José Luís Penetra Cerveira Louzada Integrated Member


Name: José Luís Penetra Cerveira Louzada

Aggregation: Integrated Member

Scopus author ID: 6701880102

Orcid ID: 0000-0002-0991-1711

Ciência Vitae: DE1C-BDEA-AFDD



The importance of tropical tree-ring chronologies for global change research
Groenendijk P., Babst F., Trouet V., Fan Z.X., Granato-Souza D., Locosselli G.M., Mokria M., Panthi S., Pumijumnong N., Abiyu A., Acuña-Soto R., Adenesky-Filho E., Alfaro-Sánchez R., Anholetto Junior C.R., Aragão J.R.V., Assis-Pereira G., Astudillo-Sánchez C.C., Carolina Barbosa A., Barreto N.d.O., Battipaglia G., Beeckman H., Botosso P.C., Bourland N., Bräuning A., Brienen R., Brookhouse M., Buajan S., Buckley B.M., Camarero J.J., Carrillo-Parra A., Ceccantini G., Centeno-Erguera L.R., Cerano-Paredes J., Cervantes-Martínez R., Chanthorn W., Chen Y.J., Cintra B.B.L., Cornejo-Oviedo E.H., Cortés-Cortés O., Costa C.M., Couralet C., Crispin-DelaCruz D.B., D'Arrigo R., David D.A., De Ridder M., Del Valle J.I., Díaz-Carrillo O.A., Dobner M., Doucet J.L., Dünisch O., Enquist B.J., Esemann-Quadros K., Esquivel-Arriaga G., Fayolle A., Fenilli T.A.B., Ferrero M.E., Fichtler E., Finnegan P.M., Fontana C., Francisco K.S., Fu P.L., Galvão F., Gebrekirstos A., Giraldo J.A., Gloor E., Godoy-Veiga M., Guerra A., Haneca K., Harley G.L., Heinrich I., Helle G., Hernández-Díaz J.C., Hornink B., Hubau W., Inga J.G., Islam M., Jiang Y.m., Kaib M., Hassan Khamisi Z., Koprowski M., Layme E., Leffler A.J., Ligot G., Lisi C.S., Loader N.J., Lobo F.d.A., Longhi-Santos T., Lopez L., López-Hernández M.I., Lousada J.L.P.C., Manzanedo R.D., Marcon A.K., Maxwell J.T., Mendivelso H.A., Mendoza-Villa O.N., Menezes Í.R.N., Montóia V.R., Moors E., Moreno M., Muñiz-Castro M.A., (2025) The importance of tropical tree-ring chronologies for global change research Quaternary Science Reviews 355 (109233). doi: 10.1016/j.quascirev.2025.109233.

Assessing Treatments to Mitigate End-Face Cracking in Air-Dried Acacia dealbata Logs
Suazo-Uribe M., Salvo-Sepúlveda L., Rosales V., Montero C., Louzada J.L., Branco J.M., (2024) Assessing Treatments to Mitigate End-Face Cracking in Air-Dried Acacia dealbata Logs Buildings 14 (2090). ISSN: 20755309. doi: 10.3390/buildings14072090.

Forest in Mozambique: Actual Distribution of Tree Species and Potential Threats
Joaquim-Meque E., Lousada J., Liberato M.L.R., Fonseca T.F., (2023) Forest in Mozambique: Actual Distribution of Tree Species and Potential Threats Land 12 (1519). ISSN: 2073445X. doi: 10.3390/land12081519.

Impact of Fire Recurrence and Induced Water Stress on Seed Germination and Root Mitotic Cell Cycle of Pinus pinaster Aiton
Ribeiro S., Gaspar M.J., Lima-Brito J., Fonseca T., Soares P., Cerveira A., Fernandes P.M., Louzada J., Carvalho A., (2023) Impact of Fire Recurrence and Induced Water Stress on Seed Germination and Root Mitotic Cell Cycle of Pinus pinaster Aiton Forests 14 (78). ISSN: 19994907. doi: 10.3390/f14010078.

New Technologies for Expedited Forest Inventory Using Smartphone Applications
Sandim A., Amaro M., Silva M.E., Cunha J., Morais S., Marques A., Ferreira A., Lousada J.L., Fonseca T., (2023) New Technologies for Expedited Forest Inventory Using Smartphone Applications Forests 14 (1553). ISSN: 19994907. doi: 10.3390/f14081553.

