
SCOPUS - Indexed publications

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Evaluation of phenolic compounds, antioxidant activity and bioaccessibility in white crowberry (Corema album).
Andrade, SC, Guine, RPF, Goncalves, FJA(2017)Evaluation of phenolic compounds, antioxidant activity and bioaccessibility in white crowberry (Corema album).Journal Of Food Measurement And Characterization11:1936-1946.ISSN: 2193-4126.doi: 10.1007/s11694-017-9576-4.(Impact factor, Quartile: 0.536, Q4).

Evaluation of the joint effect of the incorporation of mechanically deboned meat and grape extract on the formulation of chicken nuggets.
Tournour, HH, Cunha, LM, Magalhaes, LM, Lima, RC, Segundo, MA(2017)Evaluation of the joint effect of the incorporation of mechanically deboned meat and grape extract on the formulation of chicken nuggets.Food Science And Technology International23:328-337.ISSN: 1082-0132.doi: 10.1177/1082013216661860.(Impact factor, Quartile: 0.991, Q3).

Evaluation of vegetable-faba bean (Vicia faba L.) intercropping under Latvian agro-ecological conditions.
Lepse, L, Dane, S, Zeipina, S, Dominguez-Perles, R, Rosa, EAS(2017)Evaluation of vegetable-faba bean (Vicia faba L.) intercropping under Latvian agro-ecological conditions.Journal Of The Science Of Food And Agriculture97:4334-4342.ISSN: 0022-5142.doi: 10.1002/jsfa.8239.(Impact factor, Quartile: 2.463, Q1).

Evolution of forest fires in Portugal: from spatio-temporal point events to smoothed density maps.
Tonini, M, Pereira, MG, Parente, J, Orozco, CV(2017)Evolution of forest fires in Portugal: from spatio-temporal point events to smoothed density maps.Natural Hazards85:1489-1510.ISSN: 0921-030X.doi: 10.1007/s11069-016-2637-x.(Impact factor, Quartile: 1.833, Q2).

Experimental mammary carcinogenesis - Rat models.
Alvarado, A, Faustino-Rocha, AI, Colaço, B, Oliveira, PA(2017)Experimental mammary carcinogenesis - Rat models.Life Sciences173:116-134.ISSN: 0024-3205.doi: 10.1016/j.lfs.2017.02.004.(Impact factor, Quartile: 2.963, Q2).

Exploring new biomarkers in the tumour microenvironment of canine inflammatory mammary tumours.
Raposo, TP, Pires, I, Prada, J, Queiroga, FL, Argyle, DJ(2017)Exploring new biomarkers in the tumour microenvironment of canine inflammatory mammary tumours.Veterinary And Comparative Oncology15:655-666.ISSN: 1476-5810.doi: 10.1111/vco.12209.(Impact factor, Quartile: 1.819, Q1).

Extreme genetic structure in a social bird species despite high dispersal capacity.
Morinha, F, Davila, JA, Bastos, E, Cabral, JA, Frias, O, Gonzalez, JL, Travassos, P, Carvalho, D, Mila, B, Blanco, G(2017)Extreme genetic structure in a social bird species despite high dispersal capacity.Molecular Ecology26:2812-2825.ISSN: 0962-1083.doi: 10.1111/mec.14069.(Impact factor, Quartile: 6.086, Q1).

Factors Affecting Quality and Health Promoting Compounds during Growth and Postharvest Life of Sweet Cherry (Prunus avium L.).
Correia, Sofia; Schouten, R.; Silva, A.P.; Gonçalves, B.(2017)Factors Affecting Quality and Health Promoting Compounds during Growth and Postharvest Life of Sweet Cherry (Prunus avium L.).Frontiers in Plant Science8:2166-2170.ISSN: 1664-462X.doi: 10.3389/fpls.2017.02166.(Impact factor, Quartile: 3.677, 1).

