
SCOPUS - Indexed publications

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Improvement Cuttings in the Conversion of Pyrenean Oak (Quercus pyrenaica Willd.) Coppice
Carvalho J.P.F., (2023)Improvement Cuttings in the Conversion of Pyrenean Oak (Quercus pyrenaica Willd.) CoppiceForests14(575).ISSN: 19994907.doi: 10.3390/f14030575.

Large Chestnut Trees Did Not Respond to Annual Fertiliser Applications, Requiring a Long-Term Approach to Establishing Effective Fertilisation Plans
Arrobas M., Silva J., Busato M.R., Ferreira A.C., Raimundo S., Pereira A., Finatto T., de Mello N.A., Correia C.M., Rodrigues M.Â., (2023)Large Chestnut Trees Did Not Respond to Annual Fertiliser Applications, Requiring a Long-Term Approach to Establishing Effective Fertilisation PlansSoil Systems7(2).ISSN: 25718789.doi: 10.3390/soilsystems7010002.

Microbial Hyaluronic Acid Production: A Review
Serra M., Casas A., Toubarro D., Barros A.N., Teixeira J.A., (2023)Microbial Hyaluronic Acid Production: A ReviewMolecules28(2084).ISSN: 14203049.doi: 10.3390/molecules28052084.

Particleboard Production from Paulownia tomentosa (Thunb.) Steud. Grown in Portugal
Esteves B., Aires P., Sen U., Gomes M.d.G., Guiné R.P.F., Domingos I., Ferreira J., Viana H., Cruz-Lopes L.P., (2023)Particleboard Production from Paulownia tomentosa (Thunb.) Steud. Grown in PortugalPolymers15(1158).ISSN: 20734360.doi: 10.3390/polym15051158.

Performance of seasonal forecasts for the flowering and veraison of two major Portuguese grapevine varieties
Yang C., Ceglar A., Menz C., Martins J., Fraga H., Santos J.A., (2023)Performance of seasonal forecasts for the flowering and veraison of two major Portuguese grapevine varietiesAgricultural and Forest Meteorology331(109342).doi: 10.1016/j.agrformet.2023.109342.

Phytochemical Composition and Antioxidant, Anti-Acetylcholinesterase, and Anti-α-Glucosidase Activity of Thymus carnosus Extracts: A Three-Year Study on the Impact of Annual Variation and Geographic Location
Martins-Gomes C., Steck J., Keller J., Bunzel M., Santos J.A., Nunes F.M., Silva A.M., (2023)Phytochemical Composition and Antioxidant, Anti-Acetylcholinesterase, and Anti-α-Glucosidase Activity of Thymus carnosus Extracts: A Three-Year Study on the Impact of Annual Variation and Geographic LocationAntioxidants12(668).ISSN: 20763921.doi: 10.3390/antiox12030668.

Prunus lusitanica L. Fruits: A Promising Underexploited Source of Nutrients with Potential Economic Value
Abraão A., Yu M., Gouvinhas I., Ferreira L., Silva A.M., Domínguez-Perles R., Barros A., (2023)Prunus lusitanica L. Fruits: A Promising Underexploited Source of Nutrients with Potential Economic ValueFoods12(973).ISSN: 23048158.doi: 10.3390/foods12050973.

Public funding constrains effective postfire emergency restoration in Portugal
Lopes L.F., Fernandes P.M., Rego F.C., Acácio V., (2023)Public funding constrains effective postfire emergency restoration in PortugalRestoration Ecology31(e13769).ISSN: 1526100X.doi: 10.1111/rec.13769.

Rockrose Land Management: Contribution of Periodic Harvesting to Increase Value and to Control Cistus ladanifer L. Shrublands
Frazão D.F., Gonçalves J.C., Silva A.M., Delgado F., (2023)Rockrose Land Management: Contribution of Periodic Harvesting to Increase Value and to Control Cistus ladanifer L. ShrublandsForests14(638).ISSN: 19994907.doi: 10.3390/f14030638.

Seropositivity for Coxiella burnetii in Wild Boar (Sus scrofa) and Red Deer (Cervus elaphus) in Portugal
Pires H., Cardoso L., Lopes A.P., Fontes M.d.C., Matos M., Pintado C., Figueira L., Mesquita J.R., Matos A.C., Coelho A.C., (2023)Seropositivity for Coxiella burnetii in Wild Boar (Sus scrofa) and Red Deer (Cervus elaphus) in PortugalPathogens12(421).ISSN: 20760817.doi: 10.3390/pathogens12030421.

