
SCOPUS - Indexed publications

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Predicting the behavior of chestnut cultivars grafted on ColUTAD under different edaphoclimatic conditions
Marques T., Ferreira-Pinto A., Pinto T., Gomes-Laranjo J., (2024)Predicting the behavior of chestnut cultivars grafted on ColUTAD under different edaphoclimatic conditionsActa Horticulturae1:49-57.ISSN: 24066168.doi: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2024.1400.6.

Sewage Sludge Increased Lettuce Yields by Releasing Valuable Nutrients While Keeping Heavy Metals in Soil and Plants at Levels Well below International Legislative Limits
Rodrigues M.Â., Sawimbo A., da Silva J.M., Correia C.M., Arrobas M., (2024)Sewage Sludge Increased Lettuce Yields by Releasing Valuable Nutrients While Keeping Heavy Metals in Soil and Plants at Levels Well below International Legislative LimitsHorticulturae10(706).ISSN: 23117524.doi: 10.3390/horticulturae10070706.

The Future Sustainability of the São Francisco River Basin in Brazil: A Case Study
Andrade C., de Souza I., da Silva L., (2024)The Future Sustainability of the São Francisco River Basin in Brazil: A Case StudySustainability (Switzerland)16(5521).ISSN: 20711050.doi: 10.3390/su16135521.

The Influence of Wildfire Climate on Wildfire Incidence: The Case of Portugal
Pereira M.G., Gonçalves N., Amraoui M., (2024)The Influence of Wildfire Climate on Wildfire Incidence: The Case of PortugalFire7(234).ISSN: 25716255.doi: 10.3390/fire7070234.

The world sector of chestnut
Gomes-Laranjo J., Pereira-Lorenzo S., Marino G., (2024)The world sector of chestnutActa Horticulturae1:1-13.ISSN: 24066168.doi: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2024.1400.1.

Towards spatial predictions of disease transmission risk: Classical scrapie spill-over from domestic small ruminants to wild cervids
Mouta N., Orge L., Vicente J., Cabral J.A., Aranha J., Carvalho J., Torres R.T., Pereira J., Carvalho R., Pires M.A., Vieira-Pinto M., (2024)Towards spatial predictions of disease transmission risk: Classical scrapie spill-over from domestic small ruminants to wild cervidsWeb Ecology24:47-57.ISSN: 13991183.doi: 10.5194/we-24-47-2024.

A remote sensing assessment of oak forest recovery after postfire restoration
Lopes L.F., Dias F.S., Fernandes P.M., Acácio V., (2024)A remote sensing assessment of oak forest recovery after postfire restorationEuropean Journal of Forest Research143:1001-1014.ISSN: 16124677.doi: 10.1007/s10342-024-01667-z.

Advances in Blueberry (Vaccinium spp.) In Vitro Culture: A Review
Correia S., Matos M., Leal F., (2024)Advances in Blueberry (Vaccinium spp.) In Vitro Culture: A ReviewHorticulturae10(533).ISSN: 23117524.doi: 10.3390/horticulturae10060533.

Advancing cortisol measurements in zebrafish: Analytical validation of a commercial ELISA kit for skin mucus cortisol analysis
Jorge S., Félix L., Costas B., Valentim A.M., (2024)Advancing cortisol measurements in zebrafish: Analytical validation of a commercial ELISA kit for skin mucus cortisol analysisMethodsX12(102726).ISSN: 22150161.doi: 10.1016/j.mex.2024.102726.

Comparative analysis of antioxidant and fatty acid composition in avocado (Persea americana Mill.) fruits: Exploring regional and commercial varieties
Gonçalves D., Gouveia C.S.S., Ferreira M.J., Ganança J.F.T., Pinto D.C.G., Pinheiro de Carvalho M.A.A., (2024)Comparative analysis of antioxidant and fatty acid composition in avocado (Persea americana Mill.) fruits: Exploring regional and commercial varietiesFood Chemistry442(138403).ISSN: 18737072.doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2024.138403.

Cytogenetic and Molecular Effects of Kaolin’s Foliar Application in Grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) under Summer’s Stressful Growing Conditions
Carvalho A., Dinis L.T., Luzio A., Bernardo S., Moutinho-Pereira J., Lima-Brito J., (2024)Cytogenetic and Molecular Effects of Kaolin’s Foliar Application in Grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) under Summer’s Stressful Growing ConditionsGenes15(747).ISSN: 20734425.doi: 10.3390/genes15060747.

