
SCOPUS - Indexed publications

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Other Publications


Response of Rocky Mountain Juniper, Juniperus scopulorum seeds to seed conditioning and germination treatments.
Barbour, J., Carvalho, J.(2009)Response of Rocky Mountain Juniper, Juniperus scopulorum seeds to seed conditioning and germination treatments.Seed Technology31(1):43-54.

Sage tea drinking improves lipid profile and antioxidant defences in humans.
Sa C, Ramos A, Azevedo M, Lima C, Fernandes-Ferreira M, Pereira-Wilson C.(2009)Sage tea drinking improves lipid profile and antioxidant defences in humans.Int J Mol Sci9:3937-50.

Salvia fruticosa, Salvia officinalis, and rosmarinic acid induce apoptosis and inhibit proliferation of human colorectal cell lines: the role in MAPK/ERK pathway
Xavier C, Lima C, Fernandes-Ferreira M, Pereira-Wilson C.(2009)Salvia fruticosa, Salvia officinalis, and rosmarinic acid induce apoptosis and inhibit proliferation of human colorectal cell lines: the role in MAPK/ERK pathwayNutrition & Cancer614:564-71.

Sensing methodologies to determine automotive damper condition under vehicle normal operation.
Ferreira, C., Ventura, P., Morais, R., Valente, A. L. G., Neves, C., Reis, M. C.(2009)Sensing methodologies to determine automotive damper condition under vehicle normal operation.Sensors and Actuators A: Physical156(1):237-244.

Study of strengthening solutions for glued-laminated wood beams of Maritime Pine wood.
Ribeiro, A., Jesus, A., Lima, A., Lousada, J.(2009)Study of strengthening solutions for glued-laminated wood beams of Maritime Pine wood.Construction & Building Materials23(8):2738-2745.

Study on the Automatic Recognition of Oceanic Eddies in Satellite Images by Ellipse Center Detection?The Iberian Coast Case.
Fernandes, A. M.(2009)Study on the Automatic Recognition of Oceanic Eddies in Satellite Images by Ellipse Center Detection?The Iberian Coast Case.IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing47(8):2478 - 2491.

Suppressing Potato Cyst Nematode, Globodera rostochiensis, with Extracts of Brassicacea Plants.
Aires A, Carvalho R, Barbosa M, Rosa E.(2009)Suppressing Potato Cyst Nematode, Globodera rostochiensis, with Extracts of Brassicacea Plants.Am J Potato Res4(86):327-33.

Technical report: technique of bladder catheterization in female mice and rats for intravesical instillation in models of bladder cancer.
Oliveira, P.A., Pires, M.J., Nobrega, C., Arantes-Rodrigues, R., Calado, A.M., Carrola, J. , Ginja, M.M., Colaço, A.(2009)Technical report: technique of bladder catheterization in female mice and rats for intravesical instillation in models of bladder cancer.Scandinavian Journal of Laboratory Animal Science36(1):43348.

Tensile behaviour of three-dimensional carbon-epoxy adhesively-bonded single and double-strap repairs.
Campilho, R. D. S. G., De Moura, M. F. S. F., Ramantani, D. A., Morais, J. J. L., Domingues, J. J. M. S.(2009)Tensile behaviour of three-dimensional carbon-epoxy adhesively-bonded single and double-strap repairs.International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives29(6):678-686.

The antimicrobial effects of glucosinolates and their respective enzymatic hydrolysis products on bacteria isolated from the human intestinal tract.
Aires A, Mota V, Saavedra M, Rosa E, Bennett R.(2009)The antimicrobial effects of glucosinolates and their respective enzymatic hydrolysis products on bacteria isolated from the human intestinal tract.J Appl Microbiol106:2086-95.

The Effect Of Finger Spread On The Propulsive Force Production In Swimming.
Marinho, Daniel A., Barbosa, Tiago M., Reis, Victor M., Vilas-Boas, Jo?o P., Alves, Francisco B., Kjendlie, Per L., Rouboa, Abel I., Silva, Ant?nio J.(2009)The Effect Of Finger Spread On The Propulsive Force Production In Swimming.Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise41(5):24.

The empirical forcing function as a tool for the diagnosis of large-scale atmospheric anomalies.
Andrade C, Santos J, Pinto J, Corte-Real J, Leite S.(2009)The empirical forcing function as a tool for the diagnosis of large-scale atmospheric anomalies.Ann Geophys28:75-87.

