
SCOPUS - Indexed publications

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The Effects of Tree Shade on Vineyard Microclimate and Grape Production: A Novel Approach to Sun Radiation Modelling as a Response to Climate Change
Menezes I.C., Santos M., Bugalho L., Pereira M.G., (2024)The Effects of Tree Shade on Vineyard Microclimate and Grape Production: A Novel Approach to Sun Radiation Modelling as a Response to Climate ChangeLand13(1970).ISSN: 2073445X.doi: 10.3390/land13111970.

The water cycle of small catchments impacted with tailings mudflows: A study in the Ferro-Carvão watershed after the breakup of B1 dam in Brumadinho
Pereira P., Fernandes L.F.S., do Valle Junior R.F., de Melo Silva M.M.A.P., Valera C.A., de Melo M.C., Pissarra T.C.T., Pacheco F.A.L., (2024)The water cycle of small catchments impacted with tailings mudflows: A study in the Ferro-Carvão watershed after the breakup of B1 dam in BrumadinhoScience of the Total Environment949(174971).ISSN: 18791026.doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.174971.

Thymus spp. Aqueous Extracts and Their Constituent Salvianolic Acid A Induce Nrf2-Dependent Cellular Antioxidant Protection Against Oxidative Stress in Caco-2 Cells
Martins-Gomes C., Nunes F.M., Silva A.M., (2024)Thymus spp. Aqueous Extracts and Their Constituent Salvianolic Acid A Induce Nrf2-Dependent Cellular Antioxidant Protection Against Oxidative Stress in Caco-2 CellsAntioxidants13(1287).ISSN: 20763921.doi: 10.3390/antiox13111287.

Towards the Valorization of Elderberry By-Product: Recovery and Use of Natural Ingredients for Sorbet Formulations
Neves C.M.B., Fogeiro É., Cardoso S.M., Gonçalves F., Pinto A., Wessel D.F., (2024)Towards the Valorization of Elderberry By-Product: Recovery and Use of Natural Ingredients for Sorbet FormulationsApplied Sciences (Switzerland)14(10328).ISSN: 20763417.doi: 10.3390/app142210328.

Valorisation of Winery By-Products: Revealing the Polyphenolic Profile of Grape Stems and Their Inhibitory Effects on Skin Aging-Enzymes for Cosmetic and Pharmaceutical Applications
Dias-Costa R., Medrano-Padial C., Fernandes R., Domínguez-Perles R., Gouvinhas I., Barros A.N., (2024)Valorisation of Winery By-Products: Revealing the Polyphenolic Profile of Grape Stems and Their Inhibitory Effects on Skin Aging-Enzymes for Cosmetic and Pharmaceutical ApplicationsMolecules29(5437).ISSN: 14203049.doi: 10.3390/molecules29225437.

Versatile method for grapevine row detection in challenging vineyard terrains using aerial imagery
Pádua L., Chojka A., Morais R., Peres E., Sousa J.J., (2024)Versatile method for grapevine row detection in challenging vineyard terrains using aerial imageryComputers and Electronics in Agriculture226(109372).doi: 10.1016/j.compag.2024.109372.

Anti-biofilm properties of Portuguese honeys against multi-drug resistant microorganisms: A promising strategy for chronic wounds healing
Bezerra A., Alves M.J., Saavedra M.J., Russo-Almeida P., Aires A., Fonseca H., Rodrigues F., Delerue-Matos C., Garcia J., Gouvinhas I., (2024)Anti-biofilm properties of Portuguese honeys against multi-drug resistant microorganisms: A promising strategy for chronic wounds healingFood Bioscience61(104796).ISSN: 22124306.doi: 10.1016/j.fbio.2024.104796.

Ascophyllum nodosum Extract Improves Olive Performance Under Water Deficit Through the Modulation of Molecular and Physiological Processes
Dias M.C., Figueiras R., Sousa M., Araújo M., de Oliveira J.M.P.F., Pinto D.C.G.A., Silva A.M.S., Santos C., (2024)Ascophyllum nodosum Extract Improves Olive Performance Under Water Deficit Through the Modulation of Molecular and Physiological ProcessesPlants13(2908).ISSN: 22237747.doi: 10.3390/plants13202908.