Determining the Climatic Drivers for Wine Production in the Côa Region (Portugal) Using a Machine Learning Approach
Fraga H., Freitas T.R., Moriondo M., Molitor D., Santos J.A., (2024)Determining the Climatic Drivers for Wine Production in the Côa Region (Portugal) Using a Machine Learning ApproachLand13(749).ISSN: 2073445X.doi: 10.3390/land13060749.

Development of a convolutional neural network to accurately detect land use and land cover
Acuña-Alonso C., García-Ontiyuelo M., Barba-Barragáns D., Álvarez X., (2024)Development of a convolutional neural network to accurately detect land use and land coverMethodsX12(102719).ISSN: 22150161.doi: 10.1016/j.mex.2024.102719.

Enhanced post-wildfire vegetation recovery in prescribed-burnt Mediterranean shrubland: A regional assessment
Fernández-Guisuraga J.M., Fernandes P.M., (2024)Enhanced post-wildfire vegetation recovery in prescribed-burnt Mediterranean shrubland: A regional assessmentForest Ecology and Management561(121921).doi: 10.1016/j.foreco.2024.121921.

Exploring coaggregation mechanisms involved in biofilm formation in drinking water through a proteomic-based approach
Afonso A.C., Simões M., Saavedra M.J., Simões L., Lema J.M., Trueba-Santiso A., (2024)Exploring coaggregation mechanisms involved in biofilm formation in drinking water through a proteomic-based approachJournal of Applied Microbiology135(lxae143).ISSN: 13652672.doi: 10.1093/jambio/lxae143.

Exploring the Role of Phenolic Compounds in Chronic Kidney Disease: A Systematic Review
Baptista F., Paié-Ribeiro J., Almeida M., Barros A.N., (2024)Exploring the Role of Phenolic Compounds in Chronic Kidney Disease: A Systematic ReviewMolecules29(2576).ISSN: 14203049.doi: 10.3390/molecules29112576.

G-quadruplex forming motifs in the promoter region of the B-MYB proto-oncogene
Miranda A., Cucchiarini A., Esnault C., Andrau J.C., Oliveira P.A., Mergny J.L., Cruz C., (2024)G-quadruplex forming motifs in the promoter region of the B-MYB proto-oncogeneInternational Journal of Biological Macromolecules270(132244).ISSN: 18790003.doi: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2024.132244.

Ground Management Through Grazing in Rainfed Olive Orchards Provides High Olive Yields and Has Other Potential Benefits for Both the Soil and the Farmer
Dimande P., Arrobas M., Correia C.M., Rodrigues M.Â., (2024)Ground Management Through Grazing in Rainfed Olive Orchards Provides High Olive Yields and Has Other Potential Benefits for Both the Soil and the FarmerAgriculture (Switzerland)14(897).ISSN: 20770472.doi: 10.3390/agriculture14060897.

Groundwater flow and transport of metals under deposits of mine tailings: A case study in Brumadinho, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Lima V.H.S., Moura J.P., Pissarra T.C.T., do Valle Junior R.F., Silva M.M.A.P.d.M., Valera C.A., De Melo M.C., Fernandes L.F.S., Da Costa A.M., Pacheco F.A.L., (2024)Groundwater flow and transport of metals under deposits of mine tailings: A case study in Brumadinho, Minas Gerais, BrazilCase Studies in Chemical and Environmental Engineering9(100690).ISSN: 26660164.doi: 10.1016/j.cscee.2024.100690.

Integrative phylogenetic, phylogeographic and morphological characterisation of the Unio crassus species complex reveals cryptic diversity with important conservation implications
Lopes-Lima M., Geist J., Egg S., Beran L., Bikashvili A., Van Bocxlaer B., Bogan A.E., Bolotov I.N., Chelpanovskaya O.A., Douda K., Fernandes V., Gomes-dos-Santos A., Gonçalves D.V., Gürlek M.E., Johnson N.A., Karaouzas I., Kebapçı , Kondakov A.V., Kuehn R., Lajtner J., Mumladze L., Nagel K.O., Neubert E., Österling M., Pfeiffer J., Prié V., Riccardi N., Sell J., Schneider L.D., Shumka S., Sîrbu I., Skujienė G., Smith C.H., Sousa R., Stöckl K., Taskinen J., Teixeira A., Todorov M., Trichkova T., Urbańska M., Välilä S., Varandas S., Veríssimo J., Vikhrev I.V., Woschitz G., Zając K., Zając T., Zanatta D., Zieritz A., Zogaris S., Froufe E., (2024)Integrative phylogenetic, phylogeographic and morphological characterisation of the Unio crassus species complex reveals cryptic diversity with important conservation implicationsMolecular Phylogenetics and Evolution195(108046).ISSN: 10959513.doi: 10.1016/j.ympev.2024.108046.

