
SCOPUS - Indexed publications

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Early yield prediction in different grapevine varieties using computer vision and machine learning
Palacios F., Diago M.P., Melo-Pinto P., Tardaguila J., (2023)Early yield prediction in different grapevine varieties using computer vision and machine learningPrecision Agriculture24:407-435.ISSN: 15731618.doi: 10.1007/s11119-022-09950-y.

Effects of acute metaphedrone exposure on the development, behaviour, and DNA integrity of zebrafish (Danio rerio)
Ribeiro O., Ribeiro C., Félix L., Gaivão I., Carrola J.S., (2023)Effects of acute metaphedrone exposure on the development, behaviour, and DNA integrity of zebrafish (Danio rerio)Environmental Science and Pollution Research30:49567-49576.ISSN: 16147499.doi: 10.1007/s11356-023-25233-z.

Exploring the Benefits of Phycocyanin: From Spirulina Cultivation to Its Widespread Applications
Fernandes R., Campos J., Serra M., Fidalgo J., Almeida H., Casas A., Toubarro D., Barros A.I.R.N.A., (2023)Exploring the Benefits of Phycocyanin: From Spirulina Cultivation to Its Widespread ApplicationsPharmaceuticals16(592).ISSN: 14248247.doi: 10.3390/ph16040592.

Exposure of Portuguese viticulture to weather extremes under climate change
Fonseca A., Fraga H., Santos J.A., (2023)Exposure of Portuguese viticulture to weather extremes under climate changeClimate Services30(100357).ISSN: 24058807.doi: 10.1016/j.cliser.2023.100357.

High Levels of Heavy Metal(loid)s Related to Biliary Hyperplasia in Hedgehogs (Erinaceus europaeus)
Jota Baptista C., Seixas F., Gonzalo-Orden J.M., Patinha C., Pato P., Ferreira da Silva E., Casero M., Brazio E., Brandão R., Costa D., Mateus T.L., Oliveira P.A., (2023)High Levels of Heavy Metal(loid)s Related to Biliary Hyperplasia in Hedgehogs (Erinaceus europaeus)Animals13(1359).ISSN: 20762615.doi: 10.3390/ani13081359.

Hydrologic Response to Land Use and Land Cover Change Scenarios: An Example from the Paraopeba River Basin Based on the SWAT Model
Costa R.C.A., Santos R.M.B., Fernandes L.F.S., Carvalho de Melo M., Valera C.A., Valle Junior R.F.d., Silva M.M.A.P.d.M., Pacheco F.A.L., Pissarra T.C.T., (2023)Hydrologic Response to Land Use and Land Cover Change Scenarios: An Example from the Paraopeba River Basin Based on the SWAT ModelWater (Switzerland)15(1451).ISSN: 20734441.doi: 10.3390/w15081451.

Integrated Approach for Synthetic Cathinone Drug Prioritization and Risk Assessment: In Silico Approach and Sub-Chronic Studies in Daphnia magna and Tetrahymena thermophila
Pérez-Pereira A., Carvalho A.R., Carrola J.S., Tiritan M.E., Ribeiro C., (2023)Integrated Approach for Synthetic Cathinone Drug Prioritization and Risk Assessment: In Silico Approach and Sub-Chronic Studies in Daphnia magna and Tetrahymena thermophilaMolecules28(2899).ISSN: 14203049.doi: 10.3390/molecules28072899.

Joint species distribution models unveil co-occurrences between freshwater mussels and their fish hosts
da Silva J.P., Gonçalves D.V., Garcia-Raventós A., Lopes-Lima M., Varandas S., Froufe E., Teixeira A., Hui F.K.C., Filipe A.F., Sousa R., (2023)Joint species distribution models unveil co-occurrences between freshwater mussels and their fish hostsJournal of Biogeography50:730-742.ISSN: 13652699.doi: 10.1111/jbi.14565.

Linking disturbances in neotropical landscapes with ecosystem functional traits: A preliminary assessment using epigaeic and leaf-litter ant communities
Cajaiba R.L., da Silva W.B., Gonzalez D.C., Crespi A.M.L., Santos M., Périco E., (2023)Linking disturbances in neotropical landscapes with ecosystem functional traits: A preliminary assessment using epigaeic and leaf-litter ant communitiesEcological Entomology48:186-198.ISSN: 13652311.doi: 10.1111/een.13213.

Mitigation of nicotine-induced developmental effects by 24-epibrassinolide in zebrafish
Pereira F., Pereira A., Monteiro S.M., Venâncio C., Félix L., (2023)Mitigation of nicotine-induced developmental effects by 24-epibrassinolide in zebrafishComparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part - C: Toxicology and Pharmacology266(109552).ISSN: 18781659.doi: 10.1016/j.cbpc.2023.109552.