Chestnut Burr Segmentation for Yield Estimation Using UAV-Based Imagery and Deep Learning
Carneiro G.A., Santos J., Sousa J.J., Cunha A., Pádua L., (2024)Chestnut Burr Segmentation for Yield Estimation Using UAV-Based Imagery and Deep LearningDrones8(541).ISSN: 2504446X.doi: 10.3390/drones8100541.

Dominance and rarity in tree communities across the globe: Patterns, predictors and threats
Hordijk I., Bialic-Murphy L., Lauber T., Routh D., Poorter L., Rivers M.C., ter Steege H., Liang J., Reich P.B., de-Miguel S., Nabuurs G.J., Gamarra J.G.P., Chen H.Y.H., Zhou M., Wiser S.K., Pretzsch H., Paquette A., Picard N., Hérault B., Bastin J.F., Alberti G., Abegg M., Adou Yao Y.C., Almeyda Zambrano A.M., Alvarado B.V., Alvarez-Davila E., Alvarez-Loayza P., Alves L.F., Ammer C., Antón-Fernández C., Araujo-Murakami A., Arroyo L., Avitabile V., Aymard Corredor G.A., Baker T., Banki O., Barroso J., Bastian M.L., Birigazzi L., Birnbaum P., Bitariho R., Boeckx P., Bongers F., Bouriaud O., Brancalion P.H.S., Brandl S., Brienen R., Broadbent E.N., Bruelheide H., Bussotti F., Gatti R.C., Cesar R.G., Cesljar G., Chazdon R., Chisholm C., Cienciala E., Clark C.J., Clar D.B., Colletta G., Coomes D., Valverde F.C., Corral-Rivas J.J., Crim P., Cumming J., Dayanandan S., de Gasper A.L., Decuyper M., Derroire G., DeVries B., Djordjevic I., Iêda A., Dourdain A., Dolezal J., Obiang N.L.E., Enquist B., Eyre T., Fandohan A.B., Fayle T.M., Ferreira L.V., Feldpausch T.R., Finér L., Fischer M., Fletcher C., Frizzera L., Gianelle D., Glick H.B., Harris D., Hector A., Hemp A., Hengeveld G., Herbohn J., Hillers A., Honorio Coronado E.N., Hui C., Cho H., Ibanez T., Jung I., Imai N., Jagodzinski A.M., Jaroszewicz B., (2024)Dominance and rarity in tree communities across the globe: Patterns, predictors and threatsGlobal Ecology and Biogeography33(e13889).ISSN: 14668238.doi: 10.1111/geb.13889.

Elucidating bacterial coaggregation through a physicochemical and imaging surface characterization
Afonso A.C., Botting J., Gomes I.B., Saavedra M.J., Simões L.C., Liu J., Simões M., (2024)Elucidating bacterial coaggregation through a physicochemical and imaging surface characterizationScience of the Total Environment948(174872).ISSN: 18791026.doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.174872.

Enhancing Olive Cultivation Resilience: Sustainable Long-Term and Short-Term Adaptation Strategies to Alleviate Climate Change Impacts
Martins S., Pereira S., Dinis L.T., Brito C., (2024)Enhancing Olive Cultivation Resilience: Sustainable Long-Term and Short-Term Adaptation Strategies to Alleviate Climate Change ImpactsHorticulturae10(1066).ISSN: 23117524.doi: 10.3390/horticulturae10101066.

Enhancing tomato plants' tolerance to combined heat and salt stress – The role of arbuscular mycorrhizae and biochar
Sousa B., Soares C., Sousa F., Martins M., Mateus P., Rodrigues F., Azenha M., Moutinho-Pereira J., Lino-Neto T., Fidalgo F., (2024)Enhancing tomato plants' tolerance to combined heat and salt stress – The role of arbuscular mycorrhizae and biocharScience of the Total Environment948(174860).ISSN: 18791026.doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.174860.

