Diogo Filipe Teixeira Carneiro de Sousa Carvalho Non-PhD Collaborator


Name: Diogo Filipe Teixeira Carneiro de Sousa Carvalho

Aggregation: Non-PhD Collaborator

Orcid ID: 0000-0001-6059-8276

Ciência Vitae: F81B-2DE0-931D

Email: diogoc@utad.pt

URL: http://www.diogocarvalho.pt


A seasonal multi-level trophic approach for bat habitat suitability assessments in peri-urban deciduous forests
Faria S., Barros P., Bacelar E., Santos M., Carvalho D., Vale-Gonçalves H., Braz L., Travassos P., Cabral J.A., (2022) A seasonal multi-level trophic approach for bat habitat suitability assessments in peri-urban deciduous forests European Journal of Wildlife Research 68 (19). ISSN: 14390574. doi: 10.1007/s10344-022-01560-3.

MAMMALS IN PORTUGAL: A data set of terrestrial, volant, and marine mammal occurrences in Portugal
Grilo C., Afonso B.C., Afonso F., Alexandre M., Aliácar S., Almeida A., Alonso I.P., Álvares F., Alves P.C., Alves P., Amado A., Amendoeira V., Amorim F., da Silva Aparício G., Araújo R., Ascensão F., Augusto M., Bandeira V., Barbosa A.M., Barbosa S., Barbosa S., Barreiro S., Barros P., Barros T., Barros F., Basto M., Bernardino J., Bicho S., Biedma L.E., Borges M., Braz L., Brito J.C., Brito T., Cabral J.A., Calzada J., Camarinha C., Carapuço M., Cardoso P., Carmo M., Carrapato C., da Silva Carrilho M., Carvalho D.F.T.C.S., Carvalho F., Carvalho J., Castro D., Castro G., Castro J., Castro L.R., Catry F.X., Cerveira A.M., Cid A., Clarke R., Conde C., Conde J., Costa J., Costa M., Costa P., Costa C., do Couto A.P., Craveiro J., Dias M., Dias S., Duarte B., Duro V., Encarnação C., Eufrázio S., Fael A., Falé J.S., Faria S., Fernandes C., Fernandes M., da Costa G.F., Ferreira C., Ferreira D.F., Ferreira E., Ferreira J.P., Ferreira J., Ferreira D., Fonseca C., Fontes I., Fragoso R., Franco C., Freitas T., Gabriel S.I., Gibb R., Gil P., Gomes C.P.J., Horta P., Gomes P., Gomes V., Grilo F., Guedes A., Guilherme F., Gutiérrez I., Harper H., Herrera J.M., Hipólito D., Infante S., Jesus J., Jones K.E., (2022) MAMMALS IN PORTUGAL: A data set of terrestrial, volant, and marine mammal occurrences in Portugal Ecology 103 (e3654). ISSN: 19399170. doi: 10.1002/ecy.3654.

Is biodiversity linked with farm management options in vineyard landscapes? A case study combining ecological indicators within a hybrid modelling framework
Petrescu Bakış A.L., Macovei I., Barros P., Gomes C., Carvalho D., Cabral J.A., Travassos P., Torres L., Aranha J., Galațchi L.D., Santos M., (2021) Is biodiversity linked with farm management options in vineyard landscapes? A case study combining ecological indicators within a hybrid modelling framework Ecological Indicators 121 (107012). doi: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2020.107012.

Can recreational ecosystem services be inferred by integrating non-parametric scale estimators within a modelling framework? The birdwatching potential index as a case study
Santos M., Carvalho D., Luis A., Bastos R., Hughes S.J., Cabral J.A., (2019) Can recreational ecosystem services be inferred by integrating non-parametric scale estimators within a modelling framework? The birdwatching potential index as a case study Ecological Indicators 103 :395-409. doi: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2019.04.026.

How good are the ecological assumptions and predictions made in the past? Insights from a dynamic modelling approach applied to changing landscapes.
Santos, M.; Silva, S.; Bastos, R.; Carvalho, D.; Cabral, J. A. (2018) How good are the ecological assumptions and predictions made in the past? Insights from a dynamic modelling approach applied to changing landscapes. Ecological Indicators 90 :226-230. doi: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2018.03.023. (Impact factor, Quartile: 3.983, Q1).


Hydroelectric exploitation of Foz Tua River Valey (AHFT) - Integrated Environmental Monitoring Programme (PIMA) (86/17/DST)

Coordinator  /  João Cabral
Start date  /  2017/10 Funding  /  EDP – Gestão da Produção de Energia, S.A. Reference  /  86/17/DST

Baixo Sabor Hydroelectric Dam (AHBS) - Integrated Environmental Monitoring Program (PIMA), Exploitation Phase (75/17/DST)

Coordinator  /  João Cabral
Start date  /  2017/01 Funding  /  EDP – Gestão da Produção de Energia, S.A. Reference  /  75/17/DST