R&D with the industry
Human-centric Digital Twin Approaches to Trustworthy AI and Robotics for Improved Working Conditions (AI4WORK)
Coordinator / Salviano Pinto Soares (ECT)
UTAD/CITAB Coordinator / Isaura Castro
Funding / EU - HORIZON-CL4-2023-HUMAN-01-CNECT
Reference / HORIZON-IA
FutureFoodS - European partnership for a sustainable Future of Food Systems
UTAD/CITAB Coordinator / Henrique Trindade
Reference / HORIZON-CL6-2023-FARM2FORK-01-9
Dairy-4-Future - Propagating innovations for more resilient dairy farming in the Atlantic area (EAPA_304/2016)
Coordinator / André Le Gall
UTAD/CITAB Coordinator / Henrique Trindade
Start date / 2018/03
Funding / INTERREG Atlantic Area
Reference / EAPA_304/2016
Turbo-Sudoe - Development, validation and demonstration of a model based on a network of 'TRansference BrOkers' for a direct technology transference between R&D centres and companies in the SUDOE territory
Coordinator / Rubén Gallo
UTAD/CITAB Coordinator / Eduardo Rosa
Start date / 2016/06
Funding / Interreg SUDOE
Reference / SOE1/P1/E0136
EUROLEGUME - Enhancing of legumes growing in Europe through sustainable cropping for protein supply for food and feed [GA 613781]
Coordinator / Eduardo Rosa
Start date / 2014/01
Funding / European Commission - FP7 - KBBE.2013.1.2-02
Reference / EUROLEGUME - FP7-KBBE-2013-GA613781