All Projects

LivingSoiLL - Healthy Soil to Permanent Crops Living Labs

Coordinator  /  Cristina Carlos
Start date  /  2024/06 Funding  /  European Commission - Horizon Europe Reference  /  GA 101157502

Human-centric Digital Twin Approaches to Trustworthy AI and Robotics for Improved Working Conditions (AI4WORK)

UTAD/CITAB Coordinator  /  Isaura Castro
Start date  /  2024/01 Funding  /  European Commission - HORIZON EUROPE Reference  /  GA n. 101135990

I-ReWater - Gestão sustentável dos recursos hídricos na agricultura de regadio no espaço SUDOE

UTAD/CITAB Coordinator  /  Anabela Silva
Start date  /  2024/01 Funding  /  INTERREG - SUDOE Reference  /  S1/2.5/E0136

ECOSPHEREWINES - Melhoria dos serviços ecossistémicos e das infraestruturas verdes em zonas vitivinícolas de elevado valor ecológico

UTAD/CITAB Coordinator  /  Maria Gonçalves
Start date  /  2024/01 Funding  /  INTERREG - SUDOE Reference  /  S1/2.7/E0010

REFLORESTA - Technological and social innovation to improve prevention and accelerate recovery of fire-affected ecosystems and landscapes

Coordinator  /  Sergio Arjona Jiménez UTAD/CITAB Coordinator  /  Domingos Lopes
Start date  /  2023/09 Funding  /  EU - Interreg POCTEP Reference  /  0121_REFLORESTA_6_E

FAMOSOS - Farm Monitoring via real-time Soil Sensing

Coordinator  /  Iris Vogeler UTAD/CITAB Coordinator  /  Henrique Trindade
Start date  /  2023/05 Funding  /  EJP SOIL

WASTELESS - Waste Quantification Solutions to Limit Environmental Stress

Coordinator  /  Ana Barros
Start date  /  2023/01 Funding  /  European Commission - Horizon Europe Reference  /  Grant Agreement n.º 101084222

FIRE-ADAPT - The Role of Integrated Fire Management on Climate Change Adaptation for Ecosystem Services in Tropical and Subtropical Regions

Coordinator  /  Núria Prat-Guitart UTAD/CITAB Coordinator  /  Paulo Fernandes
Start date  /  2023/01 Funding  /  European Commission - Horizon Europe Reference  /  Grant Agreement n.º 101086416

MONTEVITIS - Integrating a Comprehensive European Approach for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation in Montenegro Viticulture

UTAD/CITAB Coordinator  /  João Santos
Start date  /  2023/01 Funding  /  European Commission - Horizon Europe Reference  /  Grant Agreement n.º 101059461

SOIL O-LIVE - The Soil Biodiversity and Functionality of Mediterranean Olive Groves: A Holistic Analysis of the Influence of Land Management on Olive Oil Quality and Safety

UTAD/CITAB Coordinator  /  Joaquim Sousa
Start date  /  2023/01 Funding  /  European Commission - Horizon Europe Reference  /  Grant Agreement n.º 101091255

ECONUTRI - Innovative concepts and technologies for ECOlogically sustainable NUTRIent management in agriculture aiming to prevent, mitigate and eliminate pollution in soils, water and air

Coordinator  /  Dimitrios Saavas UTAD/CITAB Coordinator  /  Henrique Trindade
Start date  /  2022/11 Funding  /  European Commission - Horizon Europe Reference  /  Grant Agreement n.º 101081858

Cost Action CA21145 - European Network for diagnosis and treatment of antibiotic-resistant bacterial infections

Coordinator  /  Mattia MORI UTAD/CITAB Coordinator  /  Maria Saavedra
Start date  /  2022/10 Reference  /  Cost Action CA21145

AGROSERV -Integrated Services supporting a sustainable Agroecological transition

Coordinator  /  Michel Boer UTAD/CITAB Coordinator  /  Mário Santos
Start date  /  2022/09 Funding  /  European Commission - Horizon Europe Reference  /  Grant Agreement n.º 101058020

LIFE FAGESOS - Phytophthora-induced decline of fagaceae ecosystems in Southern Europe exacerbated by climate change: preserving ecosystem services through improved integrated pest management

UTAD/CITAB Coordinator  /  José Laranjo
Start date  /  2022/09 Funding  /  European Commission - LIFE project Grants Reference  /  GA n. 101074466

VineProtect - Ecological survey for biological management and protection of Mediterranean vineyards facing climate changes

Coordinator  /  Maria da Conceição Santos UTAD/CITAB Coordinator  /  Lia-Tânia Dinis
Start date  /  2022/03 Funding  /  PRIMA - Section II Reference  /  PRIMA

