Anabela Afonso Fernandes da Silva Integrated Member


Advancements in Remote Sensing Imagery Applications for Precision Management in Olive Growing: A Systematic Review
Marques P., Pádua L., Sousa J.J., Fernandes-Silva A., (2024) Advancements in Remote Sensing Imagery Applications for Precision Management in Olive Growing: A Systematic Review Remote Sensing 16 (1324). ISSN: 20724292. doi: 10.3390/rs16081324.

Dynamics of radial sap flux density in olive trees subjected to different water deficit conditions
Fernandes-Silva A.A., Marques P., (2024) Dynamics of radial sap flux density in olive trees subjected to different water deficit conditions Acta Horticulturae 1 :15-22. ISSN: 24066168. doi: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2024.1409.3.

Effect of drought stress on olive leaf water status, biochemical composition, fruit oil content and olive oil quality
Fernandes-Silva A.A., Marques P., Aires A., Brito T., (2024) Effect of drought stress on olive leaf water status, biochemical composition, fruit oil content and olive oil quality Acta Horticulturae 1 :1-6. ISSN: 24066168. doi: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2024.1409.1.

Assessing the Water Status and Leaf Pigment Content of Olive Trees: Evaluating the Potential and Feasibility of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Multispectral and Thermal Data for Estimation Purposes
Marques P., Pádua L., Sousa J.J., Fernandes-Silva A., (2023) Assessing the Water Status and Leaf Pigment Content of Olive Trees: Evaluating the Potential and Feasibility of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Multispectral and Thermal Data for Estimation Purposes Remote Sensing 15 (4777). ISSN: 20724292. doi: 10.3390/rs15194777.

Assessment of UAV thermal imagery to monitor water stress in olive trees
Marques P., Pádua L., Sousa J.J., Fernandes-Silva A., (2023) Assessment of UAV thermal imagery to monitor water stress in olive trees Acta Horticulturae :157-164. ISSN: 24066168. doi: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2023.1373.21.

Effect of regulated and sustained irrigation on oil concentration and minor compounds of olive oil
Fernandes-Silva A., Boatto A., Brito T., Cruz R., Casal S., (2023) Effect of regulated and sustained irrigation on oil concentration and minor compounds of olive oil Acta Horticulturae :103-112. ISSN: 24066168. doi: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2023.1373.15.

Life Cycle Assessment for Soybean Supply Chain: A Case Study of State of Pará, Brazil
Brito T., Fragoso R., Santos L., Martins J.A., Fernandes Silva A.A., Aranha J., (2023) Life Cycle Assessment for Soybean Supply Chain: A Case Study of State of Pará, Brazil Agronomy 13 (1648). ISSN: 20734395. doi: 10.3390/agronomy13061648.

Brito T., Fernandes-Silva A., (2022) LIFE CYCLE ASSESSMENT FOR OLIVE PRODUCTION: A CASE STUDY FOR THE REGION OF TRÁS-OS-MONTES, PORTUGAL Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, Section B: Natural, Exact, and Applied Sciences 76 :526-530. ISSN: 2255890X. doi: 10.2478/prolas-2022-0081.

Marques P., Carvalho R., Fernandes-Silva A., (2022) PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT OF THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN PIGMENTS IN OLIVE LEAVES AND VEGETATION INDICES Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, Section B: Natural, Exact, and Applied Sciences 76 :517-525. ISSN: 2255890X. doi: 10.2478/prolas-2022-0080.

UAV Flight Configuration Impact on the Estimation of Dendrometric Parameters in Olive Trees
Marques P., Padua L., Fernandes-Silva A., Sausa J.J., (2022) UAV Flight Configuration Impact on the Estimation of Dendrometric Parameters in Olive Trees International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS) 2022-July :4384-4387. doi: 10.1109/IGARSS46834.2022.9884250.

Use of Plant-Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria and Mycorrhizal Fungi Consortium as a Strategy to Improve Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) Productivity under Different Irrigation Regimes
Laranjeira S., Reis S., Torcato C., Raimundo F., Ferreira L., Carnide V., Fernandes-Silva A., Marques G., (2022) Use of Plant-Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria and Mycorrhizal Fungi Consortium as a Strategy to Improve Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) Productivity under Different Irrigation Regimes Agronomy 12 (1383). ISSN: 20734395. doi: 10.3390/agronomy12061383.

A fruit growth approach to estimate oil content in olives
López-Bernal Á., Fernandes-Silva A.A., Vega V.A., Hidalgo J.C., León L., Testi L., Villalobos F.J., (2021) A fruit growth approach to estimate oil content in olives European Journal of Agronomy 123 (126206). doi: 10.1016/j.eja.2020.126206.

Inoculation of plant growth promoting bacteria and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi improve chickpea performance under water deficit conditions
Laranjeira S., Fernandes-Silva A., Reis S., Torcato C., Raimundo F., Ferreira L., Carnide V., Marques G., (2021) Inoculation of plant growth promoting bacteria and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi improve chickpea performance under water deficit conditions Applied Soil Ecology 164 (103927). doi: 10.1016/j.apsoil.2021.103927.

Leaf reflectance response to deficit irrigation in olive trees
Marques P., Canas L., Fernandes-Silva A., (2021) Leaf reflectance response to deficit irrigation in olive trees Acta Horticulturae 1327 :625-633. ISSN: 24066168. doi: 10.17660/ACTAHORTIC.2021.1327.82.

