All Projects

ALICE - Improving the management of Atlantic Landscapes: accouting for bIodiversity and eCosystem sErvices (EAPA_261/2016)

Coordinator  /  Jose Barquin UTAD/CITAB Coordinator  /  Edna Sampaio
Start date  /  2017/11 Funding  /  INTERREG Atlantic Area Reference  /  ALICE ( EAPA_261/2016) I

Outcome Action Plan: Reduce the impact of water abstraction and unsustainable water infrastructure on river basins biodiversity and functioning - Douro

UTAD/CITAB Coordinator  /  Rui Cortes
Start date  /  2017/10 Funding  /  MAVA _Fondation pour la Natur - M1M2- Ensuring integrated management of river basins

FLUMEN DURIUS - Promotion and valorization of the tourist resources of Douro river

Coordinator  /  Pablo Durán Campos UTAD/CITAB Coordinator  /  Maria Moreira
Start date  /  2017/07 Funding  /  INTERREG - POCTEP (Spain - Portugal) Reference  /  INTEREG POCTEP 0067_FLUMEN_DURIUS_2_E

Atlantic-Geoparks - Transnational Promotion and Cooperation of the Atlantic Geoparks for sustainable development

Coordinator  /  Artur Agostinho de Abreu e Sá UTAD/CITAB Coordinator  /  Ronaldo Gabriel
Start date  /  2017/06 Funding  /  INTERREG Atlantic Area Reference  /  INTERREG ref - EAPA_250/2016

UNI+i - Transboundary Cooperation Northern of Portugal- Castilla and Léon for the promotion of innovative entrepreneurship and business competitiveness

Coordinator  /  Maria Moreira
Start date  /  2017/05 Funding  /  INTERREG - POCTEP (Spain - Portugal) Reference  /  INTERREG POCTEP 0050_UNI_PLUS_I_2_P

ECO-GATE: European COrridors for natural GAs Transport Efficiency

Coordinator  /  Javier Dufour UTAD/CITAB Coordinator  /  Amadeu Borges
Start date  /  2017/02 Funding  /  European Union Structural Funds - Connecting Europe Facility Reference  /  2016-EU-TM-0126-S

PAIRED - Magnetically and photochemically actuated bioactive nanowires for remotely controlled drug delivery

UTAD/CITAB Coordinator  /  Amélia Silva
Start date  /  2016/10 Funding  /  European Commission - ERA-NETS Reference  /  ERA-NET/0004/2015

Temperatures, ash and soil hydrology: predicting fire impact from plant traits - Ko-Tsah-To

Coordinator  /  Cathelijne Stoof UTAD/CITAB Coordinator  /  Paulo Fernandes
Start date  /  2016/09 Funding  /  European Commission - H2020 - Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships Reference  /  H2020-MSCA-IF-2015

Turbo-Sudoe - Development, validation and demonstration of a model based on a network of 'TRansference BrOkers' for a direct technology transference between R&D centres and companies in the SUDOE territory

Coordinator  /  Rubén Gallo UTAD/CITAB Coordinator  /  Eduardo Rosa
Start date  /  2016/06 Funding  /  Interreg SUDOE Reference  /  SOE1/P1/E0136

SCILIFE - Science in everyday life

Coordinator  /  Estelita Vaz (ECUM) UTAD/CITAB Coordinator  /  Ana Cunha
Start date  /  2016/05 Funding  /  European Commission - H2020 - H2020-MSCA-NIGHT-2016 Reference  /  H2020-MSCA-NIGHT-2016

Eurodairy - A Europe-wide Thematic Network on improving resource use efficiency in dairy farming (GA GA 696364)

UTAD/CITAB Coordinator  /  Henrique Trindade
Start date  /  2016/02 Funding  /  European Commission - H2020 - ISIB-2014-1 Reference  /  H2020 - ISIB-2015-1 GA 696364

IBERPHENOL- Cooperative research network in the field of polyphenols and their industrial applications (INTERREG 0377_Iberphenol_6_E)

Coordinator  /  Julián Rivas Gonzal UTAD/CITAB Coordinator  /  Eduardo Rosa
Start date  /  2015/10 Funding  /  INTERREG - POCTEP (Spain - Portugal) Reference  /  INTERREG 0377_Iberphenol_6_E

RES2VALHUM - Organic Residues Valorization: Production of Humic Substances

Coordinator  /  Maria Fernanda Proença UTAD/CITAB Coordinator  /  Rui Oliveira
Start date  /  2015/10 Funding  /  INTERREG Espanha-Portugal - FEDER Reference  /  0366_RES2VALHUM_1_P – INTERREG VA – POCTEP

SMARTAgriFor - Collaboration to develop a business plan for the Centre of Agriculture and Forestry

Coordinator  /  Eduardo Maldonado UTAD/CITAB Coordinator  /  Eduardo Rosa
Start date  /  2015/06 Funding  /  European Commission - H2020 - WIDESPREAD-2014-1 Reference  /  H2020 - WIDESPREAD-2014-1 GA 664599

