
SCOPUS - Indexed publications

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Heavy metals in water, sediment and tissues of Liza saliens from Esmoriz-Paramos lagoon, Portugal.
Fernandes, C.; Fontaínhas-Fernandes, A.; Cabral, D.; & Salgado, M.(2008)Heavy metals in water, sediment and tissues of Liza saliens from Esmoriz-Paramos lagoon, Portugal.Environmental Monitoring and Assessment136:267-275.

Hierarchical Spatial Patterns and Drivers of Change in Benthic Invertebrate Communities in a Mediterranean River.
Hughes, S., Cortes, R.M.V. & Ferreira, T.(2008)Hierarchical Spatial Patterns and Drivers of Change in Benthic Invertebrate Communities in a Mediterranean River.Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems18:742-760.

Influence of an enrichment step on Salmonella sp. Detection by Fluorescent in Situ Hybridisation on pork samples.
Vieira-Pinto, M., Oliveira, M., Aranha, J., Martins, C., Bernando, F.(2008)Influence of an enrichment step on Salmonella sp. Detection by Fluorescent in Situ Hybridisation on pork samples.Food Control19:286-290.

Microbiological and physicochemical characterization of OMW from a continuous olive mill in Northeastern Portugal.
Amaral, C., Lucas, M., Coutinho, J., Crespi, A., Anjos, M.R., Pais, C.(2008)Microbiological and physicochemical characterization of OMW from a continuous olive mill in Northeastern Portugal.Bioresource Tecnology99:7215-7223.

Oxidative stress biomarkers in Mugilidae (Liza saliens) from the Esmoriz-Paramos coastal lagoon
Fernandes, C.; Fontaínhas-Fernandes, A.; Ferreira, M.; & Salgado, M.(2008)Oxidative stress biomarkers in Mugilidae (Liza saliens) from the Esmoriz-Paramos coastal lagoonPortugal Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology55:262-269.

Testing the Stochastic Dynamic Methodology (StDM) as a management tool in a shallow temperate estuary of south Europe (Mondego, Portugal).
Silva-Santos, P.; Pardal, M.; Lopes, R.; Múrias, T.; & Cabral, J.A.(2008)Testing the Stochastic Dynamic Methodology (StDM) as a management tool in a shallow temperate estuary of south Europe (Mondego, Portugal).Ecological Modelling210:377-402.

Using fuel and weather variables to predict the sustainability of surface fire spread in maritime pine stands.
Fernandes, P.M.; Botelho, H.S.; Rego, F.C.; & Loureiro, C.(2008)Using fuel and weather variables to predict the sustainability of surface fire spread in maritime pine stands.Canadian Journal of Forest Research38:190-201.

Influence of overliming vineyard acid soils on the macro-nutritional status of grapevines.
Olego, M.A., Quiroga, M.J., Cuesta, M., Oliveira, P.A., Garzón-Jimeno, J.E.Influence of overliming vineyard acid soils on the macro-nutritional status of grapevines.Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research 19 (3), e0903, 15 pages. doi: 10.5424/sjar/2021193-17638. (Impact Factor, Quartile: 1.23819 (3)(e0903).doi: 10.5424/sjar/2021193-17638.(Impact factor, Quartile: 1.238, Q3).