The role of large-scale eddies in the occurrence of precipitation deficits in Portugal.
Santos J, Andrade C, Corte-Real J, Leite S.(2009)The role of large-scale eddies in the occurrence of precipitation deficits in Portugal.Int J Climatol29:1493-507.

The somatotype and dermatoglyphic profiles of adult, junior and juvenile male Brazilian top-level volleyball players
Zarya, J. C., Reis, V. M., Rouboa, A., Silva, A. J., Fernandes, P. R., Filho, J. F.(2009)The somatotype and dermatoglyphic profiles of adult, junior and juvenile male Brazilian top-level volleyball playersScience & Sport24(7):143-152.

Understanding antimicrobial activities of phytochemicals against multidrug resistant bacteria and biofilms.
Simões M, Bennett R, Rosa E.(2009)Understanding antimicrobial activities of phytochemicals against multidrug resistant bacteria and biofilms.Nat Prod Rep26:746-57.

Use of molecular markers for estimating breeding parameters: a case study in a Pinus pinaster Ait. progeny trial.,Tree Genetics & Genomes
Gaspar, M., De-Lucas, I., Alía, R., Paiva, J., Hidalgo, E., Louzada, J., Almeida, H., Gonz?lez-Mart?nez, S.(2009)Use of molecular markers for estimating breeding parameters: a case study in a Pinus pinaster Ait. progeny trial.,Tree Genetics & Genomes5(4):609-616.

Variation of transverse and shear stiffness properties of wood in a tree.
Xavier, J., Avril, S, Pierron, F., Morais, J. L.(2009)Variation of transverse and shear stiffness properties of wood in a tree.Composites: Part A - Applied Science and Manufacturing40(12):1953-1960.

Voracity of coccinellid species on different phenological stages of the olive pest Saissetia oleae.
Santos S, Pereira J, Torres L, Nogueira A.(2009)Voracity of coccinellid species on different phenological stages of the olive pest Saissetia oleae.Appl Ecol Env Res7:359-365.

When an adiabatic irreversible expansion (or compression) becomes reversible,
Anacleto, J., Ferreira, J. M. , Soares, A. A.(2009)When an adiabatic irreversible expansion (or compression) becomes reversible,European Journal of Physics30:487-495.

Winter circulation weather types and hospital admissions for cardiovascular, respiratory and digestive diseases.
Pablo F, Tomés C, Soriano L, Diego L.(2009)Winter circulation weather types and hospital admissions for cardiovascular, respiratory and digestive diseases.Int J Climatol29:1692-703.

Xanthone biosynthesis in Hypericum perforatum cells provides antioxidant and antimicrobial protection upon biotic stress.
Franklin G, Conceição L, Kombrink E, Dias A.(2009)Xanthone biosynthesis in Hypericum perforatum cells provides antioxidant and antimicrobial protection upon biotic stress.Phytochemistry70:60-8.


Amaral, C., Lucas, M., Coutinho, J., Crespi, A., Anjos, M.R., Pais, C.(2008)Bioresource Tecnology99:7215-7223.

Borges, O.; Gonçalves, B.; Carvalho, J.; Correia, P. & Silva, A.P.(2008)Food Chemistry162(3):976-984.

Fangueiro, D.; Coutinho, J.; Chadwick, D.; Moreira, N. & Trindade, H.(2008)J. of Environmental Quality37(6):2322-2331.

Fangueiro, D.; Pereira, J.: Coutinho, J.; Moreira, N. & Trindade, H.(2008)European J.of Agronomy28:625-634.

Fangueiro, D.; Pereira, J.; Chadwick, D.; Coutinho, J.; Moreira, N. & Trindade, H.(2008)Nutrient Cycling in Agroecossystems80:107-120.

Fangueiro, D.; Senbayran, M.; Trindade, H. & Chadwick, D.(2008)Bioresources Technology99:7132-7142.

Furniss, Csm; Bennett, Rn, Bacon, Jr; Legall, G; Mithen, Rf(2008)J. Nutrition138:1840-1845.

Gomes-Laranjo, J., Coutinho, J. P., Galhano, V. & Ferreira-Cardoso, J. V.(2008)Photosynthetica46(1):63-72.

Gonçalves, B.; Correia, C.; Silva, A.P.; Bacelar, E.; Santos, A. & Moutinho-Pereira, J.(2008)Scientia Horticulturae116:381-387.