SCOPUS - Indexed publications
Book / Book Chapters
Other Publications
Unravelling the nutriproteomics of chickpea (Cicer arietinum) seeds.
(2017)Unravelling the nutriproteomics of chickpea (Cicer arietinum) seeds.CROP & PASTURE SCIENCE68(11):1041-1051.doi: 10.1071/CP17307.(Impact factor, Quartile: 1.804, Q1).
Uranium mining wastes: The use of the Fish Embryo Acute Toxicity Test (FET) test to evaluate toxicity and risk of environmental discharge.
(2017)Uranium mining wastes: The use of the Fish Embryo Acute Toxicity Test (FET) test to evaluate toxicity and risk of environmental discharge.Science Of The Total Environment605:391-4041.ISSN: 0048-9697.doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.06.125.(Impact factor, Quartile: 4.9, Q1).
Urban-rural interface typologies and wildfire risk for Vila Real municipality, Portugal.
(2017)Urban-rural interface typologies and wildfire risk for Vila Real municipality, Portugal.In: António Bento-Gonçalves, António Avelino Batista Vieira, Maria Rosário Melo Costa and José Tadeu Marques Aranha (eds) Wildfires. Perspectives, Issues and Challenges of the 21st Century.6:109-128.ISBN: 978-1-53612-891-8.
Valorization Challenges to Almond Residues: Phytochemical Composition and Functional Application.
(2017)Valorization Challenges to Almond Residues: Phytochemical Composition and Functional Application.Molecules22:1774.ISSN: 1420-3049.doi: 10.3390/molecules22101774.(Impact factor, Quartile: 2.861, Q2).
Variation of chemical constituents, antioxidant activity, and endogenous plant hormones throughout different ripening stages of highbush blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) cultivars produced in centre of Portugal.
(2017)Variation of chemical constituents, antioxidant activity, and endogenous plant hormones throughout different ripening stages of highbush blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) cultivars produced in centre of Portugal.Journal Of Food Biochemistry41:e12414.ISSN: 0145-8884.doi: 10.1111/jfbc.12414.(Impact factor, Quartile: 1, Q3).
Variation of the chemical composition of Pyrenean oak (Quercus pyrenaica Willd.) heartwood among different sites and its relationship with the soil chemical characteristics.
(2017)Variation of the chemical composition of Pyrenean oak (Quercus pyrenaica Willd.) heartwood among different sites and its relationship with the soil chemical characteristics.European Journal Of Forest Research136:185-192.ISSN: 1612-4669.doi: 10.1007/s10342-016-1018-z.(Impact factor, Quartile: 2.017, Q1).
Viticulture in Portugal: a review of recent trends and climate change projections.
(2017)Viticulture in Portugal: a review of recent trends and climate change projections.Oeno One51:61-69.ISSN: 2494-1271.doi: 10.20870/oeno-one.2016.0.0.1621 .(Quartile: Q4).
Wildfires. Perspectives, Issues and Challenges of the 21st Century
(2017)Wildfires. Perspectives, Issues and Challenges of the 21st CenturyNatural Disaster Research, Prediction and Mitigation - NOVA Science Publishers, New York:331.ISBN: 978-1-53612-891-8.
Winter activity of bats in Mediterranean peri-urban deciduous forests.
(2017)Winter activity of bats in Mediterranean peri-urban deciduous forests.Acta Chiropterologica19(2):367-377.ISSN: 1508-1109.doi: 10.3161/15081109ACC2017.19.2.013.(Impact factor, Quartile: 1.097, Q3).
Within and between-tree variation of wood density components in Pinus sylvestris at five sites in Portugal.
(2017)Within and between-tree variation of wood density components in Pinus sylvestris at five sites in Portugal.European Journal Of Wood And Wood Products75:511-526.ISSN: 0018-3768.doi: 10.1007/s00107-016-1130-2.(Impact factor, Quartile: 1.802, Q2).
Zebrafish sex differentiation and gonad development: A review on the impact of environmental factors.
(2017)Zebrafish sex differentiation and gonad development: A review on the impact of environmental factors.Aquatic Toxicology191:141-163.ISSN: 0166-445X.doi: 10.1016/j.aquatox.2017.08.005.(Impact factor, Quartile: 4.129, Q1).
19th c. Coloured stuccos and plasters from Grilos' Church (Oporto, Portugal): Materials and techniques employed.
(2016)19th c. Coloured stuccos and plasters from Grilos' Church (Oporto, Portugal): Materials and techniques employed.Color Research And Application41:246-251.ISSN: 0361-2317.doi: 10.1002/col.22041.(Impact factor, Quartile: 0,847, Q3).
A brief perspective on the diverging theories of lymphatic targeting with colloids.
(2016)A brief perspective on the diverging theories of lymphatic targeting with colloids.International Journal Of Nanomedicine11:2867-2872.ISSN: 1178-2013.doi: 10.2147/IJN.S105852.(Impact factor, Quartile: 4.32, Q2).
A comparative analysis of genetic diversity in Portuguese grape germplasm from ampelographic collections fit for quality wine production.
(2016)A comparative analysis of genetic diversity in Portuguese grape germplasm from ampelographic collections fit for quality wine production.Spanish Journal Of Agricultural Research14:e0712.ISSN: 2171-9292.doi: 10.5424/sjar/2016144-8852.(Impact factor, Quartile: 0,760, Q2).
A framework model for the dimensioning and allocation of a detention basin system: The case of a flood-prone mountainous watershed.