The Influence of Rainfall and Temperature on Radial Growth of Urban Trees Under the Impact of Steel Industry Pollution
Castor Neto T.C., Lousada J.L.P.C., Fontana C., Moreira C.G., Latorraca J.V.d.F., (2023) The Influence of Rainfall and Temperature on Radial Growth of Urban Trees Under the Impact of Steel Industry Pollution BioResources 18 :4771-4789. ISSN: 19302126. doi: 10.15376/biores.18.3.4771-4789.

Growth Pattern of European Black Pine outside Its Current Natural Range: A Case Study in Portugal
Dias A., Louzada J., Fonseca T., (2022) Growth Pattern of European Black Pine outside Its Current Natural Range: A Case Study in Portugal Land 11 (794). ISSN: 2073445X. doi: 10.3390/land11060794.

Microscopic Identification of Anatomical Elements and Chemical Analysis of Secondary Nests of Vespa velutina nigrithorax du Buyson
Crespo N., Louzada J., Fernandes L.S., Tavares P.B., Aranha J., (2022) Microscopic Identification of Anatomical Elements and Chemical Analysis of Secondary Nests of Vespa velutina nigrithorax du Buyson Insects 13 (537). ISSN: 20754450. doi: 10.3390/insects13060537.

Tropical tree growth driven by dry-season climate variability
Zuidema P.A., Babst F., Groenendijk P., Trouet V., Abiyu A., Acuña-Soto R., Adenesky-Filho E., Alfaro-Sánchez R., Aragão J.R.V., Assis-Pereira G., Bai X., Barbosa A.C., Battipaglia G., Beeckman H., Botosso P.C., Bradley T., Bräuning A., Brienen R., Buckley B.M., Camarero J.J., Carvalho A., Ceccantini G., Centeno-Erguera L.R., Cerano-Paredes J., Chávez-Durán Á.A., Cintra B.B.L., Cleaveland M.K., Couralet C., D’Arrigo R., del Valle J.I., Dünisch O., Enquist B.J., Esemann-Quadros K., Eshetu Z., Fan Z.X., Ferrero M.E., Fichtler E., Fontana C., Francisco K.S., Gebrekirstos A., Gloor E., Granato-Souza D., Haneca K., Harley G.L., Heinrich I., Helle G., Inga J.G., Islam M., Jiang Y.m., Kaib M., Khamisi Z.H., Koprowski M., Kruijt B., Layme E., Leemans R., Leffler A.J., Lisi C.S., Loader N.J., Locosselli G.M., Lopez L., López-Hernández M.I., Lousada J.L.P.C., Mendivelso H.A., Mokria M., Montóia V.R., Moors E., Nabais C., Ngoma J., Nogueira Júnior F.d.C., Oliveira J.M., Olmedo G.M., Pagotto M.A., Panthi S., Pérez-De-Lis G., Pucha-Cofrep D., Pumijumnong N., Rahman M., Ramirez J.A., Requena-Rojas E.J., Ribeiro A.d.S., Robertson I., Roig F.A., Rubio-Camacho E.A., Sass-Klaassen U., Schöngart J., Sheppard P.R., Slotta F., Speer J.H., Therrell M.D., Toirambe B., Tomazello-Filho M., Torbenson M.C.A., Touchan R., Venegas-González A., Villalba R., Villanueva-Diaz J., Vinya R., Vlam M., Wils T., Zhou Z.K., (2022) Tropical tree growth driven by dry-season climate variability Nature Geoscience 15 :269-276. ISSN: 17520908. doi: 10.1038/s41561-022-00911-8.

Growth-defence trade-offs in tapped pines on anatomical and resin production
Garcia-Forner N., Campelo F., Carvalho A., Vieira J., Rodríguez-Pereiras A., Ribeiro M., Salgueiro A., Silva M.E., Louzada J.L., (2021) Growth-defence trade-offs in tapped pines on anatomical and resin production Forest Ecology and Management 496 (119406). doi: 10.1016/j.foreco.2021.119406.

Wood density and ring width in quercus rotundifolia trees in southern portugal
Sousa V., Silva M.E., Louzada J.L., Pereira H., (2021) Wood density and ring width in quercus rotundifolia trees in southern portugal Forests 12 (1499). ISSN: 19994907. doi: 10.3390/f12111499.

