Andreia Garcês PhD Collaborator



Causes of admission and mortality in European Hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus, Linnaeus, 1758) – a review
Garcês A., Pires I., (2025) Causes of admission and mortality in European Hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus, Linnaeus, 1758) – a review Veterinarska Stanica 56 :405-415. ISSN: 18491170. doi: 10.46419/vs.56.3.2.

Admission Causes, Morbidity, and Outcomes in Scavenger Birds in the North of Portugal (2005–2022)
Garcês A., Pires I., Sargo R., Sousa L., Prada J., Silva F., (2023) Admission Causes, Morbidity, and Outcomes in Scavenger Birds in the North of Portugal (2005–2022) Animals 13 (2093). ISSN: 20762615. doi: 10.3390/ani13132093.

Bad Waters: Antibiotic Resistance Bacteria in Sea Turtles
Garcês A., Pires I., (2023) Bad Waters: Antibiotic Resistance Bacteria in Sea Turtles Journal of Fisheries and Environment 47 :27-39. ISSN: 26300826.

European Wild Carnivores and Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria: A Review
Garcês A., Pires I., (2023) European Wild Carnivores and Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria: A Review Antibiotics 12 (1725). ISSN: 20796382. doi: 10.3390/antibiotics12121725.

First report of a cutaneous and shell mycosis in an Ouachita Map Turtle (Graptemys ouachitensis, Cagle, 1953) by Fusarium solani
Garcês A., Fernandes H., Salinas D., Lopes R., Silva A., Sampaio F., Duque D., Brilhante-Simões P., (2023) First report of a cutaneous and shell mycosis in an Ouachita Map Turtle (Graptemys ouachitensis, Cagle, 1953) by Fusarium solani Veterinarska Stanica 54 :591-594. ISSN: 18491170. doi: 10.46419/vs.54.5.3.

The Hell of Wildfires: The Impact on Wildlife and Its Conservation and the Role of the Veterinarian
Garcês A., Pires I., (2023) The Hell of Wildfires: The Impact on Wildlife and Its Conservation and the Role of the Veterinarian Conservation 3 :96-108. ISSN: 26737159. doi: 10.3390/conservation3010009.

Silent Europe: The Collapse of Common Bird Species
Garcês A., Silva F., Pires I., (2022) Silent Europe: The Collapse of Common Bird Species Journal of Advanced Veterinary Research 12 :645-647. ISSN: 20906277.

The Guardians of the Sea: Echinoderms as Sentinels of Marine Pollution
Garcês A., Pires I., (2022) The Guardians of the Sea: Echinoderms as Sentinels of Marine Pollution Toxicology International 29 :541-552. ISSN: 09765131. doi: 10.18311/ti/2022/v29i4/30487.

Impact Of Anthropogenic Stressors In The Mortality Of Endangered Vertebrate Species: A 10-Year Study In Northern Portugal
Garcês A., Queiroga F., Pacheco F., Fernandes L.S., Soeiro V., Lóio S., Prada J., Cortes R., Pires I., (2021) Impact Of Anthropogenic Stressors In The Mortality Of Endangered Vertebrate Species: A 10-Year Study In Northern Portugal Exploratory Animal and Medical Research 11 :14-23. ISSN: 2319247X. doi: 10.52635/EAMR/11.1.14-23.

Mortality of wild amphibians and reptiles admitted to a wildlife rehabilitation center in northern Portugal (2009 – 2017)
Garcês A., Queiroga F., Pacheco F., Fernandes L.S., Soeiro V., Lóio S., Prada J., Cortes R., Pires I., (2021) Mortality of wild amphibians and reptiles admitted to a wildlife rehabilitation center in northern Portugal (2009 – 2017) Russian Journal of Herpetology 28 :89-96. doi: 10.30906/1026-2296-2021-28-2-89-96.

Impact of anthropogenic pressures on wild mammals of Northern Portugal
Garcês A., Pires I., Pacheco F., Fernandes L.S., Soeiro V., Lóio S., Prada J., Cortes R., Queiroga F., (2020) Impact of anthropogenic pressures on wild mammals of Northern Portugal Veterinary World 13 :2691-2702. ISSN: 22310916. doi: 10.14202/vetworld.2020.2691-2702.

Natural and anthropogenic causes of mortality in wild birds in a wildlife rehabilitation centre in Northern Portugal: a ten-year study
Garcês A., Pires I., Pacheco F., Fernandes L.S., Soeiro V., Lóio S., Prada J., Cortes R., Queiroga F., (2019) Natural and anthropogenic causes of mortality in wild birds in a wildlife rehabilitation centre in Northern Portugal: a ten-year study Bird Study 66 :484-493. ISSN: 19446705. doi: 10.1080/00063657.2020.1726874.

Preservation of wild bird species in northern Portugal - Effects of anthropogenic pressures in wild bird populations (2008–2017)
Garcês A., Pires I., Pacheco F.A.L., Sanches Fernandes L.F., Soeiro V., Lóio S., Prada J., Cortes R., Queiroga F.L., (2019) Preservation of wild bird species in northern Portugal - Effects of anthropogenic pressures in wild bird populations (2008–2017) Science of the Total Environment 650 :2996-3006. ISSN: 18791026. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.10.022.


INTERACT - Integrative Research in Environment, Agro-Chains and Technology

Coordinator  /  Rui Cortes
Start date  /  2016/05 Funding  /  NORTE2020 Reference  /  NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000017