Environmental DNA as a complementary tool for biodiversity monitoring: A multi-technique and multi-trophic approach to investigate cetacean distribution and feeding ecology
Afonso L., Costa J., Correia A.M., Valente R., Lopes E., Tomasino M.P., Gil Á., Oliveira-Rodrigues C., Pino I.S., López A., Suarez-Bregua P., Magalhães C., (2024)Environmental DNA as a complementary tool for biodiversity monitoring: A multi-technique and multi-trophic approach to investigate cetacean distribution and feeding ecologyPLoS ONE19(e0300992).ISSN: 19326203.doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0300992.

Estimating vegetation and litter biomass fractions in rangelands using structure-from-motion and LiDAR datasets from unmanned aerial vehicles
Fernández-Guisuraga J.M., Calvo L., Enterkine J., Price W.J., Dinkins J.B., Jensen K.S., Olsoy P.J., Arispe S.A., (2024)Estimating vegetation and litter biomass fractions in rangelands using structure-from-motion and LiDAR datasets from unmanned aerial vehiclesLandscape Ecology39(181).ISSN: 15729761.doi: 10.1007/s10980-024-01979-w.

Future aridity and drought risk for traditional and super-intensive olive orchards in Portugal
Freitas T.R., Santos J.A., Paredes P., Fraga H., (2024)Future aridity and drought risk for traditional and super-intensive olive orchards in PortugalClimatic Change177(155).ISSN: 15731480.doi: 10.1007/s10584-024-03813-3.

Implications of seasonal and daily variation on methane and ammonia emissions from naturally ventilated dairy cattle barns in a Mediterranean climate: A two-year study
Rodrigues A.R.F., Silva M.E., Silva V.F., Maia M.R.G., Cabrita A.R.J., Trindade H., Fonseca A.J.M., Pereira J.L.S., (2024)Implications of seasonal and daily variation on methane and ammonia emissions from naturally ventilated dairy cattle barns in a Mediterranean climate: A two-year studyScience of the Total Environment946(173734).ISSN: 18791026.doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.173734.

Protective properties of the edible halophyte Carpobrotus edulis (L.) N.E.Br. towards neoformed food contaminants-related oxidative stress and genotoxicity
Oliveira D., Hayrapetyan R., Dias M.I., Barros L., Séverin I., Custódio L., Chagnon M.C., Oliveira R., (2024)Protective properties of the edible halophyte Carpobrotus edulis (L.) N.E.Br. towards neoformed food contaminants-related oxidative stress and genotoxicityFood Bioscience61(104447).ISSN: 22124306.doi: 10.1016/j.fbio.2024.104447.

Red Grape By-Products from the Demarcated Douro Region: Chemical Analysis, Antioxidant Potential and Antimicrobial Activity against Food-Borne Pathogens
Silva A., Martins R., Silva V., Fernandes F., Carvalho R., Aires A., Igrejas G., Falco V., Valentão P., Poeta P., (2024)Red Grape By-Products from the Demarcated Douro Region: Chemical Analysis, Antioxidant Potential and Antimicrobial Activity against Food-Borne PathogensMolecules29(4708).ISSN: 14203049.doi: 10.3390/molecules29194708.

Selection of Reference Genes and HSP17.9A Expression Profiling in Heat-Stressed Grapevine Varieties
Carvalho A., Crisóstomo C., Leal F., Lima-Brito J., (2024)Selection of Reference Genes and HSP17.9A Expression Profiling in Heat-Stressed Grapevine VarietiesGenes15(1283).ISSN: 20734425.doi: 10.3390/genes15101283.

Studies on Heavy Precipitation in Portugal: A Systematic Review
Cruz J., Belo-Pereira M., Fonseca A., Santos J.A., (2024)Studies on Heavy Precipitation in Portugal: A Systematic ReviewClimate12(163).ISSN: 22251154.doi: 10.3390/cli12100163.