Factors influencing antioxidant compounds in rice.
Goufo, P, Trindade, H(2017)Factors influencing antioxidant compounds in rice.Critical Reviews In Food Science And Nutrition57:893-922.ISSN: 1040-8398.doi: 10.1080/10408398.2014.922046.(Impact factor, Quartile: 6.077, Q1).

Femoral rotation and relationship between the femoral head and the acetabulum.
Martins, J, Colaço, B, Alves-Pimenta, S, Gonzalo Orden, JM, Ferreira, A, Ginja M(2017)Femoral rotation and relationship between the femoral head and the acetabulum.Veterinarni Medicina62:589–595.ISSN: 0375-8427.doi: 10.17221/41/2017-VETMED.(Impact factor, Quartile: 0.489, Q3).

Fire spread predictions: Sweeping uncertainty under the rug.
Benali, Akli ; Sá, Ana C.L.; Ervilha, Ana R.; Trigo, Ricardo M.; Fernandes, Paulo M.; Pereira, José M.C.(2017)Fire spread predictions: Sweeping uncertainty under the rug.SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT592:187-196.ISSN: 0048-9697.doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.03.106.(Impact factor, Quartile: 4.61, Q1).

First Insights into the Biochemical and Molecular Response to Cold Stress in Cicer microphyllum, a Crop Wild Relative of Chickpea (Cicer arietinum).
Singh, RK, Singh, S, Anandhan, S, Shannon, LM, Quiroz-Figueroa, FR, Ruiz-May, E(2017)First Insights into the Biochemical and Molecular Response to Cold Stress in Cicer microphyllum, a Crop Wild Relative of Chickpea (Cicer arietinum).Russian Journal Of Plant Physiology64:758-765.ISSN: 1021-4437.doi: 10.1134/S1021443717050120.(Impact factor, Quartile: 0.739, Q4).

Fomento da biodiversidade do olival no incremento da proteção biológica de conservação contra a traça-da-oliveira, Prays oleae (Bernard).
Nave, Anabela; Gonçalves, Fátima; Crespí, António; Torres, Laura(2017)Fomento da biodiversidade do olival no incremento da proteção biológica de conservação contra a traça-da-oliveira, Prays oleae (Bernard).Guia Azeites de Portugal 2017:88-90.

Food Choice Questionnaire in an African country - Application and validation in Cape Verde.
Cabral, D, de Almeida, MDV, Cunha, LM(2017)Food Choice Questionnaire in an African country - Application and validation in Cape Verde.Food Quality And Preference62:90-95.ISSN: 0950-3293.doi: 10.1016/j.foodqual.2017.06.020.(Impact factor, Quartile: 3.199, Q1).

Fracture characterization of human cortical bone under mode II loading using the end-notched flexure test.
Silva, FGA, de Moura, MFSF, Dourado, N, Xavier, J, Pereira, FAM, Morais, JJL, Dias, MIR, Lourenco, PJ, Judas, FM(2017)Fracture characterization of human cortical bone under mode II loading using the end-notched flexure test.Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing55:1249-1260.ISSN: 0140-0118.doi: 10.1007/s11517-016-1586-6.(Impact factor, Quartile: 1.916, Q2).

Fracture toughness and crack resistance curves for fiber compressive failure mode in polymer composites under high rate loading.
Kuhn, P, Catalanotti, G, Xavier, J, Camanho, PP, Koerber, H(2017)Fracture toughness and crack resistance curves for fiber compressive failure mode in polymer composites under high rate loading.Composite Structures182:164-175.ISSN: 0263-8223.doi: 10.1016/j.compstruct.2017.09.040.(Impact factor, Quartile: 3,858, Q1).

FTIR chemometrical approach for clonal assessment: Selection of Olea europaea L. optimal phenotypes from cv. Cobrancosa.
Machado, M, Machado, N, Gouvinhas, I, Dominguez-Perles, R, Barros, AIRNA(2017)FTIR chemometrical approach for clonal assessment: Selection of Olea europaea L. optimal phenotypes from cv. Cobrancosa.Journal Of Chemometrics31:e2860.ISSN: 0886-9383.doi: 10.1002/cem.2860.(Impact factor, Quartile: 1.884, Q1).

