Name: Paulo Alexandre Martins Fernandes
Aggregation: Integrated Member
Scopus author ID: 23975419800
Orcid ID: 0000-0003-0336-4398
Ciência Vitae: C91F-80E8-9E39
Research Tasks
Global Synthesis of Quantification of Fire Behaviour Characteristics in Forests and Shrublands: Recent Progress
The Use of Vegetation Fire in Portugal: Historical Legislative and Normative Analysis
Unlocking the potential of Airborne LiDAR for direct assessment of fuel bulk density and load distributions for wildfire hazard mapping
A remote sensing assessment of oak forest recovery after postfire restoration
Assessing changes in global fire regimes
Enhanced post-wildfire vegetation recovery in prescribed-burnt Mediterranean shrubland: A regional assessment
Enhancing Sustainability and Yield in Maritime Pine Forests: Evaluating Silvicultural Models for Natural Regeneration
Field-based generic empirical flame length-fireline intensity relationships for wildland surface fires
Fire suppression and land-use strategies drive future dynamics of an invasive plant in a fire-prone mountain area under climate change
Linking crown fire likelihood with post-fire spectral variability in Mediterranean fire-prone ecosystems
Megafire: An ambiguous and emotive term best avoided by science
Prescribed burning mitigates the severity of subsequent wildfires in Mediterranean shrublands
State of Wildfires 2023-2024
Ungulates mitigate the effects of drought and shrub encroachment on the fire hazard of Mediterranean oak woodlands
VPD-based models of dead fine fuel moisture provide best estimates in a global dataset
Will fire-smart landscape management buffer the effects of climate and land-use changes on fire regimes?
A method to produce a flexible and customized fuel models dataset
A Planning Model for Fire-Resilient Landscapes in Portugal Is Riddled with Fallacies: A Critical Review of “FIRELAN” by Magalhães et al., 2021
Caution is needed across Mediterranean ecosystems when interpreting wall-to-wall fire severity estimates based on spectral indices
Characterization of biophysical contexts leading to severe wildfires in Portugal and their environmental controls
Comparing Forest Understory Fuel Classification in Portugal Using Discrete Airborne Laser Scanning Data and Satellite Multi-Source Remote Sensing Data
Drivers and implications of the extreme 2022 wildfire season in Southwest Europe
Drivers and Trends in the Size and Severity of Forest Fires Endangering WUI Areas: A Regional Case Study
Estimates of fine fuel litter biomass in the northern Great Basin reveal increases during short fire-free intervals associated with invasive annual grasses
First evaluation of fire severity retrieval from PRISMA hyperspectral data
Fractional vegetation cover ratio estimated from radiative transfer modeling outperforms spectral indices to assess fire severity in several Mediterranean plant communities
Impact of Fire Recurrence and Induced Water Stress on Seed Germination and Root Mitotic Cell Cycle of Pinus pinaster Aiton
Optimizing Wildfire Prevention through the Integration of Prescribed Burning into ‘Fire-Smart’ Land-Use Policies
Pastoral Burning and Its Contribution to the Fire Regime of Alto Minho, Portugal
Public funding constrains effective postfire emergency restoration in Portugal
Remains of traditional fire use in Portugal: A historical analysis
Stakeholder perceptions of wildfire management strategies as nature-based solutions in two Iberian biosphere reserves
The effect of broadleaf forests in wildfire mitigation in the WUI – A simulation study
The effectiveness of past wildfire at limiting reburning is short-lived in a Mediterranean humid climate
The Portuguese Large Wildfire Spread database (PT-FireSprd)
The REMAINS R-package: Paving the way for fire-landscape modeling and management
Unraveling the Effect of Fire Seasonality on Fire-Preferred Fuel Types and Dynamics in Alto Minho, Portugal (2000–2018)
Using Pre-Fire High Point Cloud Density LiDAR Data to Predict Fire Severity in Central Portugal
Vegetation recovery drivers at short-term after fire are plant community-dependent in mediterranean burned landscapes
Climate regulation ecosystem services and biodiversity conservation are enhanced differently by climate-and fire-smart landscape management
Climate- and fire-smart landscape scenarios call for redesigning protection regimes to achieve multiple management goals
Evaluating the effect of prescribed burning on the reduction of wildfire extent in Portugal
Evidence for lack of a fuel effect on forest and shrubland fire rates of spread under elevated fire danger conditions: implications for modelling and management
Fine-tuning the BFOLDS Fire Regime Module to support the assessment of fire-related functions and services in a changing Mediterranean mountain landscape
Individual-Tree and Stand-Level Models for Estimating Ladder Fuel Biomass Fractions in Unpruned Pinus radiata Plantations
On the development of a regional climate change adaptation plan: Integrating model-assisted projections and stakeholders' perceptions
On the development of a regional climate change adaptation plan: Integrating model-assisted projections and stakeholders' perceptions
Pre-fire aboveground biomass, estimated from LiDAR, spectral and field inventory data, as a major driver of burn severity in maritime pine (Pinus pinaster) ecosystems
Searching for a COVID-19 effect on wildfire activity in Portugal but not finding it: A comment on Sci. Total Environ. 765, 142793
Short-Term Recovery of the Aboveground Carbon Stock in Iberian Shrublands at the Extremes of an Environmental Gradient and as a Function of Burn Severity
Unravelling the effect of climate change on fire danger and fire behaviour in the Transboundary Biosphere Reserve of Meseta Ibérica (Portugal-Spain)
Fire from the sky in the anthropocene
Survival of prescribed burning treatments to wildfire in Portugal
Understanding the impact of different landscape-level fuel management strategies on wildfire hazard in central Portugal
Assessing the drivers and the recruitment potential of Eucalyptus globulus in the Iberian Peninsula
Climate change impact on future wildfire danger and activity in southern Europe: a review
Evaluating the 10% wind speed rule of thumb for estimating a wildfire's forward rate of spread against an extensive independent set of observations
Sustainable Fire Management.