Ecophysiological study of sik impact on castanea sativa mill. Tolerance to drought stress
Carneiro-Carvalho A., Anjos R., Lousada J., Marques T., Pinto T., Gomes-Laranjo J., (2020) Ecophysiological study of sik impact on castanea sativa mill. Tolerance to drought stress Photosynthetica 58 :1078-1089. ISSN: 15739058. doi: 10.32615/ps.2020.030.

Heartwood variation of Eucalyptus urophylla is influenced by climatic conditions.
Almeida, M.; Vidaurre, G.; Pezzopane, J.; Lousada, J.; Silva, M.E.; Câmara, A.; Rocha, S.; Oliveira, J.; Campoe, O.; Carneiro, R.; Alvares, C.; Tomazzelo-Filho, M.; Figueiredo, F.; Oliveira, R. (2020) Heartwood variation of Eucalyptus urophylla is influenced by climatic conditions. FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT 458 :117743. doi: 10.1016/j.foreco.2019.117743. (Impact factor, Quartile: 3.107, Q1).

Large scale shrub biomass estimates for multiple purposes
Enes T., Lousada J., Fonseca T., Viana H., Calvão A., Aranha J., (2020) Large scale shrub biomass estimates for multiple purposes Life 10 (33). ISSN: 20751729. doi: 10.3390/life10040033.

Physical, chemical and mechanical wood properties of Pinus nigra growing in Portugal
Dias A., Carvalho A., Silva M.E., Lima-Brito J., Gaspar M.J., Alves A., Rodrigues J.C., Pereira F., Morais J., Lousada J.L., (2020) Physical, chemical and mechanical wood properties of Pinus nigra growing in Portugal Annals of Forest Science 77 (72). ISSN: 1297966X. doi: 10.1007/s13595-020-00984-8.

Portuguese Pinus nigra J.F. Arnold populations: genetic diversity, structure and relationships inferred by SSR markers
Dias A., Giovannelli G., Fady B., Spanu I., Vendramin G.G., Bagnoli F., Carvalho A., Silva M.E., Lima-Brito J., Lousada J.L., Gaspar M.J., (2020) Portuguese Pinus nigra J.F. Arnold populations: genetic diversity, structure and relationships inferred by SSR markers Annals of Forest Science 77 (64). ISSN: 1297966X. doi: 10.1007/s13595-020-00967-9.

Predicting the lignin H/G ratio of Pinus sylvestris L. wood samples by PLS-R models based on near-infrared spectroscopy
Alves A., Simões R., Lousada J.L., Lima-Brito J., Rodrigues J., (2020) Predicting the lignin H/G ratio of Pinus sylvestris L. wood samples by PLS-R models based on near-infrared spectroscopy Holzforschung 74 :655-662. ISSN: 1437434X. doi: 10.1515/hf-2019-0186.

Experimental and numerical analyses of wood boards joining using wood-pin connectors
Dourado N., Pereira F.A.M., Lousada J.L., de Moura M.F.S.F., (2019) Experimental and numerical analyses of wood boards joining using wood-pin connectors Construction and Building Materials 222 :556-565. doi: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2019.06.179.

Genetic characterization of Portuguese allochthonous populations of Pinus nigra using ISSRs and SCoTs and extrapolation of their infraspecific taxonomy
Dias A., Lemos M., Pavia I., Gaspar M., Silva M., Louzada J., Lima-Brito J., Carvalho A., (2019) Genetic characterization of Portuguese allochthonous populations of Pinus nigra using ISSRs and SCoTs and extrapolation of their infraspecific taxonomy Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants 25 :799-805. doi: 10.1007/s12298-019-00649-5.

Residual agroforestry biomass-thermochemical properties
Enes T., Aranha J., Fonseca T., Matos C., Barros A., Lousada J., (2019) Residual agroforestry biomass-thermochemical properties Forests 10 (1072). ISSN: 19994907. doi: 10.3390/F10121072.

Size-density trajectory in regenerated maritime pine stands after fire
Enes T., Lousada J., Aranha J., Cerveira A., Alegria C., Fonseca T., (2019) Size-density trajectory in regenerated maritime pine stands after fire Forests 10 (1057). ISSN: 19994907. doi: 10.3390/f10121057.

