
SCOPUS - Indexed publications

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Bioenergy overview for Portugal.
Ferreira, S., Moreira, N. A., Monteiro, E.(2009)Bioenergy overview for Portugal.Biomass and Bioenergy33(11):1567-1576.

Biomechanic Parameters of Plantar Pressure, Age And Body Composition Variables in Postmenopausal women.
Monteiro, M., Gabriel, R., Moreira, M.(2009)Biomechanic Parameters of Plantar Pressure, Age And Body Composition Variables in Postmenopausal women.Maturitas63(1):130.

Buckling behaviour of carbon-epoxy adhesively-bonded scarf repairs.
Campilho, R. D. S. G., De Moura, M. F. S. F., Ramantani, D. A., Morais, J. J. L., Domingues, J. J. M. S.(2009)Buckling behaviour of carbon-epoxy adhesively-bonded scarf repairs.Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology23(43414):1493-1513.

Combining forest structure data and fuel modelling to assess fire hazard in Portugal.
Fernandes, P.M.(2009)Combining forest structure data and fuel modelling to assess fire hazard in Portugal.Annals of Forest Science66(4):43344.

Comparison of clinical, radiographic, computed tomographic, and magnetic resonance imaging methods for early prediction of canine hip laxity and dysplasia.
Ginja, M., Ferreira, A., Jesus, S., Melo-Pinto, P., Bulas-Cruz, J., Orden, M. A., San-Roman, F., Llorens-Pena, J., Gonzalo-Orden, J. M.(2009)Comparison of clinical, radiographic, computed tomographic, and magnetic resonance imaging methods for early prediction of canine hip laxity and dysplasia.Veterinary Radiology and Ultrasound50(2):135-143.

Contribution Of Form Drag And Skin Friction Drag During The Swimming Gliding.
Novais, L., Marinho, D. A., Reis, V. M., Marques, M. C., Costa, A. M., Sousa, L. S., Alves, F. B., Vilas-Boas, J. P., Machado, L., Rouboa, A. I., Silva, A. J.(2009)Contribution Of Form Drag And Skin Friction Drag During The Swimming Gliding.Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise41(5):385-386.

Copper toxicity in gills of the teleost fish, Oreochromis niloticus: Effects in apoptosis induction and cell proliferation.
Monteiro, S.M., Dos Santos, N.M.S., Calejo, M., Fontaínhas-Fernandes, A.A., Sousa, M.(2009)Copper toxicity in gills of the teleost fish, Oreochromis niloticus: Effects in apoptosis induction and cell proliferation.Aquatic Toxicology94:219-228.

Data reduction scheme for measuring GIIc of wood in end-notched flexure (ENF) tests.
De Moura, M. F. S. F., Silva, M. A., Morais, J. L., De Morais, A. B., Lousada, J. L.(2009)Data reduction scheme for measuring GIIc of wood in end-notched flexure (ENF) tests.Holzforschung63(1):99-106.

Derivative-free optimization and filter methods to solve nonlinear constrained problems.
Correia, A., Matias, J., Mestre, P., Serôdio, C.(2009)Derivative-free optimization and filter methods to solve nonlinear constrained problems.International Journal of Computer Mathematics*86(10):1841-1851.

Disruption of zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryonic development after full life-cycle parental exposure to low levels of ethinylestradiol.
Soares, J., Coimbra, A.M., Reis-Henriques, M.A., Monteiro, N.M.,Vieira, M.N., Oliveira, J.M.A., Guedes-Dias, P., Fontaínhas-Fernandes, A., Parra, S.S., Carvalho, A.P., Castro, L.F.C., Machado, S.M.(2009)Disruption of zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryonic development after full life-cycle parental exposure to low levels of ethinylestradiol.Aquatic Toxicology95:330-338.

Does selecting for improved growth affect wood quality of Pinus pinaster in Portugal?
Gaspar, M. J., Louzada, J. L., Rodrigues, J., Aguiar, A., Almeida, M. H.(2009)Does selecting for improved growth affect wood quality of Pinus pinaster in Portugal?Forest Ecology and Management258(2):115-121.

Ecological assessment of an intermittent Mediterranean river using community structure and function: evaluating the role of different organism groups.
Hughes, S.J., Santos, J.M., Ferreira, M.T,, Caraça, R., Mendes, A.M.(2009)Ecological assessment of an intermittent Mediterranean river using community structure and function: evaluating the role of different organism groups.Freshwater Biology54:2383-2400.

Ecological relationships between phytoplankton communities and different spatial scales in European reservoirs: implications at catchment level monitoring programmes.
Cabecinha, E., Van Den Brink, P.J., Cabral, J.A., Cortes, R., Lourenço, M., Pardal, M.A.(2009)Ecological relationships between phytoplankton communities and different spatial scales in European reservoirs: implications at catchment level monitoring programmes.Hydrobiologia628:27-45.

Effect of curing and cooking on flavonols and anthocyanins in traditional varieties of onion bulbs.
Rodrigues A, Perez-Gregorio M, Garcia-Falcon M, Simal-Gandara J.(2009)Effect of curing and cooking on flavonols and anthocyanins in traditional varieties of onion bulbs.Food Res Int42:1331-6.

Effects of different rates and timing of application of nitrogen as slurry and mineral fertilizer on yield of herbage and nitrate-leaching potential of a maize/Italian ryegrass cropping system in north-west Portugal.
Trindade H, Coutinho J, Jarvis S, Moreira N.(2009)Effects of different rates and timing of application of nitrogen as slurry and mineral fertilizer on yield of herbage and nitrate-leaching potential of a maize/Italian ryegrass cropping system in north-west Portugal.Grass & Forage Sci64:43406.