Occurrence of Coliforms and Enterococcus Species in Drinking Water Samples Obtained from Selected Dairy Cattle Farms in Portugal
Soares A.S., Miranda C., Coelho A.C., Trindade H., (2023)Occurrence of Coliforms and Enterococcus Species in Drinking Water Samples Obtained from Selected Dairy Cattle Farms in PortugalAgriculture (Switzerland)13(885).ISSN: 20770472.doi: 10.3390/agriculture13040885.

On the evaluation of strain energy release rate of cement-bone bonded joints under mode II loading
Campos T.D., Barbosa M.L.S., Martins M., Pereira F.A.M., de Moura M.F.S.F., Nguyễn Q., Zille A., Dourado N., (2023)On the evaluation of strain energy release rate of cement-bone bonded joints under mode II loadingTheoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics124(103793).doi: 10.1016/j.tafmec.2023.103793.

Optimization of Phenolic Compounds Extraction and Antioxidant Activity from Inonotus hispidus Using Ultrasound-Assisted Extraction Technology
Machado-Carvalho L., Martins T., Aires A., Marques G., (2023)Optimization of Phenolic Compounds Extraction and Antioxidant Activity from Inonotus hispidus Using Ultrasound-Assisted Extraction TechnologyMetabolites13(524).ISSN: 22181989.doi: 10.3390/metabo13040524.

Side effects of European eco schemes and agri-environment-climate measures on endangered species conservation: Clues from a case study in mountain vineyard landscapes
Santos M., Garcês C., Ferreira A., Carvalho D., Travassos P., Bastos R., Cunha A., Cabecinha E., Santos J., Alexandre Cabral J., (2023)Side effects of European eco schemes and agri-environment-climate measures on endangered species conservation: Clues from a case study in mountain vineyard landscapesEcological Indicators148(110155).doi: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2023.110155.

Study on the antineoplastic and toxicological effects of pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) leaf infusion using the K14-HPV16 transgenic mouse model
Yu M., Gouvinhas I., Pires M.J., Neuparth M.J., Costa R.M.G.d., Medeiros R., Bastos M.M.S.M., Vala H., Félix L., Venâncio C., Barros A.I.R.N.A., Oliveira P.A., (2023)Study on the antineoplastic and toxicological effects of pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) leaf infusion using the K14-HPV16 transgenic mouse modelFood and Chemical Toxicology174(113689).ISSN: 18736351.doi: 10.1016/j.fct.2023.113689.

Studying and Analyzing Humane Endpoints in the Fructose-Fed and Streptozotocin-Injected Rat Model of Diabetes
Silva-Reis R., Faustino-Rocha A.I., Silva J., Valada A., Azevedo T., Anjos L., Gonçalves L., Pinto M.d.L., Ferreira R., Silva A.M.S., Cardoso S.M., Oliveira P.A., (2023)Studying and Analyzing Humane Endpoints in the Fructose-Fed and Streptozotocin-Injected Rat Model of DiabetesAnimals13(1397).ISSN: 20762615.doi: 10.3390/ani13081397.

The Accuracy of Land Use and Cover Mapping across Time in Environmental Disaster Zones: The Case of the B1 Tailings Dam Rupture in Brumadinho, Brazil
Filho C.R.M., do Valle Junior R.F., de Melo Silva M.M.A.P., Mendes R.G., de Souza Rolim G., Pissarra T.C.T., de Melo M.C., Valera C.A., Pacheco F.A.L., Fernandes L.F.S., (2023)The Accuracy of Land Use and Cover Mapping across Time in Environmental Disaster Zones: The Case of the B1 Tailings Dam Rupture in Brumadinho, BrazilSustainability (Switzerland)15(6949).ISSN: 20711050.doi: 10.3390/su15086949.

The leaf of Agapanthus africanus (L.) Hoffm.: A physical-chemical perspective of terrestrialization in the cuticle
Nunes P., Nunes S.C., Pereira R.F.P., Cruz R., Rocha J., Ravishankar A.P., Fernandes L., Bacelar E., Casal S., Anand S., Crespí A.L., Fernandes M., de Zea Bermudez V., (2023)The leaf of Agapanthus africanus (L.) Hoffm.: A physical-chemical perspective of terrestrialization in the cuticleEnvironmental and Experimental Botany208(105240).doi: 10.1016/j.envexpbot.2023.105240.

White Lupine (Lupinus albus L.) Flours for Healthy Wheat Breads: Rheological Properties of Dough and the Bread Quality
Guardianelli L.M., Carbas B., Brites C., Puppo M.C., Salinas M.V., (2023)White Lupine (Lupinus albus L.) Flours for Healthy Wheat Breads: Rheological Properties of Dough and the Bread QualityFoods12(1645).ISSN: 23048158.doi: 10.3390/foods12081645.

