Name: Carlos Manuel Correia
Aggregation: Integrated Member
Scopus author ID: 56375691900
Orcid ID: 0000-0003-2482-7873
Ciência Vitae: C91B-FD1C-43CD
Research Groups
A Spray Foliar Containing Methylobacterium symbioticum Did Not Increase Nitrogen Concentration in Leaves or Olive Yield Across Three Rainfed Olive Orchards
A comparative physiological study of three red varieties in the Demarcated Douro Region
Assessing the Effect of Plant Biostimulants and Nutrient-Rich Foliar Sprays on Walnut Nucleolar Activity and Protein Content (Juglans regia L.)
Canopy and soil management strategies: Insights to overcome abiotic stresses in grapevine
Differential responses of photosynthesis, yield and soil properties 4 years after a single application of zeolites and biochar in a rainfed olive orchard
Ground Management Through Grazing in Rainfed Olive Orchards Provides High Olive Yields and Has Other Potential Benefits for Both the Soil and the Farmer
Methylobacterium symbioticum Applied as a Foliar Inoculant Was Little Effective in Enhancing Nitrogen Fixation and Lettuce Dry Matter Yield
Nitrogen Fixation and Growth of Potted Olive Plants through Foliar Application of a Nitrogen-Fixing Microorganism
Nitrogen-Rich Sewage Sludge Mineralized Quickly, Improving Lettuce Nutrition and Yield, with Reduced Risk of Heavy Metal Contamination of Soil and Plant Tissues
Omitting the Application of Nitrogen or Potassium Reduced the Growth of Young Chestnut (Castanea sativa) Trees, While a Lack of Boron Decreased Fruit Yield
Sewage Sludge Increased Lettuce Yields by Releasing Valuable Nutrients While Keeping Heavy Metals in Soil and Plants at Levels Well below International Legislative Limits
The Application of a Foliar Spray Containing Methylobacterium symbioticum Had a Limited Effect on Crop Yield and Nitrogen Recovery in Field and Pot-Grown Maize
Combining Zeolites with Early-Maturing Annual Legume Cover Crops in Rainfed Orchards: Effects on Yield, Fatty Acid Composition and Polyphenolic Profile of Olives and Olive Oil
Different LED light intensity and quality change perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) physiological and growth responses and water and energy consumption
Dolomitic limestone was more effective than calcitic limestone in increasing soil pH in an untilled olive orchard
Large Chestnut Trees Did Not Respond to Annual Fertiliser Applications, Requiring a Long-Term Approach to Establishing Effective Fertilisation Plans
Moderate Nitrogen Rates Applied to a Rainfed Olive Grove Seem to Provide an Interesting Balance between Variables Associated with Olive and Oil Quality
Olive Yield and Physicochemical Properties of Olives and Oil in Response to Nutrient Application under Rainfed Conditions
On Sandy, Boron-Poor Soils, Liming Induced Severe Boron Deficiency and Drastically Reduced the Dry Matter Yield of Young Olive Trees
Synergy between Zeolites and Leguminous Cover Crops Improved Olive Tree Performance and Soil Properties in a Rainfed Olive Orchard
Biochar and zeolites did not improve phosphorus uptake or crop productivity in a field trial performed in an irrigated intensive farming system
Cytogenetic and molecular characterization of almond trees treated with plant biostimulants or boron-based fertilizers
Excessive Delay in Nutrient Release by Controlled-Release Fertilizers Can Reduce Chestnut Yield
Photosynthesis, Yield, Nutrient Availability and Soil Properties after Biochar, Zeolites or Mycorrhizal Inoculum Application to a Mature Rainfed Olive Orchard
Pinus elliottii and P. elliottii x P. caribaea hybrid differently cope with combined drought and heat episodes
Processed kaolin particles film, an environment friendly and climate change mitigation strategy tool for Mediterranean vineyards
The Efficiency of Foliar Kaolin Spray Assessed through UAV-Based Thermal Infrared Imagery
Zeolites and Biochar Modulate Olive Fruit and Oil Polyphenolic Profile
A controlled-release fertilizer improved soil fertility but not olive tree performance
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi inoculation reduced the growth of pre-rooted olive cuttings in a greenhouse
Effect of plant biostimulants on nutritional and chemical profiles of almond and hazelnut
Effects of water and nutrient availability on morphological, physiological, and biochemical traits of one invasive and one native grass of a Neotropical savanna
