Wastes:337-357.doi: 10.1016/B978-0-323-85273-9.00009-0.

Pre-fire aboveground biomass, estimated from LiDAR, spectral and field inventory data, as a major driver of burn severity in maritime pine (Pinus pinaster) ecosystems
Fernández-Guisuraga J.M., Suárez-Seoane S., Fernandes P.M., Fernández-García V., Fernández-Manso A., Quintano C., Calvo L., (2022)Pre-fire aboveground biomass, estimated from LiDAR, spectral and field inventory data, as a major driver of burn severity in maritime pine (Pinus pinaster) ecosystemsForest Ecosystems9(100022).ISSN: 21975620.doi: 10.1016/j.fecs.2022.100022.

Processed kaolin particles film, an environment friendly and climate change mitigation strategy tool for Mediterranean vineyards
Dinis L.T., Frioni T., Bernardo S., Correia C., Moutinho-Pereira J., (2022)Processed kaolin particles film, an environment friendly and climate change mitigation strategy tool for Mediterranean vineyardsImproving Sustainable Viticulture and Winemaking Practices:165-185.doi: 10.1016/B978-0-323-85150-3.00023-2.

Progress of nanotechnology in the development of medicines
Formoso I., Shegokar R., Zielinska A., Eder P., Silva A.M., Souto E.B.,(2022)Progress of nanotechnology in the development of medicinesNanotechnology and Regenerative Medicine: History, Techniques, Frontiers, and Applications:1-21.doi: 10.1016/B978-0-323-90471-1.00001-3.