Trade-offs between fire hazard reduction and conservation in a Natura 2000 shrub–grassland mosaic
Wildfire management in Mediterranean-type regions: Paradigm change needed
(Wild)fire is not an ecosystem service
Analysing eucalypt expansion in Portugal as a fire-regime modifier
Developing allometric models to predict the individual aboveground biomass of shrubs worldwide
Effects of grazing on plant composition, conservation status and ecosystem services of Natura 2000 shrub-grassland habitat types
Farmland abandonment decreases the fire regulation capacity and the fire protection ecosystem service in mountain landscapes
Fire-severity mitigation by prescribed burning assessed from fire-treatment encounters in maritime pine stands.
Improving silvicultural practices for Mediterranean forests through fire behaviour modelling using LiDAR-derived canopy fuel characteristics
The role of weather and climate conditions on extreme wildfires
Ungulates mediate trade-offs between carbon storage and wildfire hazard in Mediterranean oak woodlands
Variation in the canadian fire weather index thresholds for increasingly larger fires in Portugal
Wildfire policies contribution to foster extreme wildfires
Climate-driven variability in vegetation greenness over Portugal.
Empirical Modeling of Fire Spread Rate in No-Wind and No-Slope Conditions.
On the fire-spread rate influence of some fuel bed parameters derived from Rothermel’s model thermal energy balance.
Portugal and Chile: Longing for sustainable forestry while rising from the ashes.
Regeneration of Native Forest Species in Mainland Portugal: Identifying Main Drivers.
Scientific support to prescribed underburning in southern Europe: what do we know?
Coupling fire behaviour modelling and stand characteristics to assess and mitigate fire hazard in a maritime pine landscape in Portugal.
Implications of future bioclimatic shifts on Portuguese forests.
On the reactive nature of forest fire-related legislation in Portugal: A comment on Mourão and Martinho (2016).
FIRE-ADAPT - The Role of Integrated Fire Management on Climate Change Adaptation for Ecosystem Services in Tropical and Subtropical Regions
Coordinator / Núria Prat-Guitart
UTAD/CITAB Coordinator / Paulo Fernandes
Start date / 2023/01
Funding / European Commission - Horizon Europe
Reference / Grant Agreement n.º 101086416
rePLANT - Implementation of collaborative strategies for integrated forest and fire management
Coordinator / Navigator Forest Portugal
UTAD/CITAB Coordinator / Maria Silva
Start date / 2020/07
Reference / POCI-01-0247-FEDER-046081
FIRElinks - Fire in the Earth System: Science & Society
Coordinator / Artemi Cerdà
UTAD/CITAB Coordinator / Mário Pereira
Start date / 2019/04
Funding / European Commission - H2020 - COST Action
Reference / COST Action CA18135
COST Action CA22164 - European Network on Extreme Fire Behavior (NERO)
UTAD/CITAB Coordinator / Paulo Fernandes
Reference / COST Action CA22164
PYROLIFE - Training the next generation of integrated fire management experts [GA 860787]
Coordinator / Cathelijne Stoof
UTAD/CITAB Coordinator / Paulo Fernandes
Start date / 2019/10
Funding / European Commission - H2020 - Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Networks ETN
Reference / H2020-MSCA-ITN-2019
FireSmart: Nature-based solutions for fire risk management and sustained provision of ecosystem services
Coordinator / Adrián Regos Sanz
UTAD/CITAB Coordinator / João Santos
Start date / 2019/07
Funding / FCT/FEDER
Reference / PCIF/MOG/0083/2017
ModFire - A multiple criteria approach to integrate wildfire behavior in forest management planning
Coordinator / Susete Maria Gonçalves Marques
UTAD/CITAB Coordinator / Paulo Fernandes
Start date / 2019/03
Funding / FCT/FEDER - Projetos de Investigação Científica e Desenvolvimento Tecnológico no âmbito da Prevenção e Combate de Incêndios Florestais - 2017