A Systematic Review on Automatic Insect Detection Using Deep Learning
Teixeira A.C., Ribeiro J., Morais R., Sousa J.J., Cunha A., (2023)A Systematic Review on Automatic Insect Detection Using Deep LearningAgriculture (Switzerland)13(713).ISSN: 20770472.doi: 10.3390/agriculture13030713.

Biomonitoring of heavy metals and metalloids with wild mammals in the Iberian Peninsula: a systematic review
Baptista C.J., Seixas F., Gonzalo-Orden J.M., Oliveira P.A., (2023)Biomonitoring of heavy metals and metalloids with wild mammals in the Iberian Peninsula: a systematic reviewEnvironmental Reviews31:66-75.doi: 10.1139/er-2022-0071.

Calibration for an Ensemble of Grapevine Phenology Models under Different Optimization Algorithms
Yang C., Menz C., Reis S., Machado N., Santos J.A., Torres-Matallana J.A., (2023)Calibration for an Ensemble of Grapevine Phenology Models under Different Optimization AlgorithmsAgronomy13(679).ISSN: 20734395.doi: 10.3390/agronomy13030679.

Climate Change Trends for the Urban Heat Island Intensities in Two Major Portuguese Cities
Andrade C., Fonseca A., Santos J.A., (2023)Climate Change Trends for the Urban Heat Island Intensities in Two Major Portuguese CitiesSustainability (Switzerland)15(3970).ISSN: 20711050.doi: 10.3390/su15053970.

Combining Zeolites with Early-Maturing Annual Legume Cover Crops in Rainfed Orchards: Effects on Yield, Fatty Acid Composition and Polyphenolic Profile of Olives and Olive Oil
Martins S., Silva E., Brito C., Pinto L., Martins-Gomes C., Gonçalves A., Arrobas M., Rodrigues M.Â., Correia C.M., Nunes F.M., (2023)Combining Zeolites with Early-Maturing Annual Legume Cover Crops in Rainfed Orchards: Effects on Yield, Fatty Acid Composition and Polyphenolic Profile of Olives and Olive OilMolecules28(2545).ISSN: 14203049.doi: 10.3390/molecules28062545.

Composition of Nuts and Their Potential Health Benefits—An Overview
Gonçalves B., Pinto T., Aires A., Morais M.C., Bacelar E., Anjos R., Ferreira-Cardoso J., Oliveira I., Vilela A., Cosme F., (2023)Composition of Nuts and Their Potential Health Benefits—An OverviewFoods12(942).ISSN: 23048158.doi: 10.3390/foods12050942.

Effect of cultivar, maturation stage, and year on sugar and phenolic composition of elderberries
Ferreira S.S., Silva P., Silva A.M., Nunes F.M., (2023)Effect of cultivar, maturation stage, and year on sugar and phenolic composition of elderberriesJournal of the Science of Food and Agriculture103:2023-2036.ISSN: 10970010.doi: 10.1002/jsfa.12271.

Fertilizer Performance of a Digestate from Swine Wastewater as Synthetic Nitrogen Substitute in Maize Cultivation: Physiological Growth and Yield Responses
Buligon E.L., Costa L.A.M., de Lucas J., Santos F.T., Goufo P., Costa M.S.S.M., (2023)Fertilizer Performance of a Digestate from Swine Wastewater as Synthetic Nitrogen Substitute in Maize Cultivation: Physiological Growth and Yield ResponsesAgriculture (Switzerland)13(565).ISSN: 20770472.doi: 10.3390/agriculture13030565.

Housing Conditions Affect Adult Zebrafish (Danio rerio) Behavior but Not Their Physiological Status
Jorge S., Félix L., Costas B., Valentim A.M., (2023)Housing Conditions Affect Adult Zebrafish (Danio rerio) Behavior but Not Their Physiological StatusAnimals13(1120).ISSN: 20762615.doi: 10.3390/ani13061120.

Hydropeaking impact assessment for Iberian cyprinids and leuciscids: An adaptation of the hydropeaking tool method
Godinho F.N., Alexandre C., Almeida P.R., Martínez-Capel F., Cortes R.M.V., Quintella B.R., Sanz-Ronda J., Santos J.M., Palau A., Pinheiro A.N., Boavida I., (2023)Hydropeaking impact assessment for Iberian cyprinids and leuciscids: An adaptation of the hydropeaking tool methodRiver Research and Applications39:340-348.ISSN: 15351467.doi: 10.1002/rra.3943.

Identifying freshwater priority areas for cross-taxa interactions
Nogueira J.G., Lopes-Lima M., Beja P., Filipe A.F., Froufe E., Gonçalves D.V., da Silva J.P., Sousa R., Teixeira A., Varandas S., Hermoso V., (2023)Identifying freshwater priority areas for cross-taxa interactionsScience of the Total Environment864(161073).ISSN: 18791026.doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.161073.