(2016)A framework model for the dimensioning and allocation of a detention basin system: The case of a flood-prone mountainous watershed.Journal Of Hydrology533:567-580.ISSN: 0022-1694.doi: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2015.12.043.(Impact factor, Quartile: 3,043, Q1).
A laboratory-based quantification of the effect of live fuel moisture content on fire spread rate.
(2016)A laboratory-based quantification of the effect of live fuel moisture content on fire spread rate.International Journal Of Wildland Fire25:569-573.ISSN: 1049-8001.doi: 10.1071/wf15114.(Impact factor, Quartile: 2,078, Q1).
A Minimal Invasive Method to Forecast the Effects of Anthropogenic Disturbance on Tropical Cave Beetle Communities.
(2016)A Minimal Invasive Method to Forecast the Effects of Anthropogenic Disturbance on Tropical Cave Beetle Communities.Neotropical Entomology45:139-147.ISSN: 1519-566X.doi: 10.1007/s13744-015-0349-7.(Impact factor, Quartile: 0,834, Q3).
A multi-scale looping approach to predict spatially dynamic patterns of functional species richness in changing landscapes.
(2016)A multi-scale looping approach to predict spatially dynamic patterns of functional species richness in changing landscapes.Ecological Indicators64:92-104.ISSN: 1470-160X.doi: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2015.12.025.(Impact factor, Quartile: 3,190, Q2).
A multiple index integrating different levels of organization.
(2016)A multiple index integrating different levels of organization.Ecotoxicology And Environmental Safety132:270-278.ISSN: 0147-6513.doi: 10.1016/j.ecoenv.2016.06.001 .(Impact factor, Quartile: 3,130, Q1).
A new anaesthetic protocol for adult zebrafish (Danio rerio): propofol combined withlLidocaine.
(2016)A new anaesthetic protocol for adult zebrafish (Danio rerio): propofol combined withlLidocaine.Plosone11:e0147747.ISSN: 1932-6203.doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0147747.(Impact factor, Quartile: 3,057, Q1).
A non-destructive method based on digital image processing for calculate the vigor and the vegetative expression of vines.
(2016)A non-destructive method based on digital image processing for calculate the vigor and the vegetative expression of vines.Computers And Electronics In Agriculture124:289-294.ISSN: 0168-1699.doi: 10.1016/j.compag.2016.04.020 .(Impact factor, Quartile: 1,892, Q1).
A persistent wintertime fog episode at Lisbon airport (Portugal): performance of ECMWF and AROME models.
(2016)A persistent wintertime fog episode at Lisbon airport (Portugal): performance of ECMWF and AROME models.Meteorological Applications23:353-370.ISSN: 1350-4827.doi: 10.1002/met.1560.(Impact factor, Quartile: 1.273, Q3).
A perspective on Hypericum perforatum genetic transformation.
(2016)A perspective on Hypericum perforatum genetic transformation.Frontiers In Plant Science7:879.ISSN: 1664-462X.doi: 10.3389/fpls.2016.00879.(Impact factor, Quartile: 4,495, Q1).
A proposed methodology for the correction of the leaf area index measured with a ceptometer for pinus and eucalyptus forests.
(2016)A proposed methodology for the correction of the leaf area index measured with a ceptometer for pinus and eucalyptus forests.Revista Árvore40(5):845-854.doi: 10.1590/0100-67622016000500008.(Impact factor, Quartile: 0.267, Q1 ).
A stochastic dynamic model to assess land use change scenarios on the ecological status of fluvial water bodies under the Water Framework Directive.
(2016)A stochastic dynamic model to assess land use change scenarios on the ecological status of fluvial water bodies under the Water Framework Directive.Science Of The Total Environment565:427-439.ISSN: 0048-9697.doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2016.04.153.(Impact factor, Quartile: 2,664, Q2).
A systematic methodology for comparing batch process monitoring methods: Part I-assessing detection strength.
(2016)A systematic methodology for comparing batch process monitoring methods: Part I-assessing detection strength.Industrial And Engineering Chemistry Research55:5342-5358.ISSN: 0888-5885.doi: 10.1021/acs.iecr.5b04851.(Impact factor, Quartile: 2.567, Q2).
Acidification of animal slurry affects the nitrogen dynamics after soil application.
(2016)Acidification of animal slurry affects the nitrogen dynamics after soil application.Geoderma281:30-38.ISSN: 0016-7061.doi: 10.1016/j.geoderma.2016.06.036.(Impact factor, Quartile: 2,855, Q1).
Age trends and within-site effects in wood density and radial growth in Quercus faginea mature trees.
(2016)Age trends and within-site effects in wood density and radial growth in Quercus faginea mature trees.Forest Systems25:9.ISSN: 2171-5068 .doi: 10.5424/fs/2016251-08411 .(Impact factor, Quartile: 0,761, Q3).
Anaesthesia and analgesia in laboratory adult zebrafish: a question of refinement.
(2016)Anaesthesia and analgesia in laboratory adult zebrafish: a question of refinement.Laboratory Animals50:476-488.ISSN: 0023-6772.doi: 10.1177/0023677216670686.(Impact factor, Quartile: 1,553, Q1).
Analysis of pelvic rotation on the standard hip ventrodorsal extended radiographic view.
(2016)Analysis of pelvic rotation on the standard hip ventrodorsal extended radiographic view.Veterinary And Comparative Orthopaedics And Traumatology (Vcot)29:68-74.ISSN: 0932-0814.doi: 10.3415/VCOT-15-02-0025.(Impact factor, Quartile: 0,853, Q3).