Fuel dynamics following fire hazard reduction treatments in blue gum (Eucalyptus globulus) plantations in Portugal.
Mirra, IM, Oliveira, TM, Barros, AMG, Fernandes, PM(2017)Fuel dynamics following fire hazard reduction treatments in blue gum (Eucalyptus globulus) plantations in Portugal.Forest Ecology And Management398:185-195.ISSN: 0378-1127.doi: 10.1016/j.foreco.2017.05.016.(Impact factor, Quartile: 3.064, Q1).

Fuel-related fire-behaviour relationships for mixed live and dead fuels burned in the laboratory.
Rossa, CG, Fernandes, PM(2017)Fuel-related fire-behaviour relationships for mixed live and dead fuels burned in the laboratory.Canadian Journal Of Forest Research47:883-889.ISSN: 0045-5067.doi: 10.1139/cjfr-2016-0457.(Impact factor, Quartile: 1.827, Q1).

Fundamental niche prediction of the pathogenic yeasts Cryptococcus neoformans and Cryptococcus gattii in Europe.
Cogliati, M, Puccianti, E, Montagna, MT, De Donno, A, Susever, S, Ergin, C, Velegraki, A, Ellabib, MS, Nardoni, S, Macci, C, Trovato, L, Dipineto, L, Rickerts, V, Akcaglar, S, Mlinaric-Missoni, E, Bertout, S, Venca, ACF, Sampaio, AC, Criseo, G, Ranque, S, Cerikcioglu, N, Marchese, A, Vezzulli, L, Ilkit, M, Desnos-Ollivier, M, Pasquale, V, Polacheck, I, Scopa, A, Meyer, W, Ferreira-Paim, K, Hagen, F, Boekhout, T, Dromer, F, Varma, A, Kwon-Chung, KJ, Inacio, J, Colom, MF(2017)Fundamental niche prediction of the pathogenic yeasts Cryptococcus neoformans and Cryptococcus gattii in Europe.Environmental Microbiology19:4318-4325.ISSN: 1462-2912.doi: 10.1111/1462-2920.13915.(Impact factor, Quartile: 5.395, Q1).

Gaseous emissions and modification of slurry composition during storage and after field application: Effect of slurry additives and mechanical separation.
Owusu-Twum, MY, Polastre, A, Subedi, R, Santos, AS, Ferreira, LMM, Coutinho, J, Trindade, H(2017)Gaseous emissions and modification of slurry composition during storage and after field application: Effect of slurry additives and mechanical separation.Journal Of Environmental Management200:416-422.ISSN: 0301-4797.doi: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2017.06.004.(Impact factor, Quartile: 4.01, Q1).

Genetic diversity and structure of Iberian Peninsula cowpeas compared to world-wide cowpea accessions using high density SNP markers.
Carvalho, M, Munoz-Amatriain, M, Castro, I, Lino-Neto, T, Matos, M, Egea-Cortines, M, Rosa, E, Close, T, Carnide, V(2017)Genetic diversity and structure of Iberian Peninsula cowpeas compared to world-wide cowpea accessions using high density SNP markers.Bmc Genomics18:891.ISSN: 1471-2164.doi: 10.1186/s12864-017-4295-0.(Impact factor, Quartile: 3.729, Q1).

Genotype by environment interactions in cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp.) grown in the Iberian Peninsula.
Martos-Fuentes, M, Fernandez, JA, Ochoa, J, Carvalho, M, Carnide, V, Rosa, E, Pereira, G, Barcelos, C, Bebeli, PJ, Egea-Gilabert, C(2017)Genotype by environment interactions in cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp.) grown in the Iberian Peninsula.Crop & Pasture Science68:924-931.ISSN: 1836-0947.doi: 10.1071/CP17071.(Impact factor, Quartile: 1.804, Q1).