The Application of a Foliar Spray Containing Methylobacterium symbioticum Had a Limited Effect on Crop Yield and Nitrogen Recovery in Field and Pot-Grown Maize
Rodrigues M.Â., Correia C.M., Arrobas M., (2024)The Application of a Foliar Spray Containing Methylobacterium symbioticum Had a Limited Effect on Crop Yield and Nitrogen Recovery in Field and Pot-Grown MaizePlants13(2909).ISSN: 22237747.doi: 10.3390/plants13202909.

The ectomycorrhizal fungus Paxillus involutus positively modulates Castanea sativa Miller (var. Marsol) responses to heat and drought co-exposure
Mateus P., Sousa F., Martins M., Sousa B., Afonso A., Oliveira F., Moutinho-Pereira J., Fidalgo F., Soares C., (2024)The ectomycorrhizal fungus Paxillus involutus positively modulates Castanea sativa Miller (var. Marsol) responses to heat and drought co-exposurePlant Physiology and Biochemistry215(108999).doi: 10.1016/j.plaphy.2024.108999.

Unlocking the therapeutic treasure of pomegranate leaf: A comprehensive review on phytochemical compounds, health benefits, and future prospects
Yu M., Gouvinhas I., Chen J., Zhu Y., Deng J., Xiang Z., Oliveira P., Xia C., Barros A., (2024)Unlocking the therapeutic treasure of pomegranate leaf: A comprehensive review on phytochemical compounds, health benefits, and future prospectsFood Chemistry: X23(101587).ISSN: 25901575.doi: 10.1016/j.fochx.2024.101587.

A Decade of Antimicrobial Resistance in Human and Animal Campylobacter spp. Isolates
Barata R., Saavedra M.J., Almeida G., (2024)A Decade of Antimicrobial Resistance in Human and Animal Campylobacter spp. IsolatesAntibiotics13(904).ISSN: 20796382.doi: 10.3390/antibiotics13090904.

Analytical Validation of Two Point-of-Care Assays for Hematological Analysis in the Miranda Donkey
Costa C., Sousa A.P., Silva G., Queiroga F., Martins Â., Andrade D., Silvestre-Ferreira A.C., (2024)Analytical Validation of Two Point-of-Care Assays for Hematological Analysis in the Miranda DonkeyVeterinary Sciences11(450).ISSN: 23067381.doi: 10.3390/vetsci11090450.

Conservation of Threatened Grassland Birds in the Mediterranean Region: Going Up or Giving Up?
Santos M., Lourenço J., (2024)Conservation of Threatened Grassland Birds in the Mediterranean Region: Going Up or Giving Up?Conservation4:357-363.ISSN: 26737159.doi: 10.3390/conservation4030023.

Copper and Temperature Interaction Induced Gill and Liver Lesions and Behaviour Alterations in Mozambique Tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus)
Ribeiro O., Pinto M.Q., Tavares D., Ferreira-Cardoso J.V., Correia A.T., Carrola J.S., (2024)Copper and Temperature Interaction Induced Gill and Liver Lesions and Behaviour Alterations in Mozambique Tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus)Water (Switzerland)16(2499).ISSN: 20734441.doi: 10.3390/w16172499.

Do endocrine disrupting compounds impact earthworms? A comprehensive evidence review
Azevedo T., Gonçalves M., Silva-Reis R., Medeiros-Fonseca B., Roboredo M., Sousa J.R., Oliveira P.A., Pinto M.d.L., Peixoto F., Gaivão I., Matos M., Coimbra A.M., (2024)Do endocrine disrupting compounds impact earthworms? A comprehensive evidence reviewReviews in Environmental Science and Biotechnology23:633-677.ISSN: 15729826.doi: 10.1007/s11157-024-09698-z.

Earthworms As An Emerging Biotechnological Intervention in the Mitigation of Microplastics
Sharma A., Kumar S., Singh A., Sharma R., Rajput V.D., Movsesyan H.S., Minkina T., Singh R.K., El-Ramady H., Ghazaryan K., (2024)Earthworms As An Emerging Biotechnological Intervention in the Mitigation of MicroplasticsEgyptian Journal of Soil Science64:1219-1238.ISSN: 23570369.doi: 10.21608/ejss.2024.290160.1772.