Name: Isaura Alberta Oliveira de Castro
Aggregation: Integrated Member
Scopus author ID: 7102400855
Orcid ID: 0000-0003-3082-4214
Ciência Vitae: 501C-EB39-6C1B
Phone: 259350910
Research Tasks
Adaptation to Climate Change in Viticulture: The Role of Varietal Selection—A Review
Exploring Seaweed and Glycine Betaine Biostimulants for Enhanced Phenolic Content, Antioxidant Properties, and Gene Expression of Vitis vinifera cv. “Touriga Franca” Berries
Foliar Application of Nettle and Japanese Knotweed Extracts on Vitis vinifera: Consequences for Plant Physiology, Biochemical Parameters, and Yield
Foliar application of nettle and Japanese knotweed extracts on Vitis vinifera: impact on phenylpropanoid biosynthesis and antioxidant activity during veraison and harvest of cv. Touriga Franca
Ascophyllum nodosum Extract and Glycine Betaine Preharvest Application in Grapevine: Enhancement of Berry Quality, Phytochemical Content and Antioxidant Properties
Cowpea Immature Pods and Grains Evaluation: An Opportunity for Different Food Sources
Organic farming production of broccoli genotypes in northern Portugal
The redundancy effect under morphogenetic and environmental fluctuations. The case of the Dianthus pungens group
The Role of Biostimulants as Alleviators of Biotic and Abiotic Stresses in Grapevine: A Review
Drought stress effect on polyphenolic content and antioxidant capacity of cowpea pods and seeds
Grapevine diversity and genetic relationships in northeast portugal old vineyards
Pervasive hybridization with local wild relatives in Western European grapevine varieties
The UCR Minicore: a resource for cowpea research and breeding
Iberian Peninsula cowpea diversity: chloroplast, microsatellite and morpho-agronomic variability
Root and Agro-Morphological Traits Performance in Cowpea under Drought Stress
Chitosan upregulates the genes of the ros pathway and enhances the antioxidant potential of grape (Vitis vinifera l. ‘touriga franca’ and ’tinto cão’) tissues
Evaluating stress responses in cowpea under drought stress
Genetic analysis of a white-to-red berry skin color reversion and its transcriptomic and metabolic consequences in grapevine (Vitis vinifera cv. 'Moscatel Galego')
Genetics and expression of anthocyanin pathway genes in the major skin-pigmented Portuguese cultivar ‘Vinhão’ developing berries
Screening of worldwide cowpea collection to drought tolerant at a germination stage
Speciation and periodic restricted environments. The case of genus Ononis L. (subsections Natrix and Viscosae)
Uncovering Northeast Portugal grapevine's varietal legacy
Berry color variation in grapevine as a source of diversity
Genetic diversity and core collection of Malus x domestica in northwestern Spain, Portugal and the Canary Islands by SSRs.
Molecular characterization of berry locus on the Portuguese CV. 'Fernão Pires' and CV. 'Verdelho' and theirs red-berried somatic variant cultivars.
Molecular characterization of berry skin color reversion on grape somatic variants.
Morpho-environmental strategies in the genus Ononis L. (subsections Natrix and Viscosae) in Western Mediterranean.
European cowpea landraces for a more sustainable agriculture system and novel foods.
Genetic diversity and structure of Iberian Peninsula cowpeas compared to world-wide cowpea accessions using high density SNP markers.
Spontaneous variation regarding grape berry skin color: A comprehensive study of berry development by means of biochemical and molecular markers.
Human-centric Digital Twin Approaches to Trustworthy AI and Robotics for Improved Working Conditions (AI4WORK)
UTAD/CITAB Coordinator / Isaura Castro
Start date / 2024/01
Funding / European Commission - HORIZON EUROPE
Reference / GA n. 101135990
RooPheLeg - Exploiting root phenotyping to select drought tolerant legumes
Coordinator / Márcia Carvalho
Start date / 2023/03
Funding / FCT - PTDC
Reference / 2022.01092.PTDC
Vine & Wine PT - Driving Sustainable Growth Through Smart Innovation
Coordinator / Jorge Dias
UTAD/CITAB Coordinator / Raul Santos
Start date / 2021/11
Funding / IAPMEI - PRR - Recovery and Resilience Plan / Mobilising Agendas
Reference / C644866286-00000011
Conservation and Selection of Old Vine Varieties
Coordinator / Elsa Maria Félix Gonçalves Start date / 2018/09 Funding / PDR2020 Reference / PDR2020-784-042704
BRESOV - Breeding for Resilient, Efficient and Sustainable Organic Vegetable production [GA 774244]
Coordinator / Ferdinando Branca
UTAD/CITAB Coordinator / Eduardo Rosa
Start date / 2018/05
Funding / European Commission - H2020 - SFS-2017-2
Reference / H2020-SFS-2017-2; GA 774244
Cherry cracking & mitigation strategies: towards their understanding using a functional metabolomic approach
Coordinator / Berta Gonçalves
Start date / 2016/06
Funding / FCT/FEDER
Reference / PTDC/AGR-PRO/7028/2014
INTERACT - Integrative Research in Environment, Agro-Chains and Technology
Coordinator / Rui Cortes
Start date / 2016/05
Funding / NORTE2020
Reference / NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000017
INNOVINE&WINE – Vineyard and Wine Innovation Platform
Coordinator / João Coutinho
UTAD/CITAB Coordinator / João Santos
Start date / 2016/04
Funding / Norte2020
Reference / NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000038
EUROLEGUME - Enhancing of legumes growing in Europe through sustainable cropping for protein supply for food and feed [GA 613781]
Coordinator / Eduardo Rosa
Start date / 2014/01
Funding / European Commission - FP7 - KBBE.2013.1.2-02
Reference / EUROLEGUME - FP7-KBBE-2013-GA613781
COST Action FA1003-GRAPENET - East-West Collaboration for Grapevine Diversity Exploration and Mobilization of Adaptive Traits for Breeding
Coordinator / Osvaldo Failla
UTAD/CITAB Coordinator / Isaura Castro
Start date / 2010/11
Reference / Cost Action FA1003