Grading of Portuguese Maritime Pine Small-Diameter Roundwood.
Morgado, TFM, Dias, AMPG, Machado, JS, Negrao, JH, Marques, AFS(2017)Grading of Portuguese Maritime Pine Small-Diameter Roundwood.Journal Of Materials In Civil Engineering29:4016209.ISSN: 0899-1561.doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)MT.1943-5533.0001721.(Impact factor, Quartile: 1.644, Q2).

Grapevine in a Changing Environment: A Molecular and Ecophysiological Perspective.
Gerós, H.; Chaves, MM.; Medrano, H. and Delrot, S.(2017)Grapevine in a Changing Environment: A Molecular and Ecophysiological Perspective.In: WILEY BLACKWELLISBN: 978-1-118-73605-0.URL:

High COX-2 expression in canine mast cell tumours is associated with proliferation, angiogenesis and decreased overall survival.
Gregorio, H, Raposo, T, Queiroga, FL, Pires, I, Pena, L, Prada, J(2017)High COX-2 expression in canine mast cell tumours is associated with proliferation, angiogenesis and decreased overall survival.Veterinary And Comparative Oncology15:1382-1392.ISSN: 1476-5810.doi: 10.1111/vco.12280.(Impact factor, Quartile: 1.819, Q1).

High COX-2 expression is associated with increased angiogenesis, proliferation and tumoural inflammatory infiltrate in canine malignant mammary tumours: a multivariate survival study.
Carvalho, MI, Pires, I, Prada, J, Raposo, TP, Gregorio, H, Lobo, L, Queiroga, FL(2017)High COX-2 expression is associated with increased angiogenesis, proliferation and tumoural inflammatory infiltrate in canine malignant mammary tumours: a multivariate survival study.Veterinary And Comparative Oncology15:619-631.ISSN: 1476-5810.doi: 10.1111/vco.12206.(Impact factor, Quartile: 1.819, Q1).

Histologic Evaluation of Regenerative Endodontic Procedures with the Use of Chitosan Scaffolds in Immature Dog Teeth with Apical Periodontitis.
Palma, PJ, Ramos, JC, Martins, JB, Diogenes, A, Figueiredo, MH, Ferreira, P, Viegas, C, Santos, JM(2017)Histologic Evaluation of Regenerative Endodontic Procedures with the Use of Chitosan Scaffolds in Immature Dog Teeth with Apical Periodontitis.Journal Of Endodontics43:1279-1775.ISSN: 0099-2399.doi: 10.1016/j.joen.2017.03.005.(Impact factor, Quartile: 2.807, Q1).

Histopathological and molecular effects of microplastics in Eisenia andrei Bouche.
Rodriguez-Seijo, A, Lourenco, J, Rocha-Santos, TAP, da Costa, J, Duarte, AC, Vala, H, Pereira, R(2017)Histopathological and molecular effects of microplastics in Eisenia andrei Bouche.Environmental Pollution220:495-503.ISSN: 0269-7491.doi: 10.1016/j.envpol.2016.09.092.(Impact factor, Quartile: 5.099, Q1).

HPV16 induces a wasting syndrome in transgenic mice: Amelioration by dietary polyphenols via NF-kappa B inhibition.
da Costa, RMG, Aragao, S, Moutinho, M, Alvarado, A, Carmo, D, Casaca, F, Silva, S, Ribeiro, J, Sousa, H, Ferreira, R, Nogueira-Ferreira, R, Pires, MJ, Colaço, B, Medeiros, R, Venancio, C, Oliveira, MM, Bastos, MMSM, Lopes, C, Oliveira, PA(2017)HPV16 induces a wasting syndrome in transgenic mice: Amelioration by dietary polyphenols via NF-kappa B inhibition.Life Sciences169:19-Nov.ISSN: 0024-3205.doi: 10.1016/j.lfs.2016.10.031.(Impact factor, Quartile: 2.963, Q2).