Maria João Magalhães Gaspar Integrated Member


Name: Maria João Magalhães Gaspar

Aggregation: Integrated Member

Scopus author ID: 11239621000

Orcid ID: 0000-0002-2082-4205

Ciência Vitae: 1314-DE8D-82CA



Molecular Characterisation of Post-Fire Naturally Regenerated Populations of Maritime Pine (Pinus pinaster Ait.) in the North of Portugal
Carvalho A., Ribeiro S., Gaspar M.J., Fonseca T., Lima-Brito J., (2024) Molecular Characterisation of Post-Fire Naturally Regenerated Populations of Maritime Pine (Pinus pinaster Ait.) in the North of Portugal Fire 7 (88). ISSN: 25716255. doi: 10.3390/fire7030088.

Chemotaxonomic Differentiation of Pinus Species Based on n-Alkane and Long-Chain Alcohol Profiles of Needle Cuticular Waxes
João Gaspar M., Nunes J., Rodrigues M., Ferreira L., (2023) Chemotaxonomic Differentiation of Pinus Species Based on n-Alkane and Long-Chain Alcohol Profiles of Needle Cuticular Waxes Chemistry and Biodiversity 20 (e202300043). ISSN: 16121880. doi: 10.1002/cbdv.202300043.

Combination of Iron and Zinc Enhanced the Root Cell Division, Mitotic Regularity and Nucleolar Activity of Hexaploid Triticale
Carvalho A., Lino A., Alves C., Lino C., Vareiro D., Lucas D., Afonso G., Costa J., Esteves M., Gaspar M., Bezerra M., Mendes V., Lima-Brito J., (2023) Combination of Iron and Zinc Enhanced the Root Cell Division, Mitotic Regularity and Nucleolar Activity of Hexaploid Triticale Plants 12 (2517). ISSN: 22237747. doi: 10.3390/plants12132517.

Impact of Fire Recurrence and Induced Water Stress on Seed Germination and Root Mitotic Cell Cycle of Pinus pinaster Aiton
Ribeiro S., Gaspar M.J., Lima-Brito J., Fonseca T., Soares P., Cerveira A., Fernandes P.M., Louzada J., Carvalho A., (2023) Impact of Fire Recurrence and Induced Water Stress on Seed Germination and Root Mitotic Cell Cycle of Pinus pinaster Aiton Forests 14 (78). ISSN: 19994907. doi: 10.3390/f14010078.

Physical, chemical and mechanical wood properties of Pinus nigra growing in Portugal
Dias A., Carvalho A., Silva M.E., Lima-Brito J., Gaspar M.J., Alves A., Rodrigues J.C., Pereira F., Morais J., Lousada J.L., (2020) Physical, chemical and mechanical wood properties of Pinus nigra growing in Portugal Annals of Forest Science 77 (72). ISSN: 1297966X. doi: 10.1007/s13595-020-00984-8.

Portuguese Pinus nigra J.F. Arnold populations: genetic diversity, structure and relationships inferred by SSR markers
Dias A., Giovannelli G., Fady B., Spanu I., Vendramin G.G., Bagnoli F., Carvalho A., Silva M.E., Lima-Brito J., Lousada J.L., Gaspar M.J., (2020) Portuguese Pinus nigra J.F. Arnold populations: genetic diversity, structure and relationships inferred by SSR markers Annals of Forest Science 77 (64). ISSN: 1297966X. doi: 10.1007/s13595-020-00967-9.

Genetic characterization of Portuguese allochthonous populations of Pinus nigra using ISSRs and SCoTs and extrapolation of their infraspecific taxonomy
Dias A., Lemos M., Pavia I., Gaspar M., Silva M., Louzada J., Lima-Brito J., Carvalho A., (2019) Genetic characterization of Portuguese allochthonous populations of Pinus nigra using ISSRs and SCoTs and extrapolation of their infraspecific taxonomy Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants 25 :799-805. doi: 10.1007/s12298-019-00649-5.


RN21 - Innovation in the Natural Resin Sector to Strengthen the National Bioeconomy

Coordinator  /  Rogério Rodrigues UTAD/CITAB Coordinator  /  Maria Silva
Start date  /  2022/07 Funding  /  Fundo Ambiental - PRR - Recovery and Resilience Plan

GREENValue - Valorisation of Resource Generation in Natural Space

UTAD/CITAB Coordinator  /  José Laranjo
Start date  /  2022/07 Funding  /  COMPETE - REACT-EU Reference  /  POCI-07-62G4-FEDER-181589

BreedMartaínha - Improvement and multiplication of plant material of the Martaínha chestnut variety

Coordinator  /  José Angelo Pinto UTAD/CITAB Coordinator  /  Maria Gaspar
Start date  /  2021/10 Funding  /  PT2020 - Co-Promotion with the Industry: Territórios do Interior +CO3SO Conhecimento Reference  /  13/SI/202

rePLANT - Implementation of collaborative strategies for integrated forest and fire management

Coordinator  /  Navigator Forest Portugal UTAD/CITAB Coordinator  /  Maria Silva
Start date  /  2020/07 Funding  /  COMPETE - FEDER Reference  /  POCI-01-0247-FEDER-046081

TranCastNut - Contribution to the development of the chestnut value chain in the municipality of Trancoso

Coordinator  /  José Laranjo
Start date  /  2019/01 Funding  /  Municipality of Trancoso

FlowerCAST- Characterization of genetic and and environmental determinants involved in reproductive development of Castanea sativa

Coordinator  /  Manuela Costa UTAD/CITAB Coordinator  /  José Laranjo
Start date  /  2018/10 Funding  /  FCT/FEDER Reference  /  POCI-01-0145-FEDER-027980

AguiarCast - "Incremento da produtividade dos soutos do concelho de Aguiar da Beira

Coordinator  /  José Laranjo
Start date  /  2015/02

RESIMPROVE - Development of production processes and pine resin extraction to improve efficiency, rationalization and expansion of the activity

Coordinator  /  GIFF UTAD/CITAB Coordinator  /  José Louzada
Start date  /  2015/01 Funding  /  ProDer Reference  /  PRODER, Acção 4.1 - PRJ-57059

Pinheiro Silvestre em Portugal: "extremo sudoeste" ou apenas o "fim?"

Coordinator  /  José Eduardo Lima-Brito UTAD/CITAB Coordinator  /  José Louzada
Start date  /  2011/01 Reference  /  PTDC/AGR-CFL/110988/2009