Meiotic pairing and morphological and yield characterisation of three advanced lines of hexaploid tritordeum (×Tritordeum martini)
Carvalho A., Lima-Brito J., (2024)Meiotic pairing and morphological and yield characterisation of three advanced lines of hexaploid tritordeum (×Tritordeum martini)Plant Breeding143:284-291.ISSN: 14390523.doi: 10.1111/pbr.13163.

Methylobacterium symbioticum Applied as a Foliar Inoculant Was Little Effective in Enhancing Nitrogen Fixation and Lettuce Dry Matter Yield
Arrobas M., Correia C.M., Rodrigues M.Â., (2024)Methylobacterium symbioticum Applied as a Foliar Inoculant Was Little Effective in Enhancing Nitrogen Fixation and Lettuce Dry Matter YieldSustainability (Switzerland)16(4512).ISSN: 20711050.doi: 10.3390/su16114512.

Mitochondrial remodeling underlying age-induced skeletal muscle wasting: let's talk about sex
Moreira-Pais A., Vitorino R., Sousa-Mendes C., Neuparth M.J., Nuccio A., Luparello C., Attanzio A., Novák P., Loginov D., Nogueira-Ferreira R., Leite-Moreira A., Oliveira P.A., Ferreira R., Duarte J.A., (2024)Mitochondrial remodeling underlying age-induced skeletal muscle wasting: let's talk about sexFree Radical Biology and Medicine218:68-81.ISSN: 18734596.doi: 10.1016/j.freeradbiomed.2024.04.005.

Nitrogen Fixation and Growth of Potted Olive Plants through Foliar Application of a Nitrogen-Fixing Microorganism
Rodrigues M.Â., Raimundo S., Correia C.M., Arrobas M., (2024)Nitrogen Fixation and Growth of Potted Olive Plants through Foliar Application of a Nitrogen-Fixing MicroorganismHorticulturae10(604).ISSN: 23117524.doi: 10.3390/horticulturae10060604.

Occurrence and diversity of Listeria monocytogenes in Portuguese dairy farms
Nunes B., Barata A.R., Oliveira R., Guedes H., Almeida C., da Silva G.J., Nogueira T., Saavedra M.J., Almeida G., (2024)Occurrence and diversity of Listeria monocytogenes in Portuguese dairy farmsMicrobe (Netherlands)3(100063).ISSN: 29501946.doi: 10.1016/j.microb.2024.100063.

Pollen- and Weather-Based Machine Learning Models for Estimating Regional Olive Production
Galveias A., Antunes C., Costa A.R., Fraga H., (2024)Pollen- and Weather-Based Machine Learning Models for Estimating Regional Olive ProductionHorticulturae10(584).ISSN: 23117524.doi: 10.3390/horticulturae10060584.

Polyglutamate: Unleashing the Versatility of a Biopolymer for Cosmetic Industry Applications
Serra M., Gudina E., Botelho C., Teixeira J.A., Barros A.N., (2024)Polyglutamate: Unleashing the Versatility of a Biopolymer for Cosmetic Industry ApplicationsCosmetics11(76).ISSN: 20799284.doi: 10.3390/cosmetics11030076.

Quality wines in Italy and France: A dataset of protected designation of origin specifications
Candiago S., Tscholl S., Bassani L., Fraga H., Egarter Vigl L., (2024)Quality wines in Italy and France: A dataset of protected designation of origin specificationsData in Brief54(110408).ISSN: 23523409.doi: 10.1016/j.dib.2024.110408.

Repurposing Waste from Aggressive Acacia Invaders to Promote Its Management in Large Invaded Areas in Southwestern Europe
Lorenzo P., Morais M.C., (2024)Repurposing Waste from Aggressive Acacia Invaders to Promote Its Management in Large Invaded Areas in Southwestern EuropePlants13(1428).ISSN: 22237747.doi: 10.3390/plants13111428.

Role of backwater effects on the attenuation of metal spreading in rivers: A study in the Paraopeba River after the B1 tailings dam collapse in Brumadinho
Lima V.H.S., Pacheco F.A.L., Moura J.P., Pissarra T.C.T., do Valle Junior R.F., de Melo Silva M.M.A.P., Valera C.A., de Melo M.C., Sanches Fernandes L.F., (2024)Role of backwater effects on the attenuation of metal spreading in rivers: A study in the Paraopeba River after the B1 tailings dam collapse in BrumadinhoCase Studies in Chemical and Environmental Engineering9(100740).ISSN: 26660164.doi: 10.1016/j.cscee.2024.100740.