Grey and black anti-hail nets ameliorated apple (Malus × domestica borkh. cv. golden delicious) physiology under mediterranean climate
Inorganic fertilization at high n rate increased olive yield of a rainfed orchard but reduced soil organic matter in comparison to three organic amendments
Kaolin application modulates grapevine photochemistry and defence responses in distinct mediterranean-type climate vineyards
Kaolin foliar spray improves olive tree performance and yield under sustained deficit irrigation
Optimising grapevine summer stress responses and hormonal balance by applying kaolin in two Portuguese Demarcated Regions
Particle film technology modulates xanthophyll cycle and photochemical dynamics of grapevines grown in the Douro Valley
Physiological, biochemical and molecular assessment of uv-a and uv-b supplementation in solanum lycopersicum
Phytochemical screening and antioxidant activity on berry, skin, pulp and seed from seven red Mediterranean grapevine varieties (Vitis vinifera L.) treated with kaolin foliar sunscreen
Use of commercial mycorrhizal fungi in stress-free growing conditions of potted olive cuttings
A review of the potential climate change impacts and adaptation options for European viticulture
Foliar pre-treatment with abscisic acid enhances olive tree drought adaptability
Mycorrhizal fungi were more effective than zeolites in increasing the growth of non-irrigated young olive trees
Olive tree physiology and chemical composition of fruits are modulated by different deficit irrigation strategies
Overview of kaolin outcomes from vine to wine: Cerceal white variety case study
The effect of nitrogen applications on the growth of young olive trees and nitrogen efficiency
Combined biochar and organic waste have little effect on chemical soil properties and plant growth
Drought stress effects and olive tree acclimation under a changing climate
Evaluating stress responses in cowpea under drought stress
Kaolin and salicylic acid alleviate summer stress in rainfed olive orchards by modulation of distinct physiological and biochemical responses
Kaolin, an emerging tool to alleviate the effects of abiotic stresses on crop performance
Responses of olive plants exposed to different irrigation treatments in combination with heat shock: physiological and molecular mechanisms during exposure and recovery
Salicylic acid increases drought adaptability of young olive trees by changes on redox status and ionome
Screening for drought resistance during germination of modern and old Iberian wheat cultivars
The effect of nitrogen fertilization on the incidence of olive fruit fly, olive leaf spot and olive anthracnose in two olive cultivars grown in rainfed conditions
The potential use of the UV-A and UV-B to improve tomato quality and preference for consumers
Zinc priming and foliar application enhances photoprotection mechanisms in drought-stressed wheat plants during anthesis
Different mechanisms of the metalliferous Zygophyllum fabago shoots and roots to cope with Pb toxicity.
Improvement of grapevine physiology and yield under summer stress by kaolin-foliar application: water relations, photosynthesis and oxidative damage.
Kaolin and salicylic acid foliar application modulate yield, quality and phytochemical composition of olive pulp and oil from rainfed trees.
Kaolin modulates ABA and IAA dynamics and physiology of grapevine under Mediterranean summer stress.
Kaolin particle film application stimulates photoassimilate synthesis and modifies the primary metabolome of grape leaves.
Kaolin particle film modulates morphological, physiological and biochemical olive tree responses to drought and rewatering.
Olive response to potassium applications under different water regimes and cultivars.
Olive tree response to applied phosphorus in field and pot experiments.
Salicylic acid modulates olive tree physiological and growth responses to drought and rewatering events in a dose dependent manner.
Seed priming with iron and zinc in bread wheat: effects in germination, mitosis and grain yield.
The role of nighttime water balance on Olea europaea plants subjected to contrasting water regimes.
UV-B radiation modulates physiology and lipophilic metabolite profile in Olea europaea.
Differential physiological and genetic responses of five European Scots pine provenances to induced water stress.
Kaolin particle film application lowers oxidative damage and DNA methylation on grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.).
