
ECONUTRI - Innovative concepts and technologies for ECOlogically sustainable NUTRIent management in agriculture aiming to prevent, mitigate and eliminate pollution in soils, water and air

Coordinator: Dimitrios Saavas
UTAD/CITAB Coordinator: Henrique Manuel da Fonseca Trindade

ECONUTRI is a consortium of scientific experts and researchers from different disciplines, private companies, farmers’ associations, and stakeholders. ECONUTRI is partnering with six Chinese Institutions, four from public research and two from industry, to complement activities and to strengthen the scientific collaboration between Europe and China. The project will scientifically support the EU’s Green Deal in its target to reduce fertiliser use by least 20% by 2030, thereby reducing by 50% losses of nutrients associated with negative environmental impacts. More specifically, ECONUTRI will address water pollution caused by NO3 and P leaching and run-off from cultivated soils, manure/slurry and plant residues, as well as greenhouse gas (N2O, CO2, CH4) and NH3 emissions from cultivated soils, barns, and organic biomass during storage, composting, and land application. ECONUTRI will optimise, validate, and demonstrate 24 innovative technologies that currently have a TRL of 4-6, and will increase their TRL to 7-8. These technologies are integrated parts of a holistic concept based on recycling of nutrients and organic material, novel machinery and fertilisers, novel decision support systems (DSS), and novel nutrient management plans incorporating nature-based solutions to reduce nutrient losses and to increase nutrient use efficiency. The expected results include hyperspectral analysis algorithms, advanced on-line DSS platforms to develop smart nutrient management plans for organic and conventional crops, protocols for circular cropping systems in open field and greenhouses, advanced emission monitoring feedback systems, novel manure spreaders, variable rate technologies for precision fertilisation, smart fertilisers, and biostimulants increasing N use efficiency. ECONUTRI will establish eight demonstration sites and deploy a comprehensive range of dissemination, communication, and exploitation activities to maximise the impact of the expected results and technologies.

Project Details


Grant Agreement n.º 101081858



Start date

November 2022


42 months

Funding Entity

European Commission

Total Financing


CITAB/UTAD Financing



Responsible institution

Agricultural University of Athens


Universidad De Almeria (UAL)

Panepistimio Thessalias (UTH)

Leibniz-Institut Fur Gemuse- Und Zierpflanzenbau Grossbeeren/Erfurt Ev (LGZ)

Center For Technology Research Andinnovation (CETRI) Ltd

Stichting Wageningen Research (WUR)

Nibio - Norsk Institutt For Biookonomi (NIBIO)

Ministry Of Agriculture, Rural Development And Environment Of Cyprus (ARI)

Universita Degli Studi Di Torino (UNITO)

Asociacion De Organizaciones De Productores De Frutas Y Hortalizas De Almeria (COEXPHAL)

Metec Innovation Consulting Srl (METEC)


Frans Vervaet B.V. (VERVAET)

Leibniz-Institut Fur Agrartechnik Und Biookonomie Ev (ATB)

Wonderplant Thermokipia Anonymi Etairia (WP)

Instytut Ogrodnictwa - Panstwowy Instytut Badawczy (InHort)

Augmenta Agriculture Technologies Monoprosopi Idiotiki Kefalaiouchikietaireia (AUGMENTA)

Lto Glaskracht Nederland (LGNL)

Eigen Vermogen Van Het Instituut Voor Landbouw- En Visserijonderzoek (EV ILVO)

Sociedade Portuguesa De Inovacão (SPI).