Stakeholder perceptions of wildfire management strategies as nature-based solutions in two Iberian biosphere reserves
Lecina-Diaz J., Campos J.C., Pais S., Carvalho-Santos C., Azevedo J.C., Fernandes P., Gonçalves J.F., Aquilué N., Roces-Díaz J.V., Agrelo de la Torre M., Brotons L., Chas-Amil M.L., Lomba A., Duane A., Moreira F., Touza J.M., Hermoso V., Sil Â., Vicente J.R., Honrado J., Regos A., (2023)Stakeholder perceptions of wildfire management strategies as nature-based solutions in two Iberian biosphere reservesEcology and Society28(39).ISSN: 17083087.doi: 10.5751/ES-13907-280139.

Structure-function relationships of pectic polysaccharides from broccoli by-products with in vitro B lymphocyte stimulatory activity
Ferreira S.S., Correia A., Silva A.M.S., Wessel D.F., Cardoso S.M., Vilanova M., Coimbra M.A., (2023)Structure-function relationships of pectic polysaccharides from broccoli by-products with in vitro B lymphocyte stimulatory activityCarbohydrate Polymers303(120432).doi: 10.1016/j.carbpol.2022.120432.

t-SNE: A study on reducing the dimensionality of hyperspectral data for the regression problem of estimating oenological parameters
Silva R., Melo-Pinto P., (2023)t-SNE: A study on reducing the dimensionality of hyperspectral data for the regression problem of estimating oenological parametersArtificial Intelligence in Agriculture7:58-68.ISSN: 25897217.doi: 10.1016/j.aiia.2023.02.003.

TNFR2 as a Potential Biomarker for Early Detection and Progression of CKD
Lousa I., Reis F., Viana S., Vieira P., Vala H., Belo L., Santos-Silva A., (2023)TNFR2 as a Potential Biomarker for Early Detection and Progression of CKDBiomolecules13(534).ISSN: 2218273X.doi: 10.3390/biom13030534.

Alkaloids from fungi
Silva J., Garcia J., Guimarães R., Palito C., Lemos A., Barros L., Alves M.J., (2023)Alkaloids from fungiNatural Secondary Metabolites: From Nature, Through Science, to Industry:529-554.doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-18587-8_16.

Antifungal Activity of Plant Waste Extracts against Phytopathogenic Fungi: Allium sativum Peels Extract as a Promising Product Targeting the Fungal Plasma Membrane and Cell Wall
Teixeira A., Sánchez-Hernández E., Noversa J., Cunha A., Cortez I., Marques G., Martín-Ramos P., Oliveira R., (2023)Antifungal Activity of Plant Waste Extracts against Phytopathogenic Fungi: Allium sativum Peels Extract as a Promising Product Targeting the Fungal Plasma Membrane and Cell WallHorticulturae9(136).ISSN: 23117524.doi: 10.3390/horticulturae9020136.

Assessment of Agricultural Practices for Controlling Fusarium and Mycotoxins Contamination on Maize Grains: Exploratory Study in Maize Farms
Simões D., Carbas B., Soares A., Freitas A., Silva A.S., Brites C., Andrade E.d., (2023)Assessment of Agricultural Practices for Controlling Fusarium and Mycotoxins Contamination on Maize Grains: Exploratory Study in Maize FarmsToxins15(136).ISSN: 20726651.doi: 10.3390/toxins15020136.

Assessment of Phenolic Content, Antioxidant and Anti-Aging Activities of Honey from Pittosporum undulatum Vent. Naturalized in the Azores Archipelago (Portugal)
Santos S., Maia M., Barros A., Gouvinhas I., (2023)Assessment of Phenolic Content, Antioxidant and Anti-Aging Activities of Honey from Pittosporum undulatum Vent. Naturalized in the Azores Archipelago (Portugal)Applied Sciences (Switzerland)13(1788).ISSN: 20763417.doi: 10.3390/app13031788.

Brassica oleracea Var italica by-Products Prevent Lipid Accumulation and Cell Death in a Liver Cell Model of Lipid Toxicity
Castelão-Baptista J.P., Valente S.A., Canário S., Oppolzer D., Barros A., Venâncio C., Martins T., Antunes L., Sardão V.A., Rosa E., Oliveira P.J., (2023)Brassica oleracea Var italica by-Products Prevent Lipid Accumulation and Cell Death in a Liver Cell Model of Lipid ToxicityNutrients15(924).ISSN: 20726643.doi: 10.3390/nu15040924.

Detection and Molecular Characterization of Giardia and Cryptosporidium spp. Circulating in Wild Small Mammals from Portugal
Lux L., Ulrich R.G., Santos-Silva S., Queirós J., Imholt C., Klotz C., Paupério J., Pita R., Vale-Gonçalves H., Alves P.C., Mesquita J.R., (2023)Detection and Molecular Characterization of Giardia and Cryptosporidium spp. Circulating in Wild Small Mammals from PortugalAnimals13(515).ISSN: 20762615.doi: 10.3390/ani13030515.