Thermal properties of residual agroforestry biomass of northern Portugal
Enes T., Aranha J., Fonseca T., Lopes D., Alves A., Lousada J., (2019) Thermal properties of residual agroforestry biomass of northern Portugal Energies 12 (1418). ISSN: 19961073. doi: 10.3390/en12081418.

Climatic signal in growth-rings of Copaifera lucens: An endemic species of a Brazilian Atlantic forest hotspot, southeastern Brazil.
Fontana, Claudia; Perez-de-Lis, Gonzalo; Nabais, Cristina; Penetra Cerveira Lousada, Jose Luis; Olmedo, Gabriela Morais; Botosso, Paulo Cesar; Oliveira, Juliano Morales (2018) Climatic signal in growth-rings of Copaifera lucens: An endemic species of a Brazilian Atlantic forest hotspot, southeastern Brazil. Dendrochronologia 50 :23-32. doi: 10.1016/j.dendro.2018.04.004. (Impact factor, Quartile: 2.055, Q2).

On the identification of earlywood and latewood radial elastic modulus of Pinus pinaster by digital image correlation: A parametric analysis.
Pereira, João Luís; Xavier, José; Ghiassi, Bahman; Lousada, José; Morais, José (2018) On the identification of earlywood and latewood radial elastic modulus of Pinus pinaster by digital image correlation: A parametric analysis. JOURNAL OF STRAIN ANALYSIS 53 (8) :566-574. doi: 10.1177/0309324718786351. (Impact factor, Quartile: 1.32, Q3).

Variation of Ring Width and Wood Density in Two Unmanaged Stands of the Mediterranean Oak Quercus faginea.
Sousa, Vicelina B.; Louzada, Jose Luis; Pereira, Helena (2018) Variation of Ring Width and Wood Density in Two Unmanaged Stands of the Mediterranean Oak Quercus faginea. Forests 9 (1). doi: 10.3390/f9010044. (Impact factor, Quartile: 1.956, Q2).

Within- and between-tree variation of wood density components in Pinus nigra at six sites in Portugal.
Dias, Alexandra; Gaspar, Maria J.; Carvalho, Ana; Pires, Jani; Lima-Brito, Jose; Silva, Maria E.; Louzada, Jose L. (2018) Within- and between-tree variation of wood density components in Pinus nigra at six sites in Portugal. Annals Of Forest Science 75 (2). doi: 10.1007/s13595-018-0734-6. (Impact factor, Quartile: 2.357, Q1).

Wood anatomy and growth ring boundaries of Copaifera lucens (Fabaceae)
Fontana, Claudia; Pérez-de-Lis, Gonzalo, Santini-Junior, Luiz;, Botosso, Paulo César; Nabais, Cristina; Tomazello-Filho, Mario; Lousada, José Luís (2018) Wood anatomy and growth ring boundaries of Copaifera lucens (Fabaceae) IAWA JOURNAL 39 (4) :395-405. doi: 10.1163/22941932-20170209. (Impact factor, Quartile: 1.903, Q2).

Differential physiological and genetic responses of five European Scots pine provenances to induced water stress.
Carvalho, A, Pavia, I, Fernandes, C, Pires J, Correia, C, Bacelar, E, Moutinho-Pereira, J, Gaspar, MJ, Bento, J, Silva, ME, Lousada, JL, Lima-Brito, J (2017) Differential physiological and genetic responses of five European Scots pine provenances to induced water stress. Journal Of Plant Physiology 215 :100-109. ISSN: 0176-1617. doi: 10.1016/j.jplph.2017.05.027. (Impact factor, Quartile: 3.121, Q1).

Physical, chemical and mechanical properties of Pinus sylvestris wood at five sites in Portugal.
Fernandes, C, Gaspar, MJ, Pires, J, Alves, A, Simoes, R, Rodrigues, JC, Silva, ME, Carvalho, A, Brito, JE, Lousada, JL (2017) Physical, chemical and mechanical properties of Pinus sylvestris wood at five sites in Portugal. Iforest-Biogeosciences And Forestry 10 :669-679. ISSN: 1971-7458. doi: 10.3832/ifor2254-010. (Impact factor, Quartile: 1.623, Q2).