COCHEVABRAS - Characterization and Evaluation of wild and cultivated Brassica

Coordinator  /  Ferdinando Branca UTAD/CITAB Coordinator  /  Eduardo Rosa
Start date  /  2015/04 Funding  /  ECPGRC Reference  /  LOA 15/031

MedWildFireLab - Global Change Impacts on Wildland Fire Behaviour and Uses in Mediterranean Forest Ecosystems, towards a « wall less » Mediterranean Wildland Fire Laboratory

Coordinator  /  Francisco Castro Rego UTAD/CITAB Coordinator  /  Paulo Fernandes
Start date  /  2014/10 Funding  /  European Commission - FP7 - FORESTERRA ERA­NET

NWRM - European initiative on Natural Water Retention Measures

Coordinator  /  Gonzalo Delacámara UTAD/CITAB Coordinator  /  Samantha Hughes
Start date  /  2014/01

CLIMATE-KIC – Innovating for low-crbon prosperity and climate resilience

Coordinator  /  José Luis Muñoz UTAD/CITAB Coordinator  /  Eduardo Rosa
Start date  /  2014/01 Funding  /  European Institute of Innovation and Technology

EUROLEGUME - Enhancing of legumes growing in Europe through sustainable cropping for protein supply for food and feed [GA 613781]

Coordinator  /  Eduardo Rosa
Start date  /  2014/01 Funding  /  European Commission - FP7 - KBBE.2013.1.2-02 Reference  /  EUROLEGUME - FP7-KBBE-2013-GA613781

Large-scale methane measurements on individual ruminants for genetic evaluations

Coordinator  /  José Pereira
Start date  /  2013/12 Funding  /  COST FP7 Reference  /  COST FA 1302

Florestas mistas da Europa. Integrando Conhecimento Científico em Gestão Florestal Sustentável (EuMIXFOR)

Coordinator  /  Mário Pereira
Start date  /  2013/02 Funding  /  European Commission - FP7 - FPS COST Action FP1206 Reference  /  FPS COST Action FP1206

InnoVine- Combining innovation in vineyard management and exploration of genetic diversity for a sustainable European viticulture

Coordinator  /  Dr Anne-Françoise Adam-Blondon UTAD/CITAB Coordinator  /  Hernâni Gerós
Start date  /  2013/01 Funding  /  European Commission - FP7 - FP7-KBBE-2012-6 Reference  /  FP7-KBBE-2012-6

ADAPTACLIMA II - Adaptation to Climate Change in SUDOE

UTAD/CITAB Coordinator  /  Ronaldo Gabriel
Start date  /  2012/11 Funding  /  INTERREG - SUDOE Reference  /  SUDOE "SOE3/P2/E477"

Qualityfruit - An integrated systems approach to determine the developmental mechanisms controlling fleshyfruit quality in tomato and grapevine"

Coordinator  /  Prof. Mondher BOUZAYEN (FR) UTAD/CITAB Coordinator  /  Hernâni Gerós
Start date  /  2012/04 Funding  /  European Commission - FP7 - COST FA1106 Reference  /  COST FA1106

ReUseWaste - Recovery and Use of Nutrients, Energy and Organic Matter from Animal Waste [GA 289887]

Coordinator  /  Lars Stoumann Jensen UTAD/CITAB Coordinator  /  Henrique Trindade
Start date  /  2012/01 Funding  /  European Commission - FP7 - Marie Curie Actions—Initial Training Networks (ITN) Reference  /  FP7-PEOPLE-2011-ITN - Project no. 289887

MARCADUERO "MARCA DUERO DURADERO: Sustainability, Quality and Promotion

UTAD/CITAB Coordinator  /  Ronaldo Gabriel
Start date  /  2011/06 Funding  /  INTERREG POCTEP Reference  /  0363_MARCADUERO_2_E

Computer Vision for UAV

Coordinator  /  Pascual Campoy UTAD/CITAB Coordinator  /  Pedro Pinto
Start date  /  2011/01 Funding  /  Plan Nacional de I + D + i 2008-2011. Ministerio de Ciencia y Innovación. Spain Reference  /  DPI2010-20751-C02-01

New Information Representation and Aggregation Model using Fuzzy Sets Extensions. Applications.

Coordinator  /  Humberto Bustince UTAD/CITAB Coordinator  /  Pedro Pinto
Start date  /  2011/01 Funding  /  Plan Nacional de I + D + i 2010-2012. Ministerio de Ciencia y Innovación. Spain Reference  /  TIN2007-65981

MODEM_IVM: A Web-based System for real-time Monitoring and Decision Making for Integrated Vineyard Management

UTAD/CITAB Coordinator  /  Manuel Oliveira
Start date  /  2011/01 Funding  /  European Commission - FP7 Reference  /  FP7-SME-2010-1

FENIX - Finding regional environmental life cycle information on packaging waste management through flexible software tools and databases.

UTAD/CITAB Coordinator  /  Carlos Teixeira
Start date  /  2011/01 Funding  /  European Commission - LIFE Reference  /  LIFE08 ENV/E/000135