Reference / PCIF/MOS/0217/2017
OPEN2PRESERVE - Sustainable Management Model for Mountain Open Spaces with High Environmental Value
Coordinator / Rosa Canals
UTAD/CITAB Coordinator / Paulo Fernandes
Start date / 2018/03
Reference / INTERREG SOE2/P5/E0804
PIAAC-TS - Intermunicipal Plan for Adaptation to Climate Change for Tâmega and Sousa (PIAAC-TS). Tâmega e Sousa Intermunicipal Community
UTAD/CITAB Coordinator / João Santos
Start date / 2017/11
Funding / POSEUR
Reference / POSEUR-08-2016-74
Study Case about the Pedrogão Grande and Góis wildfires
Coordinator / José Miguel Cardoso Pereira
UTAD/CITAB Coordinator / Paulo Fernandes
Start date / 2017/09
Funding / Observador
Porto mountain range Park - preliminar studies and management plan
Coordinator / Teresa Andresen
UTAD/CITAB Coordinator / Paulo Fernandes
Start date / 2017/07
Temperatures, ash and soil hydrology: predicting fire impact from plant traits - Ko-Tsah-To
Coordinator / Cathelijne Stoof
UTAD/CITAB Coordinator / Paulo Fernandes
Start date / 2016/09
Funding / European Commission - H2020 - Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships
Reference / H2020-MSCA-IF-2015
BONFIRE - gloBal-scale analysis and mOdelliNg of FIRE behaviour potential
Coordinator / Paulo Fernandes
Start date / 2016/07
Funding / FCT/FEDER
Reference / PTDC/AAG-MAA/2656/2014
MedWildFireLab - Global Change Impacts on Wildland Fire Behaviour and Uses in Mediterranean Forest Ecosystems, towards a « wall less » Mediterranean Wildland Fire Laboratory
Coordinator / Francisco Castro Rego
UTAD/CITAB Coordinator / Paulo Fernandes
Start date / 2014/10
Funding / European Commission - FP7 - FORESTERRA ERANET
FIREGLOBULUS – Utilização de fogo controlado em eucaliptal
Coordinator / Carlos Loureiro
UTAD/CITAB Coordinator / Paulo Fernandes
Start date / 2011/09
Funding / AdI (QREN - I&D em Co-promoção)
Reference / Candidatura n.º 21555
FIRE-ENGINE - Desenho Flexível de Sistemas de Gestão de Fogos Florestais
Coordinator / João Claro
UTAD/CITAB Coordinator / Paulo Fernandes
Start date / 2011/03
Funding / 196.217,00
Reference / MIT/FSE/0064/2009
ForeStake - O papel dos agentes locais no sucesso da política florestal em áreas afectadas por incêndios em Portugal
Coordinator / Celeste Coelho
UTAD/CITAB Coordinator / Paulo Fernandes
Start date / 2010/04
Funding / FCT
Reference / PTDC/AGR-CFL/099970/2008
Rede em fogo controlado: oportunidades, eficiência e constrangimentos para a gestão do território em contexto de alterações globais (NetBurn-Acção COST)
Coordinator / Pere Casals
UTAD/CITAB Coordinator / Paulo Fernandes
Start date / 2007/01
Post-fire Forest Management in Southern Europe
Coordinator / Francisco Moreira
UTAD/CITAB Coordinator / Paulo Fernandes
Funding / 90.000€ (Global)
European Forest Institute Project Center on Fire Ecology and Post-Fire Management
Coordinator / Francisco Moreira
UTAD/CITAB Coordinator / Paulo Fernandes
Funding / Network activities funded by national projects
FIRE PARADOX an Innovative Approach of Integrated Wildland Fire Management Regulating the Wildfire Problem by the Wise Use of Fire: Solving the Fire Paradox
Coordinator / Francisco C. Rego
UTAD/CITAB Coordinator / Paulo Fernandes
Funding / FP6 programme. 13 M€, 502.802 € for UTAD
Factores que afectam a variabilidade da regeneração natural pós-fogo em Pinus pinaster e Eucalyptus globulus em Portugal: implicações para a biodiversidade e gestão pós-fogo
Coordinator / Francisco Moreira
UTAD/CITAB Coordinator / Paulo Fernandes
Funding / 116.123,00
Reference / PTDC/AGR-CFL/099420/2008
Papel regulador dos azinhais na propagação de incêndios florestais: definição de medidas de ordenamento e gestão à escala da paisagem
Coordinator / João Azevedo
UTAD/CITAB Coordinator / Paulo Fernandes
Funding / Acções Específicas de Investigação Aplicada, Demonstração e Experimentação do Fundo Florestal Permanente