LivingSoiLL - Healthy Soil to Permanent Crops Living Labs
Coordinator / Cristina Carlos
Start date / 2024/06
Funding / European Commission - Horizon Europe
Reference / GA 101157502
VineProtect - Ecological survey for biological management and protection of Mediterranean vineyards facing climate changes
Coordinator / Maria da Conceição Santos
UTAD/CITAB Coordinator / Lia-Tânia Dinis
Start date / 2022/03
Funding / PRIMA - Section II
Reference / PRIMA
Vine & Wine PT - Driving Sustainable Growth Through Smart Innovation
Coordinator / Jorge Dias
UTAD/CITAB Coordinator / Raul Santos
Start date / 2021/11
Funding / IAPMEI - PRR - Recovery and Resilience Plan / Mobilising Agendas
Reference / C644866286-00000011
T-LAMP: Turf Lighting Advanced Mobile Platform
UTAD/CITAB Coordinator / José Pereira
Start date / 2020/08
Funding / COMPETE - POCI
Reference / POCI-01-0247-FEDER-070057
SoilRec4+Health - Soil recover for a healthy food and quality of life (NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000083)
Coordinator / Ana Barros
Start date / 2021/04
Reference / NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000083
AgriFood XXI - Development and consolidation of research in the agrifood sector in Northern Portugal (NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000041)
Coordinator / Fernando Nunes
UTAD/CITAB Coordinator / Carlos Correia
Start date / 2020/09
Funding / NORTE2020 - Projetos Estruturados de I&D&I
Reference / NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000041
Clim4Vitis - Climate change impact mitigation for European viticulture: knowledge transfer for an integrated approach [GA 810176]
Coordinator / João Santos
Start date / 2018/09
Funding / European Commission - H2020 - WIDESPREAD-05-2017-Twinning
Reference / H2020-WIDESPREAD-05-2017
GO EGIS: Strategies for integrated soil and water management in nut species
Coordinator / Carlos Correia
Start date / 2018/04
Funding / PDR2020
Reference / PDR2020-101-030994
GO New management practices in rainfed olive orchards: strategies for mitigation and adaptation to climate change
UTAD/CITAB Coordinator / Carlos Correia
Start date / 2017/09
Funding / PDR2020
Reference / PDR2020-1.0.1-FEADER-032119
GO VITISHIDRI – Strategies for the management of water stress of the Douro Superior vineyards
UTAD/CITAB Coordinator / Aureliano Malheiro
Start date / 2017/03
Funding / PDR2020
Reference / PDR2020-101-031486
INTERACT - Integrative Research in Environment, Agro-Chains and Technology
Coordinator / Rui Cortes
Start date / 2016/05
Funding / NORTE2020
Reference / NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000017
Introduction of anti-hail screens in apple trees evaluation of side effects and economic impact
Coordinator / Malus (Soc. Agrícola Unipessoal)
UTAD/CITAB Coordinator / Carlos Correia
Start date / 2015/04
Reference / PRODER 54824
GoldCherry - Increase the Production of Quality Cherry
Coordinator / Berta Gonçalves
Start date / 2014/04
Funding / FCT - FEDER
Reference / ProDer nº 53626
Deficit irrigation on olive , in the region of "Terra Quente Transmonta" , to optimization water resources, productivity and olive oil quality
UTAD/CITAB Coordinator / Anabela Silva
Start date / 2012/01
Funding / ProDer - Cooperação para a Inovação
Reference / IrrigOlive
Efeitos da gestão do solo na produtividade e sustentabilidade do sistema vitivinícola duriense (GreenVitis)
Start date / 2012/01 Funding / ProDer - Cooperação para a Inovação Reference / GreenVitis (ProDer PA 43879)
Pinheiro Silvestre em Portugal: "extremo sudoeste" ou apenas o "fim?"
Coordinator / José Eduardo Lima-Brito
UTAD/CITAB Coordinator / José Louzada
Start date / 2011/01
Reference / PTDC/AGR-CFL/110988/2009
Coberturas vegetais: a estratégia decisiva na gestão sustentável dos olivais de sequeiro
Coordinator / Manuel Ângelo Rosa Rodrigues (Instituto Politécnico de Bragança)
UTAD/CITAB Coordinator / Carlos Correia
Start date / 2010/03
Funding / FCT
Reference / PTDC/AGR-AAM/098326/2008
WUSSIAAME - Uso da água, estratégias de sobrevivência hídrica e impacto de agroquímicos nos recursos hídricos em ecossistemas
Coordinator / Maria Isabel Ferreira (ISA, UTL)
UTAD/CITAB Coordinator / Aureliano Malheiro
Start date / 2010/02
Funding / Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Reference / PTDC/AAC-AMB/100635/2008
Early detection and management of abiotic stresses in olive
Coordinator / Eunice Bacelar
Start date / 2010/01
Funding / FCT
Reference / Bilateral Coop with Tunisia
Estratégias de rega deficitária em vinha – indicadores de carência hídrica e qualidade
Coordinator / Maria Isabel Ferreira (ISA, UTL)
UTAD/CITAB Coordinator / Aureliano Malheiro
Funding / Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Reference / PTDC/AGR-AAM/69848/2006