Effects of elevated CO2 on grapevine: physiological and yield attributes.
Moutinho-Pereira J, Gonçalves B, Bacelar E, Boaventura Cunha J, Coutinho J, Correia C.(2009)Effects of elevated CO2 on grapevine: physiological and yield attributes.Vitis48:159-65.

Effects of elevated CO2 on grapevine: volatile composition, phenolic content and in vitro antioxidant activity of red wine.
Gonçalves B, Falco V, Moutinho-Pereira J, Bacelar E, Peixoto F, Correia C.(2009)Effects of elevated CO2 on grapevine: volatile composition, phenolic content and in vitro antioxidant activity of red wine.J Agric Food Chem57:265-73.

Electrical activity and exocytotic correlates of biphasic insulin secretion from beta-cells of canine islets of Langerhans.
Misler S, Zhou Z, Dickey A, Silva A, Pressel D, Barnett D.(2009)Electrical activity and exocytotic correlates of biphasic insulin secretion from beta-cells of canine islets of Langerhans.Channels3:181-93.

Empirical modelling of surface fire behaviour in maritime pine stands.
Fernandes, P.M, Botelho, H., Rego, F.C, Loureiro, C.(2009)Empirical modelling of surface fire behaviour in maritime pine stands.International Journal of Wildland Fire16(8):698-710.

Examining fuel treatment longevity through experimental and simulated surface fire behaviour: a maritime pine case study.
Fernandes, P.M.(2009)Examining fuel treatment longevity through experimental and simulated surface fire behaviour: a maritime pine case study.Canadian Journal of Forest Research39(12):2529-2535.

Finite Volume Method Analysis of Heat Transfer Problem using adapted Strongly Implicit Procedure.
Rouboa, A., Monteiro, E., De Almeida, R.(2009)Finite Volume Method Analysis of Heat Transfer Problem using adapted Strongly Implicit Procedure.Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology23(6):1552-1562.

Fire related traits for plant species of the Mediterranean Basin.
Paula, S., Ariannoutsou, M., Kazanis, D., Tavsanoglu, ?., Lloret, F., Buhk, C., Ojeda, F., Luna, B., Moreno, J.M., Rodrigo, A., Espelta, J.M., Palacio, S., Fern?ndez-Santos, B., Fernandes, P.M, Pausas, J.G.(2009)Fire related traits for plant species of the Mediterranean Basin.Ecology90(5):1420.

Fracture behaviour of damaged wood beams repaired with an adhesively-bonded composite patch
Campilho, R. D. S. G., De Moura, M. F. S. F., Barreto, A. M. J. P., Morais, J. J. L., Domingues, J. J. M. S.(2009)Fracture behaviour of damaged wood beams repaired with an adhesively-bonded composite patchComposites: Part A. Applied Science and Manufacturing40(43287):852-859.

From free expansion to abrupt compression of an ideal gas.
Anacleto, J., Pereira, M.G.(2009)From free expansion to abrupt compression of an ideal gas.European Journal Of Physics30(1):177-183.

Fuel modelling in terrestrial ecosystems: an overview in the context of the development of an object-orientated database for wildfire analysis.
Krivtsov, V., Vigy, O., Legg, C., Curt, T., Rigolot, E., Lecomte, I., Jappiot, M., Lampin-Maillet, C., Fernandes, P., Pezzatti, G.B.(2009)Fuel modelling in terrestrial ecosystems: an overview in the context of the development of an object-orientated database for wildfire analysis.Ecological Modelling220(21):2915-2926.

Functional and morphological assessment of a standardized crush injury of the rat median nerve.
Ronchi, G., Nicolino, S., Raimondo, S., Tos, P., Battiston, B., Papalia, I., Varejão, A. S. P., Giacobini-Robecchi, M. G., Perroteau, I., Geuna, S.(2009)Functional and morphological assessment of a standardized crush injury of the rat median nerve.Journal of Neuroscience Methods179(1):51-57.

Habitat variation at different scales and biotic linkages in lotic systems: consequences for monitorization.
Cortes, R., Hughes, S., Varandas, S., Magalhães, M., Ferreira, M.(2009)Habitat variation at different scales and biotic linkages in lotic systems: consequences for monitorization.Aquatic Ecology43(4):1386-2588.

Heat stress and hormetin-induced hormesis in human cells: effects on aging, wound healing, angiogenesis, and differentiation
Rattan S, Fernandes R, Demirovic D, Dymek B, Lima C.(2009)Heat stress and hormetin-induced hormesis in human cells: effects on aging, wound healing, angiogenesis, and differentiationDose-Response7:90-103.

Hepatic lesions induced by olive leaf extract in mice.
Arantes-Rodrigues, R., Henriques, A., Vasconcelos-Nobrega, L.C., Ginja, M.M., Colaço, A.A., Palomino, F.L., Fernandes, H.T., Lopes, S.C., Oliveira, A.P.(2009)Hepatic lesions induced by olive leaf extract in mice.Virchows Archiv Supl1455:197-197.

Hip dysplasia in Estrela mountain dogs: prevalence and genetic trends 1991-2005.
Ginja, M., Silvestre, A. M., Colaço, J., Gonzalo-Orden, J. M., Melo-Pinto, P., Orden, M. A., Llorens-Pena, M. P., Ferreira, A.(2009)Hip dysplasia in Estrela mountain dogs: prevalence and genetic trends 1991-2005.The Veterinary Journal182(2):275-282.