Regulated and sustained deficit irrigation: Impacts on yield components of olive trees
Fernandes-Silva A., Canas L., Brito T., Marques P., (2021) Regulated and sustained deficit irrigation: Impacts on yield components of olive trees Acta Horticulturae 1327 :261-268. ISSN: 24066168. doi: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2021.1327.34.

Olive tree physiology and chemical composition of fruits are modulated by different deficit irrigation strategies
Gonçalves A., Silva E., Brito C., Martins S., Pinto L., Dinis L., Luzio A., Martins-Gomes C., Fernandes-Silva A., Ribeiro C., Rodrigues M., Moutinho-Pereira J., Nunes F., Correia C., (2020) Olive tree physiology and chemical composition of fruits are modulated by different deficit irrigation strategies Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 100 :682-694. ISSN: 10970010. doi: 10.1002/jsfa.10064.

Vineyard and Olive Orchard Management to Maintain Yield and Quality Under Abiotic Stress Conditions.
Oliveira, M.; Fernandes-Silva, A. (2019) Vineyard and Olive Orchard Management to Maintain Yield and Quality Under Abiotic Stress Conditions. In: Kahramanoglu, I., Kafkas, N., Çömlekçioğlu, S. (Eds), Modern Fruit Industry. IntechOpen. doi: 10.5772/intechopen.85954.


LivingSoiLL - Healthy Soil to Permanent Crops Living Labs

Coordinator  /  Cristina Carlos
Start date  /  2024/06 Funding  /  European Commission - Horizon Europe Reference  /  GA 101157502

I-ReWater - Gestão sustentável dos recursos hídricos na agricultura de regadio no espaço SUDOE

UTAD/CITAB Coordinator  /  Anabela Silva
Start date  /  2024/01 Funding  /  INTERREG - SUDOE Reference  /  S1/2.5/E0136

SOIL O-LIVE - The Soil Biodiversity and Functionality of Mediterranean Olive Groves: A Holistic Analysis of the Influence of Land Management on Olive Oil Quality and Safety

UTAD/CITAB Coordinator  /  Joaquim Sousa
Start date  /  2023/01 Funding  /  European Commission - Horizon Europe Reference  /  Grant Agreement n.º 101091255

FruitCREWS- Fruit tree Crop REsponses to Water deficit and decision support Systems pplications

UTAD/CITAB Coordinator  /  Anabela Silva
Start date  /  2021/09

SustentOlive - Improvement of irrigation and fertirigation practices at olive farms in Trás-os-Montes for its the sustainability

Coordinator  /  Anabela Silva
Start date  /  2017/10 Funding  /  PDR2020 Reference  /  PDR2020-101-032186

LEGSEEDCOAT - Legume seed coating with beneficial microorganisms for increased productivity and resilience under climate change conditions

Coordinator  /  Rui Oliveira UTAD/CITAB Coordinator  /  Guilhermina Marques
Start date  /  2016/07 Funding  /  FCT/FEDER Reference  /  PTDC/AGR-TEC/1140/2014

INTERACT - Integrative Research in Environment, Agro-Chains and Technology

Coordinator  /  Rui Cortes
Start date  /  2016/05 Funding  /  NORTE2020 Reference  /  NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000017

Deficit irrigation on olive , in the region of "Terra Quente Transmonta" , to optimization water resources, productivity and olive oil quality

UTAD/CITAB Coordinator  /  Anabela Silva
Start date  /  2012/01 Funding  /  ProDer - Cooperação para a Inovação Reference  /  IrrigOlive

Efeitos da gestão do solo na produtividade e sustentabilidade do sistema vitivinícola duriense (GreenVitis)

Start date  /  2012/01 Funding  /  ProDer - Cooperação para a Inovação Reference  /  GreenVitis (ProDer PA 43879)

Estratégias de curto prazo para mitigação das alterações climáticas na viticultura mediterrânica (ClimVineSafe)

Coordinator  /  José Pereira
Start date  /  2011/04 Funding  /  Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia Reference  /  PTDC/AGR-ALI/110877/2009

OlivaTMAD - Redes Temáticas de Informação e Divulgação da Fileira Olivícola de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro

UTAD/CITAB Coordinator  /  Eduardo Rosa
Start date  /  2011/01 Funding  /  PRODER - Redes temáticas Reference  /  ProDer PA 14346

PromoAgro - Promoção da Competitividade Agro-alimentar

Coordinator  /  Eduardo Rosa
Start date  /  2010/10 Funding  /  CCDRN - ON.2 Reference  /  NORTE - 07 - 0162 - FEDER - 000042

Coberturas vegetais: a estratégia decisiva na gestão sustentável dos olivais de sequeiro

Coordinator  /  Manuel Ângelo Rosa Rodrigues (Instituto Politécnico de Bragança) UTAD/CITAB Coordinator  /  Carlos Correia
Start date  /  2010/03 Funding  /  FCT Reference  /  PTDC/AGR-AAM/098326/2008

WUSSIAAME - Uso da água, estratégias de sobrevivência hídrica e impacto de agroquímicos nos recursos hídricos em ecossistemas

Coordinator  /  Maria Isabel Ferreira (ISA, UTL) UTAD/CITAB Coordinator  /  Aureliano Malheiro
Start date  /  2010/02 Funding  /  Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia Reference  /  PTDC/AAC-AMB/100635/2008

Estratégias de rega deficitária em vinha – indicadores de carência hídrica e qualidade

Coordinator  /  Maria Isabel Ferreira (ISA, UTL) UTAD/CITAB Coordinator  /  Aureliano Malheiro
Funding  /  Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia Reference  /  PTDC/AGR-AAM/69848/2006