Maria de Fátima Magalhães Gonçalves Integrated Member


Name: Maria de Fátima Magalhães Gonçalves

Aggregation: Integrated Member

Scopus author ID: 57212548548

Orcid ID: 0000-0001-7770-4477

Ciência Vitae: CC17-EAF6-F99D



Drosophila suzukii energetic pathways are differently modulated by nutritional geometry in males and females
Sario S., Mendes R.J., Gonçalves F., Torres L., Santos C., (2022) Drosophila suzukii energetic pathways are differently modulated by nutritional geometry in males and females Scientific Reports 12 (21194). ISSN: 20452322. doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-25509-3.

Effect of winery waste composted with biochar on seedling and plant growth of organic Brassica spp. crops
Pinto R., Brito L.M., Mourão I., Tavares T., Sá F., Gonçalves F., Moura L., Torres L., Coutinho J., (2022) Effect of winery waste composted with biochar on seedling and plant growth of organic Brassica spp. crops Acta Horticulturae 1354 :285-292. ISSN: 24066168. doi: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2022.1354.37.

European Grapevine Moth and Vitis vinifera L. Phenology in the Douro Region: (A)synchrony and Climate Scenarios
Reis S., Martins J., Gonçalves F., Carlos C., Santos J.A., (2022) European Grapevine Moth and Vitis vinifera L. Phenology in the Douro Region: (A)synchrony and Climate Scenarios Agronomy 12 (98). ISSN: 20734395. doi: 10.3390/agronomy12010098.

Seixas M., Carlos C., Gonçalves F., Ferreira A., Salvação J., Oliveira J.C., Torres L., Oliveira P.S., (2022) MATING DISRUPTION AGAINST THE GRAPEVINE MOTH, LOBESIA BOTRANA, IN THE DOURO DEMARCATED REGION USING TWO TYPE OF PHEROMONE DISPENSERS: ISONET-LTT BIO® AND ISONET-LTT® Ciencia e Tecnica Vitivinicola 37 :100-115. ISSN: 24163953. doi: 10.1051/ctv/ctv20223701100.

Parasitoids of Lobesia botrana (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) in the Douro Demarcated Region vineyards and the prospects for enhancing conservation biological control
Carlos C., Gonçalves F., Villemant C., Paredes D., Salvação J., Torres L., (2022) Parasitoids of Lobesia botrana (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) in the Douro Demarcated Region vineyards and the prospects for enhancing conservation biological control Bulletin of Entomological Research 112 :697-706. ISSN: 14752670. doi: 10.1017/S0007485322000116.

Almeida A.C., Carlos C., Salvação J., Ferreira A.R., Oliveira I., Nave A., Torres L., Gonçalves F., (2022) THE EUROPEAN GRAPE MOTH, LOBESIA BOTRANA, IN THE DOURO DEMARCATED REGION: EFFECT OF SUB-REGION, YEAR, GENERATION AND GRAPEVINE CULTIVAR IN THE INTENSITY OF PEST INFESTATION Ciencia e Tecnica Vitivinicola 37 :126-138. ISSN: 24163953. doi: 10.1051/ctv/ctv20223702126.

DNA screening of Drosophila suzukii predators in berry field orchards shows new predatory taxonomical groups
Sario S., Santos C., Gonçalves F., Torres L., (2021) DNA screening of Drosophila suzukii predators in berry field orchards shows new predatory taxonomical groups PLoS ONE 16 (e0249673). ISSN: 19326203. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0249673.

Does natural vegetation from olive groves benefit the olive moth, Prays oleae?
Nave A., Gonçalves F., Oliveira I., Campos M., Torres L., (2021) Does natural vegetation from olive groves benefit the olive moth, Prays oleae? Journal of Applied Entomology 145 :406-416. ISSN: 14390418. doi: 10.1111/jen.12859.

Effect of soil chemical properties on the occurrence and distribution of entomopathogenic fungi in Portuguese grapevine fields
Sharma L., Oliveira I., Gonçalves F., Raimundo F., Singh R.K., Torres L., Marques G., (2021) Effect of soil chemical properties on the occurrence and distribution of entomopathogenic fungi in Portuguese grapevine fields Pathogens 10 (137) :1-13. ISSN: 20760817. doi: 10.3390/pathogens10020137.

European grapevine moth in the Douro region: Voltinism and climatic scenarios
Reis S., Martins J., Gonçalves F., Carlos C., Santos J.A., (2021) European grapevine moth in the Douro region: Voltinism and climatic scenarios Oeno One 55 :335-351. doi: 10.20870/oeno-one.2021.55.2.4595.

Lettuce growth and nutrient uptake response to winery waste compost and biochar
Pinto R., Brito L.M., Gonçalves F., Mourao I., Torres L., Coutinho J., (2021) Lettuce growth and nutrient uptake response to winery waste compost and biochar Acta Horticulturae 1305 :233-239. ISSN: 24066168. doi: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2021.1305.32.

Recycling wastes from Douro wine industry by composting
Pinto R., Brito L.M., Gonçalves F., Mourao I., Torres L., Coutinho J., (2021) Recycling wastes from Douro wine industry by composting Acta Horticulturae 1305 :285-292. ISSN: 24066168. doi: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2021.1305.39.