CONFREMU - Conservation of freshwater mussels: a pan-European approach

Coordinator  /  Tadeusz ZAJĄC UTAD/CITAB Coordinator  /  Simone Varandas
Start date  /  2019/10 Funding  /  European Commission - H2020 - COST Action Reference  /  COST Action CA18239

FIRElinks - Fire in the Earth System: Science & Society

Coordinator  /  Artemi Cerdà UTAD/CITAB Coordinator  /  Mário Pereira
Start date  /  2019/04 Funding  /  European Commission - H2020 - COST Action Reference  /  COST Action CA18135

INTEGRAPE - Data integration to maximize the power of omics for grapevine improvement

Coordinator  /  Mario Pezzotti UTAD/CITAB Coordinator  /  Ana Barros
Start date  /  2018/09 Funding  /  European Commission - H2020 - COST Action Reference  /  COST Action CA17111

COST Action CA22164 - European Network on Extreme Fire Behavior (NERO)

UTAD/CITAB Coordinator  /  Paulo Fernandes
Reference  /  COST Action CA22164

FutureFoodS - European partnership for a sustainable Future of Food Systems

UTAD/CITAB Coordinator  /  Henrique Trindade
Reference  /  HORIZON-CL6-2023-FARM2FORK-01-9

ALICE 2.0 Improving the management of Atlantic Landscapes: accouting for bIodiversity and eCosystem sErvices

Coordinator  /  Pepe Barquin (IHCantabria) UTAD/CITAB Coordinator  /  Edna Sampaio
Start date  /  2022/02 Funding  /  Interrreg Atlantic Area Reference  /  EAPA_261/2016

DATI – Digital Agriculture Technologies for Irrigation efficiency

Coordinator  /  Alessandro Matese UTAD/CITAB Coordinator  /  Joaquim Sousa
Start date  /  2021/06 Funding  /  PRIMA - Section II Reference  /  PRIMA/0007/2020

AGreen'Smart - Make agriculture sustainable through smart farming

Coordinator  /  Florence Malaise UTAD/CITAB Coordinator  /  José Aranha
Start date  /  2020/09 Funding  /  European Commission - Erasmus+ Reference  /  KA203-D04DD1DA

PYROLIFE - Training the next generation of integrated fire management experts [GA 860787]

Coordinator  /  Cathelijne Stoof UTAD/CITAB Coordinator  /  Paulo Fernandes
Start date  /  2019/10 Funding  /  European Commission - H2020 - Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Networks ETN Reference  /  H2020-MSCA-ITN-2019

Atlantic-Positive - Conservation of Atlantic pollination services and control of the invasive species Vespa velutina.

Coordinator  /  Breixo Martins UTAD/CITAB Coordinator  /  José Aranha
Start date  /  2019/05 Funding  /  European Union - INTERREG - Atlantic Area Reference  /  EAPA_800/2018

TRIPLE-C: Capitalising climate change projects in risk management for a better AA resilience

Coordinator  /  Jean-François Berthoumieu UTAD/CITAB Coordinator  /  Ronaldo Gabriel
Start date  /  2019/04 Funding  /  Interreg Espaço Atlântico - FEDER Reference  /  EAPA_772/2018

Clim4Vitis - Climate change impact mitigation for European viticulture: knowledge transfer for an integrated approach [GA 810176]

Coordinator  /  João Santos
Start date  /  2018/09 Funding  /  European Commission - H2020 - WIDESPREAD-05-2017-Twinning Reference  /  H2020-WIDESPREAD-05-2017

BRESOV - Breeding for Resilient, Efficient and Sustainable Organic Vegetable production [GA 774244]

Coordinator  /  Ferdinando Branca UTAD/CITAB Coordinator  /  Eduardo Rosa
Start date  /  2018/05 Funding  /  European Commission - H2020 - SFS-2017-2 Reference  /  H2020-SFS-2017-2; GA 774244

OPEN2PRESERVE - Sustainable Management Model for Mountain Open Spaces with High Environmental Value

Coordinator  /  Rosa Canals UTAD/CITAB Coordinator  /  Paulo Fernandes
Start date  /  2018/03 Funding  /  INTERREG SUDOE Reference  /  INTERREG SOE2/P5/E0804

Dairy-4-Future - Propagating innovations for more resilient dairy farming in the Atlantic area (EAPA_304/2016)

Coordinator  /  André Le Gall UTAD/CITAB Coordinator  /  Henrique Trindade
Start date  /  2018/03 Funding  /  INTERREG Atlantic Area Reference  /  EAPA_304/2016