Name: André Ribeiro da Fonseca
Aggregation: Integrated Member
Scopus author ID: 23096859900
Orcid ID: 0000-0001-6792-8047
Ciência Vitae: 011C-918C-3219
Research Tasks
Challenges to Viticulture in Montenegro under Climate Change
Climate change implications on the viticulture geography
Evaluating the Effects of Parameter Uncertainty on River Water Quality Predictions
Future Agricultural Water Availability in Mediterranean Countries under Climate Change: A Systematic Review
Historic Changes and Future Projections in Köppen–Geiger Climate Classifications in Major Wine Regions Worldwide
Studies on Heavy Precipitation in Portugal: A Systematic Review
Vineyard Microclimatic Zoning as a Tool to Promote Sustainable Viticulture under Climate Change
Climate Change Impacts on Grassland Vigour in Northern Portugal
Climate Change Impacts on the Côa Basin (Portugal) and Potential Impacts on Agricultural Irrigation
Climate Change Trends for the Urban Heat Island Intensities in Two Major Portuguese Cities
Dynamic and Thermodynamic Drivers of Severe Sub-Hourly Precipitation Events in Mainland Portugal
Evaluation of historical and future thermal conditions for almond trees in north-eastern Portugal
Exposure of Portuguese viticulture to weather extremes under climate change
Susceptibility of Iberia to Extreme Precipitation and Aridity: A New High-Resolution Analysis over an Extended Historical Period
The Relationship between Land Surface Temperature and Air Temperature in the Douro Demarcated Region, Portugal
Unveiling the future of relict Mediterranean mountain peatlands by integrating the potential response of ecological indicators with environmental suitability assessments
Water quality predictions through linear regression - A brute force algorithm approach
Agricultural Water Security under Climate Change in the Iberian Peninsula
On the development of a regional climate change adaptation plan: Integrating model-assisted projections and stakeholders' perceptions
On the development of a regional climate change adaptation plan: Integrating model-assisted projections and stakeholders' perceptions
Tackling climate change impacts on biodiversity towards integrative conservation in Atlantic landscapes
Are land use options in viticulture and oliviculture in agreement with bioclimatic shifts in portugal?
Climate projections for precipitation and temperature indicators in the douro wine region: The importance of bias correction
Integrating ecosystem services into sustainable landscape management: A collaborative approach
The impact of a hydroelectric power plant on a regional climate in Portugal
Bioclimatic conditions of the Portuguese wine denominations of origin under changing climates
Current and future ecological status assessment: A new holistic approach for watershed management
A new very high-resolution climatological dataset in Portugal: Application to hydrological modeling in a mountainous watershed
Grapevine phenology of cv. Touriga Franca and Touriga Nacional in the Douro wine region: Modelling and climate change projections
Predicting hydrologic flows under climate change: The Tâmega Basin as an analog for the Mediterranean region
Recent and future changes of precipitation extremes in mainland Portugal
High resolution temperature datasets in Portugal from a geostatistical approach: variability and extremes.
Hydrological and flood hazard assessment using a coupled modelling approach for a mountainous catchment in Portugal.
Integrating water quality responses to best management practices in Portugal.
The impact of freshwater metal concentrations on the severity of histopathological changes in fish gills: A statistical perspective.
LivingSoiLL - Healthy Soil to Permanent Crops Living Labs
Coordinator / Cristina Carlos
Start date / 2024/06
Funding / European Commission - Horizon Europe
Reference / GA 101157502
Vine & Wine PT - Driving Sustainable Growth Through Smart Innovation
Coordinator / Jorge Dias
UTAD/CITAB Coordinator / Raul Santos
Start date / 2021/11
Funding / IAPMEI - PRR - Recovery and Resilience Plan / Mobilising Agendas
Reference / C644866286-00000011
SoilRec4+Health - Soil recover for a healthy food and quality of life (NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000083)
Coordinator / Ana Barros
Start date / 2021/04
Reference / NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000083
ALICE - Improving the management of Atlantic Landscapes: accouting for bIodiversity and eCosystem sErvices (EAPA_261/2016)
Coordinator / Jose Barquin
UTAD/CITAB Coordinator / Edna Sampaio
Start date / 2017/11
Funding / INTERREG Atlantic Area
Reference / ALICE ( EAPA_261/2016) I
PIAAC-TS - Intermunicipal Plan for Adaptation to Climate Change for Tâmega and Sousa (PIAAC-TS). Tâmega e Sousa Intermunicipal Community
UTAD/CITAB Coordinator / João Santos
Start date / 2017/11
Funding / POSEUR
Reference / POSEUR-08-2016-74