Prof. José Laranjo is the new Coordinator of EuroCastane...

EuroCastanea is the representative structure of the chestnut value chain at E...

CITAB received the visit of students from Castelo de Paiva

9th grade students from Agrupamento de Escolas do Couto Mineiro do Pejão vis...

2018 newsletter already available!

Issue 10 is online.

Dr. Alfredo Aires as new member of the Advisory Board of ...

CITAB researcher Alfredo Aires was invited for the Advisory Board of the pres...

Science & Technology Week 2018 - CITAB at Schools!

In the Science and Technology Week 2018, CITAB went to primary and secondary ...

FCT Evaluation Panel visits CITAB

The International evaluation panel from FCT visited CITAB on the 17th October...

CITAB researcher selected in highly competitive FCT call

Post-Doc Hélder Fraga selected in FCT "Individual Call to Scientific Employm...

Best Communication award

CITAB Director Ana Barros awarded with the Best Communication Prize in Euros...

Spin-off company Spawnfoam distinguished by the European ...

CITAB's spin-off company, Spawnfoam, is one of the 8 Portuguese SMEs that int...