Within and between-tree variation of wood density components in Pinus sylvestris at five sites in Portugal.
Fernandes, C, Gaspar, MJ, Pires, J, Silva, ME, Carvalho, A, Brito, JL, Lousada, JL (2017) Within and between-tree variation of wood density components in Pinus sylvestris at five sites in Portugal. European Journal Of Wood And Wood Products 75 :511-526. ISSN: 0018-3768. doi: 10.1007/s00107-016-1130-2. (Impact factor, Quartile: 1.802, Q2).


rePLANT - Implementation of collaborative strategies for integrated forest and fire management

Coordinator  /  Navigator Forest Portugal UTAD/CITAB Coordinator  /  Maria Silva
Start date  /  2020/07 Funding  /  COMPETE - FEDER Reference  /  POCI-01-0247-FEDER-046081

ResinPro: Understanding resin production in Pinus pinaster to maximize yield in a more sustainable way

UTAD/CITAB Coordinator  /  José Louzada
Start date  /  2018/09 Funding  /  FCT - FCT/FEDER Reference  /  POCI-01-0145-FEDER-031231

INTERACT - Integrative Research in Environment, Agro-Chains and Technology

Coordinator  /  Rui Cortes
Start date  /  2016/05 Funding  /  NORTE2020 Reference  /  NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000017

RESIMPROVE - Development of production processes and pine resin extraction to improve efficiency, rationalization and expansion of the activity

Coordinator  /  GIFF UTAD/CITAB Coordinator  /  José Louzada
Start date  /  2015/01 Funding  /  ProDer Reference  /  PRODER, Acção 4.1 - PRJ-57059

Estudo numérico e experimental de leis coesivas de juntas coladas em madeira

Coordinator  /  José Joaquim Lopes Morais UTAD/CITAB Coordinator  /  José Morais
Start date  /  2011/01 Funding  /  FCT Reference  /  PTDC/EME-PME/114443/2009

Pinheiro Silvestre em Portugal: "extremo sudoeste" ou apenas o "fim?"

Coordinator  /  José Eduardo Lima-Brito UTAD/CITAB Coordinator  /  José Louzada
Start date  /  2011/01 Reference  /  PTDC/AGR-CFL/110988/2009

Plasticidade fenotípica do pinheiro bravo a alterações climáticas

UTAD/CITAB Coordinator  /  José Louzada
Start date  /  2010/11 Funding  /  FCT Reference  /  PTDC/AGR-CFL/099614/2008

Informação Estratégica para a Fileira do Pinho.

Coordinator  /  Susana Carneiro (Centro Pinus) UTAD/CITAB Coordinator  /  Maria Silva
Start date  /  2010/06 Reference  /  INEF-PINUS (Acção 4.2.2, PRODER)

Manufacture of MDF panels with a blend fibers of Saccharum sp (cane sugar) associated with fibers of Eucalyptus grandis: anatomical characterization and physico-mechanical properties

Coordinator  /  Mario Tomazello UTAD/CITAB Coordinator  /  José Louzada
Start date  /  2009/01 Funding  /  CAPES-Brasil Reference  /  CAPES/GRICES (UTAD/USP)

Fire behaviour of reinforced timber elements

Coordinator  /  João Paulo Correia Rodrigues UTAD/CITAB Coordinator  /  José Louzada
Start date  /  2009/01 Funding  /  FCT + CAPES Reference  /  CAPES/FCT 251/09

Growth, biomass, carbon sequestration and wood properties of Eucalyptus grandis with mineral and organic fertilization

Coordinator  /  Mario Tomazello UTAD/CITAB Coordinator  /  José Louzada
Start date  /  2008/08 Funding  /  CAPES-Brasil Reference  /  CAPES/GRICES 206/08 (UTAD/USP)

Oakwoods: Propriedades da madeira de carvalhos portugueses para produção de produtos sólidos e compostos de madeira de valor elevado

Coordinator  /  Helena Pereira (ISA) UTAD/CITAB Coordinator  /  José Louzada
Reference  /  POCI/AGR-AMM/69077

Molecular Markers for Portuguese pine wood quality

Coordinator  /  Manuel Pedro Fevereiro (ITQB) UTAD/CITAB Coordinator  /  José Louzada
Funding  /  62563 € Reference  /  POCI/AGR/56658