Soil arthropods in the douro demarcated region vineyards: General characteristics and ecosystem services provided
Gonçalves F., Carlos C., Crespo L., Zina V., Oliveira A., Salvação J., Pereira J.A., Torres L., (2021) Soil arthropods in the douro demarcated region vineyards: General characteristics and ecosystem services provided Sustainability (Switzerland) 13 (7837). ISSN: 20711050. doi: 10.3390/su13147837.

Do soil management practices affect the activity density, diversity, and stability of soil arthropods in vineyards?
Gonçalves F., Nunes C., Carlos C., López Á., Oliveira I., Crespí A., Teixeira B., Pinto R., Costa C.A., Torres L., (2020) Do soil management practices affect the activity density, diversity, and stability of soil arthropods in vineyards? Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 294 (106863). doi: 10.1016/j.agee.2020.106863.

A importância das infra-estruturas ecológicas na preservação e fomento da biodiversidade funcional no ecossistema vitícola na Região Demarcada do Douro.
Carlos, Cristina; Gonçalves, Fátima; Nave, Anabela; Duarte, Ana C.; Ferreira, Ana R.; Salvação, Juliana; Val, Maria do Carmo; Silva, Paula; Gonçalves, Cláudia; Amador, Rosa; Moutinho-Pereira, José; Torres, Laura (2019) A importância das infra-estruturas ecológicas na preservação e fomento da biodiversidade funcional no ecossistema vitícola na Região Demarcada do Douro. Revista da Associação Portuguesa de Horticultura 133 :28-31. URL:

How does habitat diversity affect ground-dwelling arthropods assemblages in Douro Demarcated Region terraced vineyards?
Carlos C., Gonçalves F., Crespo L., Zina V., Oliveira I., Crespí A., Torres L., (2019) How does habitat diversity affect ground-dwelling arthropods assemblages in Douro Demarcated Region terraced vineyards? Journal of Insect Conservation 23 :555-564. ISSN: 15729753. doi: 10.1007/s10841-019-00144-y.

The functional agrobiodiversity in the douro demarcated region viticulture: Utopia or reality? Arthropods as a casestudy-A review
Gonçalves F., Carlos C., Crespi A., Villemant C., Trivellone V., Goula M., Canovai R., Zina V., Crespo L., Pinheiro L., Lucchi A., Bagnoli B., Oliveira I., Pinto R., Torres L., (2019) The functional agrobiodiversity in the douro demarcated region viticulture: Utopia or reality? Arthropods as a casestudy-A review Ciencia e Tecnica Vitivinicola 34 :102-114. ISSN: 24163953. doi: 10.1051/ctv/201934010102.

Does habitat heterogeneity affect the diversity of epigaeic arthropods in vineyards?
Goncalves, Fatima; Carlos, Cristina; Aranha, Jose; Torres, Laura (2018) Does habitat heterogeneity affect the diversity of epigaeic arthropods in vineyards? Agricultural And Forest Entomology 20 (3) :366-379. doi: 10.1111/afe.12270. (Impact factor, Quartile: 1.49, Q2).

Insect-associated fungi from naturally mycosed vine mealybug Planococcus ficus (Signoret) (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae).
Sharma, Lav; Goncalves, Fatima; Oliveira, Irene; Torres, Laura; Marques, Guilhermina (2018) Insect-associated fungi from naturally mycosed vine mealybug Planococcus ficus (Signoret) (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae). Biocontrol Science And Technology 28 (2) :122-141. doi: 10.1080/09583157.2018.1428733. (Impact factor, Quartile: 0.918, Q3).

Is a biofix necessary for predicting the flight phenology of Lobesia botrana in Douro Demarcated Region vineyards?
Carlos, Cristina; Goncalves, Fatima; Oliveira, Irene; Torres, Laura (2018) Is a biofix necessary for predicting the flight phenology of Lobesia botrana in Douro Demarcated Region vineyards? Crop Protection 110 :57-64. doi: 10.1016/j.cropro.2017.12.006. (Impact factor, Quartile: 1.92, Q1).


ECOSPHEREWINES - Melhoria dos serviços ecossistémicos e das infraestruturas verdes em zonas vitivinícolas de elevado valor ecológico

UTAD/CITAB Coordinator  /  Maria Gonçalves
Start date  /  2024/01 Funding  /  FEDER Reference  /  S1/2.7/E0010

Vine & Wine PT - Driving Sustainable Growth Through Smart Innovation

Coordinator  /  Jorge Dias UTAD/CITAB Coordinator  /  Raul Santos
Start date  /  2021/11 Funding  /  IAPMEI - PRR - Recovery and Resilience Plan / Mobilising Agendas Reference  /  C644866286-00000011

GO CSinDouro - Sexual Confusion against grape moth, Lobesia botrana (Denn. & Schiff.) in mountain viticulture: the particular case of the Douro Demarcated Region (RDD) (PDR2020-101-031652)

Coordinator  /  Cristina Carlos UTAD/CITAB Coordinator  /  Laura Torres
Start date  /  2017/10 Funding  /  PDR2020 Reference  /  PDR2020-101-031652