Distance to Natural Environments, Physical Activity, Sleep, and Body Composition in Women: An Exploratory Analysis
Teixeira A., Gabriel R., Martinho J., Oliveira I., Santos M., Pinto G., Moreira H., (2023)Distance to Natural Environments, Physical Activity, Sleep, and Body Composition in Women: An Exploratory AnalysisInternational Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health20(3647).ISSN: 16604601.doi: 10.3390/ijerph20043647.

Drivers and implications of the extreme 2022 wildfire season in Southwest Europe
Rodrigues M., Cunill Camprubí À., Balaguer-Romano R., Coco Megía C.J., Castañares F., Ruffault J., Fernandes P.M., Resco de Dios V., (2023)Drivers and implications of the extreme 2022 wildfire season in Southwest EuropeScience of the Total Environment859(160320).ISSN: 18791026.doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.160320.

Early Activation of Antioxidant Responses in Ni-Stressed Tomato Cultivars Determines Their Resilience Under Co-exposure to Drought
Spormann S., Soares C., Martins V., Azenha M., Gerós H., Fidalgo F., (2023)Early Activation of Antioxidant Responses in Ni-Stressed Tomato Cultivars Determines Their Resilience Under Co-exposure to DroughtJournal of Plant Growth Regulation42:877-891.ISSN: 14358107.doi: 10.1007/s00344-022-10595-4.

Environmental and bioclimatic factors influencing yeasts and molds distribution along European shores
Cogliati M., Arikan-Akdagli S., Barac A., Bostanaru A.C., Brito S., Çerikçioğlu N., Efstratiou M.A., Ergin , Esposto M.C., Frenkel M., Gangneux J.P., Gitto A., Gonçalves C.I., Guegan H., Gunde-Cimerman N., Güran M., Jonikaitė E., Kataržytė M., Klingspor L., Mares M., Meijer W.G., Melchers W.J.G., Meletiadis J., Nastasa V., Babič M.N., Ogunc D., Ozhak B., Prigitano A., Ranque S., Romanò L., Rusu R.O., Sabino R., Sampaio A., Silva S., Stephens J.H., Tehupeiory-Kooreman M., Velegraki A., Veríssimo C., Segal E., Brandão J., (2023)Environmental and bioclimatic factors influencing yeasts and molds distribution along European shoresScience of the Total Environment859(160132).ISSN: 18791026.doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.160132.

Estimates of fine fuel litter biomass in the northern Great Basin reveal increases during short fire-free intervals associated with invasive annual grasses
Fernández-Guisuraga J.M., Calvo L., Fernandes P.M., Hulet A., Perryman B., Schultz B., Jensen K.S., Enterkine J., Boyd C.S., Davies K.W., Johnson D.D., Wollstein K., Price W.J., Arispe S.A., (2023)Estimates of fine fuel litter biomass in the northern Great Basin reveal increases during short fire-free intervals associated with invasive annual grassesScience of the Total Environment860(160634).ISSN: 18791026.doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.160634.

Hydrocinnamic Acid and Perillyl Alcohol Potentiate the Action of Antibiotics against Escherichia coli
Sousa M., Afonso A.C., Teixeira L.S., Borges A., Saavedra M.J., Simões L.C., Simões M., (2023)Hydrocinnamic Acid and Perillyl Alcohol Potentiate the Action of Antibiotics against Escherichia coliAntibiotics12(360).ISSN: 20796382.doi: 10.3390/antibiotics12020360.

Innovative edible coatings for postharvest storage of sweet cherries
Afonso S., Oliveira I., Ribeiro C., Vilela A., Meyer A.S., Gonçalves B., (2023)Innovative edible coatings for postharvest storage of sweet cherriesScientia Horticulturae310(111738).doi: 10.1016/j.scienta.2022.111738.

Limitations and Opportunities of Spatial Planning to Enhance Wildfire Risk Reduction: Evidences from Portugal
Tedim F., Samora-Arvela A., Coimbra C., Aranha J., Correia F., Pinto D.M., Figueiras C., Magalhães C., (2023)Limitations and Opportunities of Spatial Planning to Enhance Wildfire Risk Reduction: Evidences from PortugalForests14(303).ISSN: 19994907.doi: 10.3390/f14020303.

Multi-Indices Diagnosis of the Conditions That Led to the Two 2017 Major Wildfires in Portugal
Andrade C., Bugalho L., (2023)Multi-Indices Diagnosis of the Conditions That Led to the Two 2017 Major Wildfires in PortugalFire6(56).ISSN: 25716255.doi: 10.3390/fire6020056.

Opuntia ficus-indica Fruit: A Systematic Review of Its Phytochemicals and Pharmacological Activities
Giraldo-Silva L., Ferreira B., Rosa E., Dias A.C.P., (2023)Opuntia ficus-indica Fruit: A Systematic Review of Its Phytochemicals and Pharmacological ActivitiesPlants12(543).ISSN: 22237747.doi: 10.3390/plants12030543.